
The New Confederate Flag

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new flag.png

As you all know, the cleansing of the South from its heritage and historical roots have seen a major upheaval in the past weeks thanks to Dear Leader O'bama's Hope'n Change/Social Justice agenda to bring about racial healing in the country.

No longer is the Confederate flag to be seen or flown anywhere. That means the Dukes Of Hazzard Dodge Charger must be relegated to the scrap yard to be recycled into a Reince Prius.

Because of the Charleston shooting, that the historic Confederate flag had a major part in causing, the flag will be made obsolete and forever banned. Everything the Confederate flag stood for: democrats, slavery, hate, racism, homophobia and the eternal plantation, will now be embodied and replaced in this new, trendy flag that represents not only our modern times, but forward to the future.

Not to fret over overt change, the symbolism will still be the same: democrats, slavery, hate, racism, homophobia and the eternal plantation.

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Most commendable effort comrade Sugar however I find it lacking a certain panache if we are going to defeat the Rethuglican candidates in 2016. They have some front-runners who are not only blacker than our creature man in the WH, they are actual self-actualized people and devout Christians. They can site irrefutablefacts propaganda like this; The United States is 3rd from the top in murders through out the world. However if you take out Chicage, Detroit, New York and New Orleans, the US ranks 4th from the bottom. Those four cities also have the toughest gun control laws in the nation.
I suggest a simpler new Confederate flag to help indoctrinate orient the proles to the new image of the South, something they can easily get their little minds consciousness around.
How about just a simple white bed sheet to wave. This will help them to easier accept the defeat if they are accustomed to waving this flag. I would have suggested a black flag because some may thing a "white" sheet can be racist but it is the perfect epitaph symbol for them. Also we wouldn't want our brothers comrades the freedom fighters in ISIS to think we are copying them. Image

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Comrade Vilhelm,

I just have to remind you that the new Confederate flag isn't so much about defeating Rethuglikkkans, since that job has already been delegated to Amerikkkan Pravda and such clever photographers that can actually make a gun point itself at one of the many Rethuglikkkan candidates as a way of convincing us all that guns need to be banned.

No, it's about trading a legacy for a legacy in a near-perfect circular motion. It's about putting new lipstick on an old pig. You know the saying: "You break it; you buy it". But if you want the broken stuff to look good, you use new lipstick. No one will notice. Especially the lo-fo crowd since their skulls full of mush are also full of Jon Stewart, TMZ and SNL... as well as Twitter. They already belong to us.

The new flag has to remind the young lo-fos which Party™ is cooler and trendier. What would you rather have tatoo'd to your forehead for the next 80 years?: an old, worn-out Confederate flag that still has the colors of red, white 'n blue? Or a cool-looking trendy circle with a big blue 'D' for Dummy, Delinquent, Delusional, Dunce and Dipshit in the center of it?

I think the answer is obvious.

However, I must note that your flag somehow resembles a 'surrender' flag with sour grapes. The New Plantation™ isn't about surrender; it's about making more slaves.