
Dear Leader Socks it to Putin

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From Jonah Goldberg on On April 12, The Wall Street Journal reported that the White House was still weighing requests from the Ukrainian government for other supplies such as "medical kits, uniforms, boots and military socks."
"You want to calibrate your chest-thumps," a senior military official told the Journal, explaining this step-by-step approach. "He does something else in Ukraine, we release the socks."

Now, imagine you are Vladimir Putin. You illegally sent Russian soldiers without military insignia into Ukraine (a major violation of the Geneva Conventions). You lied about doing so at the time (Putin has since boasted that he did exactly that). And your aide brings in the news that a "senior military official" of the United States has announced that if you take another step toward carving up Ukraine, the U.S. will be forced to give the Ukrainians the socks they've been asking for.

Call me crazy, but I doubt the response will be "Comrades! Call it off! We can't take the chance that the Ukrainians will have warm, dry feet when we invade Kiev!"

Oh, Comrades! I know it's subversive to complain but I would die for warm dry feet! I can't think of a better reason to invade a capitalist haven!

Dear Leader is the Sock Monkey Hero


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Obviously, you are nothing but a racist. "Sock Monkey Hero"? MONKEY? How dare you, sir?

While I would be the first to refer to that monumental sack of excrement, George Bush, as "Chimpy McHitler" in reference to his ape-like visage, and be the first to defend such a statement as a cogent, insightful, and pretty damn clever example of reasoned, civil political discourse, to try to make a joke about the saintly man who now inhabits the White House by using any reference to anything simian in any possible connection exposes you as a simple minded racist who just can't stand the fact that a person of color has achieved a position of authority.

Obviously, neither you nor the so-called journalist you quote actually have a valid citique to make and are merely seizing an opportunity to try to keep persons of color down with more of your hate speech.

You disgust me.

Oh, and by the way, "Sock" and "Sock Monkey" have now been added to the People's Lexicon of Forbidden Hate Speech. Both have been revealed as white racist code words. All future references to these highly offensive terms will be presented as "The S-Word" and "The S-Word and the M-Word."

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Ivan Betinov try to make a joke about the saintly man who now inhabits the White House.......

Comrade Betinov, if you think I'm joking, you have a rather bizarre sense of humour. This is a matter far too serious for digressions into frivolity. I, myself, know, from years in the beet fields, what a difference warm, dry feet can have on one's entire disposition.

Perhaps you woke on the wrong side of the jar, this morning. Does your brain ache? Maybe what's best is that we give you a couple of pain pills and repeatedly replay one of Dear Leader's oratory master pieces until the pain subsides.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:
Oh, and by the way, "Sock" and "Sock Monkey" have now been added to the People's Lexicon of Forbidden Hate Speech. Both have been revealed as white racist code words. All future references to these highly offensive terms will be presented as "The S-Word" and "The S-Word and the M-Word."

There's always and exception to the PC rule, comrade BIJ.


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Captain Craptek wrote:There's always and exception to the PC rule, comrade BIJ.

Indeed, Comrade Craptek. And the Clinton's are most certainly exceptional.