
Money Pit of Seattle to be expanded in depth and perimeter

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The Money Pit still goes strong in collecting the gas profits to counter more profits. Eventually, tax will need to be raised once again to cover the loss of profits.

The cost of repairs to the machine that will make the Pit deeper shall be in the trillions. The repairs need more bodies, which is great for the job market. Government agents will be picking people from the markets, the streets, and the prisons.

However, many more delays are still expected for the dig, and there will be more after a government survey discovers more excuses.

Former Mayor Nickles and Dimes, Comrade Gregwire, and the Seattle Counselors for the Big Dig are proud of this achievement in People's Economy: they created more jobs, emptied the capitalists' pockets, and not even a protest or a hand was raised against them for their actions.

The people's government of Seattle continues to operate safe in the knowledge that if any of them were a Republican, he or she would be digging holes in the ground while chained to his or her cellmate.

Years later, Comrade Chris Gregwire denounces skeptics of the Money Pit.

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Hey! That......Public Works Project™ was on the TV series "Engineering Disasters" just this weekend. Need I say more?

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I like the viaduct.

J.J. Hill built a tunnel under Seattle for the Great Northern. Over a hundred years ago. Good thing he wasn't a progressive. Hardly took him any time at all.

Margaret wrote:J.J. Hill built a tunnel under Seattle for the Great Northern. Over a hundred years ago. Good thing he wasn't a progressive. Hardly took him any time at all.

But he was a robber baron who made full use of those regressive times when it was considered acceptable to employ -- nay, to use -- Ch***men and Ir***men for hard manual labor, cruelly forcing them to work ten hour days, without minimum wage, benefits or a union. Let us thank Dear Leader that those days are gone.

Now we have Mexicans for that.