
LEFT in the USSA

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Joined the Local Union SEIU
We busted heads last night
On the way to protest for more taxing me
Got to keep my pension tight
I'm left in the USSA
You don't know what else to say boy
Left in the USSA, yeah

The Bill of Rights is barely still in place
Soon it'll be forever gone
Holder dismissed charges all because of race
Obama listens on the phone
I'm Left in the USSA
You won't have the freedom to say, boy
Left in the US
Left in the US
Left in the USSA

Well the pro-choice girls really do put out
Don't keep their face in mind
And Frisco gays make me sing and shout
And Obama's stutter on my uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh mind
Oh, come on
Hu Hey Hu, hey, ah, yeah
yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm left in the USSA
You won't have the freedom to say, boy
Left in the USSA

Well the ACORN thugs really knock you out
They leave votes cards behind
Did the Teleprompter lights just go out?
And Obama's stutter on my uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh mind

Oh, show me your wise Latina
judges way down south
Give illegals the right to vote
Let me hear your Air America ringing out
Turn on CNN when done
I'm left in the USSA
Hey, You won't have the freedom to say, boy
Left in the USSA
Oh, we'll take all your money

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A most equal song, comrade.

And posted almost simultaneously with my other Beatles-related story of old.

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I remember scratching this one on a bit of parchment the guards had missed during that first week in the gulag. I thought surely my time here would have been brief and my rehabilitation quite swift. Especially after this came to the attention of the esteemed Red Square...
Still I am amazed I wrote these words...