
News We Don't Have Time To Write About (archive)

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"This is for Paris" on bombs from Russia, "Return to sender" on American bombs from Obama

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Latest climate science discovery on eve of Paris conference: Obama is actually ancient space alien here on mission to save humanity from climate change at Paris conference!

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Democrats vow to burn the country down over Ted Cruz statement 'The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats'

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To the horror of TV viewers A Charlie Brown Christmas gets shot up on air by cartoon Islamists

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Liberal Prayers go unanswered as facts from the San Bernardino shooters prove them to be Obama's contained muslim jihadists and not NRA members.

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Obama calls for guns to be covered in gun burkas to prevent the wild passions of violent jihad

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In response to reaction to his most recent address Obama to address nation tonight to reassure the nation that he is actually sane

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Amaze your friends, buy new improved "Yes / No" magic Obama's Coin of History, always comes up on right side of any question, ask it anything

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Swiffer™ to send mops for the spilled tears of millions of genocidal muslim jihadists who failed to cross into the US before Trump's election.

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In The Wake Of Historic Electoral Loss, Chavistas Blame Not Being Able To Get Their Message Out

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Climate change conference solved biggest climate change problem: How often should we have climate change conferences?

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@ Margaret…
How about …. “Adobe's new “CC” photoshop includes preferences for Global Warming."

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Obama considered firing all congressmen but decided not to when it was pointed out that it would be very difficult to assemble another comparable group of such tractable yes men.

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Workers celebrate the next Leader Of The Free-Stuff World Bernie Sanders

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"Socialism will bring public schools to every child in every corner of America," promises Bernie Sanders

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Under socialism automobiles will no longer be just the playthings of the idle rich but will be for everyone. Vast networks of roadways will crisscross America for the enjoyment of all, promises Bernie Sanders

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The audacity of hope: Release scores of violent criminals incarcerated for gun violence one week, demand strong crack down on gun crime the next.

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Obama came to America to work the issues Americans just couldn't care less about

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Hillary campaign denies latest e-mail revelation is smoking-gun evidence, claims it's just smoking-circumstantial-gun evidence

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Study finds 1 out of 3 Sanders supporters is just as stupid as the other 2.

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Islamic Hippie Plans Peace Concert In Germany, To Sing 'Suicide Is Painless' (Europe)

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"Coal is being phased out," said president Obama on his moratorium on coal, "to be replaced by my favorite renewable resource, the taxpayer."

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Oscars to promote diversity by awarding every movie in existence

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"No, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or isn't telling the truth." BO 2009

"No, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or isn't telling the truth." BO 2010

"No, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or isn't telling the truth." BO 2011

"No, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or isn't telling the truth." BO 2012

"No, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or isn't telling the truth." BO 2013

"No, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or isn't telling the truth." BO 2014

"No, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or isn't telling the truth." BO 2015

"Gas under two bucks a galloon ain't too bad either." BO SOTU 2016 -- Listing his accomplishments.

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Super Bowl 50 Offers Clinton Foundation Princely Sum In Return For Hillary's Suicide Follow Through. ... icide-wat/

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Comrade Sovremennyy wrote:New Maxim: "If you see something, check your privilege before saying anything"

Thank you for the idea, comrade!

DHS: If you see something, you watch your mouth


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Martin O'Malley drops out of race after Iowa Caucus: shocks nation with revelation that he has been a presidential candidate.

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Trump's Presidential Campaign in Upward Spiral Competes with Tower by Same Name.

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"The trouble with capitalism is eventually they run out of oppressed workers labor to exploit," said moderate presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders

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Democratic Voters In New Hampshire Show The Nation Like They Did In 2008 And 2012 …How To Pick Up A Turd By The Clean End.

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Socialist Bernie Sanders wins New Hampshire. State motto edited to "Live FOR Free, or Die..."

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"You're a Hillary!" Children pull all stops in new school-yard war against liars.

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Hillary team warns voters the Bernie Sanders plans would increase government by over fifty percent. Sanders responds: "That's a good start."

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Due to Dem favorables to Sanders plans expanding government by over fifty percent Hillary announces her plans will increase government by over one hundred percent.

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"That's a good start," Sanders responds to latest Hillary challenge of increasing government by over one hundred percent. Promises to increase size of government by over two-hundred percent.

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"That's a good start," Hillary responds to latest Sanders promise to grow the government by over two-hundred percent. Calls and raises Sanders bid one thousand percent.

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Margaret - this Hillary/Bernie series of headlines could work as a separate story - maybe even as a graphic imitating newspaper headlines. Let's think about it.

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"Only the communists in Denmark wage Bernie Sanders style class warfare. His politics have nothing to do with Denmark."

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Due to campaign memo typo, Hillary to court "New Black Panties" vote.

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This day in history: Caesar announces to his army: "We will cross the Rubicon and save the Republic."

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Romney reads unused 2011 speech intended for Obama … 5 years late.

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A riddle: Hillary, Bernie, and Trump are all on the same plane. The plane crashes and they all die. Who wins the election?

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Electoral politics has all the excruciating urgency of needing to go to the bathroom right now with none of the relaxing relief upon pulling the lever.

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Sanders calls for end to institutionalized racism, then backs down when reminded Affirmative Action is the only institutionalized racism

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Bernie Sanders decries Romanian hoarding of world's supply of internet, "Internet is a vital ingredient in everything made;" demands world's supply of the commodity be pooled, fairly distributed

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Trump Inc sues Trump Inc for using Trump Inc's name

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...and then sues The People's Cube, America's most popular Left wing website, for calling him a bully.

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Donald Trump uses eminent domain to seize America's most popular left wing website The Peoples' Cube that called him a bully, renames it The People's Trump

"It's not that I love eminent domain," stated Trump. "Eminent domaine is a necessity for our country."

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Geo. Soros' Devastating Attack On Donald Trump!: “Not Going To Spend Another Dime!”

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"Capitalism has done a good job providing diapers for the rich but I envision a day when socialism delivers diapers to all Americans," promised Bernie Sanders

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Democrats compare every Republican to Hitler but back in the 1930s who did Democrats compare Hitler to?

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Che Guevara's son hopes Cuba's communism will rub off on U.S., has long list of people he thinks we should execute first

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Widows, Orphans Claim Responsibility for Terrorist Bombing

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If communism had a son he would look just like Barack Obama

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Europeans woke up today surprised to find that after years of denying there is such a thing as civilization but only different cultures, they no longer live in a civilized world but a world of fear, dread, and death

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Poll question: "How do you feel about Obama saying countries should just do what works?"

Most frequent answer: "Tarring, feathering, and riding Obama out of the country on a rail and never allowing him back in works for me. Let's give it a try and see if it works."

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Federal Reserve solves budget crisis after writing itself a 20 trillion dollar check

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"Capitalism is a rigged system. Walmart workers are underpaid and need government services for everything. I envision a day when the United States is like Cuba and everyone is underpaid and need government services for everything," said Bernie Sanders today.

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When asked to give an example of a socialist who is a undemocratic socialist Sanders could not think of one

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Our forces in Iraq won't come back until they've made the world safe for Barack Obama's legacy

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Women across the country cheer as racist Democrat president on $20 bill is replaced by black Republican

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"It's refreshing to see they will put Harriet Tubman, a black, gun-toting, evangelical Christian, Republican woman on the twenty-dollar bill.”

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For Dear Harriet: Old news still current: A Logician and a rhinoceros walk into a bar. The bar left.

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Exxon's climate research was so much better and further ahead of it's time than the government's that Exxon knew they were cooking the planet and lied about it for decades claim several State attorneys general.

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Just a note on the newest headline, it's spelled National Enquirer, not National Inquirer(Yes, comrade, but one is and the other isn't, it is better to be what isn't than what is in this case. For various reasons. -RR)

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New joke in Venezuela: What did socialists light their homes with before candles?

A: Electricity.

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New joke in America: What did free American's generate free power and water with before the WPA?

A: Windmills.

(WPA(Works Progress Administration) NOW called the WPA(Wind Power America).. poor Don Quixote… it wasn't about whether they were dragons… it was about whether they threatened OUR live-li-hood!)

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If a white woman singing an Indian song is cultural appropriation why isn't a man dolled up like a woman cultural appropriation?

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When confronted with the dictionary definition of Socialism most Socialists deny it

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The people of Venezuela celebrate May 1st with a big rolling back out from one end of the country to the other all day long

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"Communism is Bolivarian power plus the de-electrification of the whole country," said President Maduro at the May Day parade

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Japanese scientists discover oldest known depiction of Kilroy, Greenpeace readies bulldozers. ... 25594965=1

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GOP elite conceive of plan to take down Trump by endorsing him

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Liberal America has a joyous seizure as Elizabeth Warren tweets "I know you are, but what am I?"

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After explosive revelations of anti-Conservative bias, Facebook is compelled by the DOJ to become pro-Conservative and "right the past wrongs".