
Building a wall on the border is NOT Racist anymore!

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Saudi Arabia building 600-mile ‘Great Wall' to keep out Islamic State

Glorious news, Comrades! Our Mooslimic allies have seen the need to build a wall to keep workplace violence out of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia! More proof that Sharia is the answer, and the Religion of Peace says what questions may be asked (by men only).

Unlike the offensive and racist border fence proposed by the evil George Bush to keep oppressed undocumented workers from having a better life and retroactive birth control paid for, the Saudi wall will be peaceful and attractive, bringing glory and honor to Allah while keeping jihadi-tourism under control.

Clearly, there will be an opening of the floodgates each year during the Hadj when all true Mooslims make pilgrimage to Mecca, but as Mooslims are more honest than westerners, radicals will be asked to remain outside the wall by the honor system.

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This is most certainly unacceptable. New methods for border crossings must be developed, and digging is far too much work. It must have a catchy name, though, Jihadi Launcher?


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I really haven't been back there in many years, but in early 1990, that red line starting at the Kuwaiti border and heading west for a gazillion miles (from Iraq looking south into Saudi Arabia) was the border, then a 12-15 foot deep tank ditch (easily filled with waste oil and burned) with steep sides difficult to climb out of,then that excavated dirt was piled in a 15-25 foot high berm that was difficult to cross and would allow shots into the thin belly armor of anything cresting the the time anyone was in the ditch, t had violated the border, and it was on! We had our engineers push the berm into the ditch from south to north, and that's where we punched through and poured north to win the "Big One", back in the day...

Point being, much of the work is already done.