
Hillary: To Be Or Not To Be: Is That The Question?

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Some Hillary Clinton Donors Defect to Movement to Draft Joe Biden

Dear Comrades,

Hillary just doesn't know what to say, what with Joe Biden displaying his most extra special presidential face. Very intimidating. So, I offer her this:

DISCLAIMER: In no possible way do I pretend to emulate the most esteemed Shakespeare, who, as we know, has been banned from schools everywhere. (Shakespeare, kick in the rear! Ha! Ha! Ha!) He is, after all, just a rube, making a pathetic effort to tell his “truth” about human nature. (Yuk, yuk!)

However, I have found him useful in my attempt to save our dear Hillary from humiliation.

The original text is here.

Here is mine:

To be, or not to be, is that the question?:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy™,
Or to take Arms away from a Sea of idiots,
And by opposing to end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The Heart-ache, my coma and head injury
That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis merely a concussion
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep,
To sleep, perchance to Dream; aye, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes Calamity of so a long life:
For me, who would bear the Whips and Scorns of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy™,
The Vast Right-Wing's Conspiracy™ is wrong, the poor man's desperate hope,
The pangs of despised Love, like homosexuality and transexuality, the Law's delay,
The insolence of Office, and the Spurns of those who disagree,
That patient merit of the unworthy takes, when they criticize me,
When he himself might his Oleander make
With a bare Booty? Who would the public bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life of here and there,
But that the dread of something after death I do not care,
The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn
No Traveller returns, like my worldly travels, Puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly, like I have all over the world, to others that we know not of.
Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all,
So, why do you have a problem with me?
And thus the Native cry for Revolution
Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought™,
And enterprises of great pith and moment,
With this regard their Currents turn awry.
And lose the name of Action. Soft you now,
The fair Uma? Nymph, in my Horizons
Be all my sins remembered.

Edit: to fix link of original text which was not linking.
Sorry, Comrades.
Somehow when I corrected the link, my photo montage (kindly provided by Comrade Red) disappeared. It is not in my possession at the moment.

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Image .
Speaking of words that are pleasant to the eyes and ears...

I think I saw R.O.C.K. in the USSA today in San Diego!


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Comrade Putout wrote:.
Image .
Speaking of words that are pleasant to the eyes and ears...

I think I saw R.O.C.K. in the USSA today in San Diego!

That's so weird CP, I thought I saw him last night in Denver?


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Hillary Declares She Is The Most Transparent Person In American History

"I have gone further than anybody that I'm aware of in American history," Clinton said of the release of her emails. "Now it's not a long history since we haven't had emails that long--as long as we've had them, I've gone longer and farther to be as transparent as possible. Nobody else has done that."
Clinton added that she's "a little embarrassed that the emails are so boring."

Hillary duplicating.jpg

She held this pose for 45 seconds while waiting to give her rehearsed answer.

Yes, Hillary is finally revealing her true transparent largesse. How "big" of her!

(Largesse: French for "a bit heavy about the thighs.")

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Pamalinsky wrote:Image
Some Hillary Clinton Donors Defect to Movement to Draft Joe Biden

Dear Comrades,

Hillary just doesn't know what to say, what with Joe Biden displaying his most extra special presidential face. Very intimidating. So, I offer her this:

DISCLAIMER: In no possible way do I pretend to emulate the most esteemed Shakespeare, who, as we know, has been banned from schools everywhere. (Shakespeare, kick in the rear! Ha! Ha! Ha!) He is, after all, just a rube, making a pathetic effort to tell his “truth” about human nature. (Yuk, yuk!)

However, I have found him useful in my attempt to save our dear Hillary from humiliation.

The original text is here.

Here is mine:

To be, or not to be, is that the question?:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy™,
Or to take Arms away from a Sea of idiots,
And by opposing to end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The Heart-ache, my coma and head injury
That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis merely a concussion
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep,
To sleep, perchance to Dream; aye, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes Calamity of so a long life:
For me, who would bear the Whips and Scorns of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy™,
The Vast Right-Wing's Conspiracy™ is wrong, the poor man's desperate hope,
The pangs of despised Love, like homosexuality and transexuality, the Law's delay,
The insolence of Office, and the Spurns of those who disagree,
That patient merit of the unworthy takes, when they criticize me,
When he himself might his Oleander make
With a bare Booty? Who would the public bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life of here and there,
But that the dread of something after death I do not care,
The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn
No Traveller returns, like my worldly travels, Puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly, like I have all over the world, to others that we know not of.
Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all,
So, why do you have a problem with me?
And thus the Native cry for Revolution
Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought™,
And enterprises of great pith and moment,
With this regard their Currents turn awry.
And lose the name of Action. Soft you now,
The fair Uma? Nymph, in my Horizons
Be all my sins remembered.

Edit: to fix link of original text which was not linking.
Sorry, Comrades.
Somehow when I corrected the link, my photo montage (kindly provided by Comrade Red) disappeared. It is not in my possession at the moment.
That's pretty good! Maybe we should have a poetry slam (iambic pentameter poetry slam) in addition to Karaoke!

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Comrade Kelly, I think this is a great idea. I know our comrades are ruthless when it comes to iambic pentameter. They just can't wait to tear it apart!

It's up to them, though.

Hey, I already posted the original for their reference.
Let the games begin!

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Pamalinsky wrote:Comrade Kelly, I think this is a great idea. I know our comrades are ruthless when it comes to iambic pentameter. They just can't wait to tear it apart!

It's up to them, though.

Hey, I already posted the original for their reference.
Let the games begin!

And for more ideas, a blast from some of our childhoods (probably how many of the boomers amongst us were introduced to Shakespeare and opera)


Re:video #2...this fiendish appeal to the base instinct of the capatalist may appeaer innocent enough...keeping poor Laertes out of debt....but it's really a description of the secrets kept among the 1%. Of course we all have to be in debt! How would we be able to get an equal amount of STUFF?

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OMG! Comrade Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They used the score from Carmen (by Bizet) as a background? Bwaahaahaahaa!
Comrade Kelly, Absolutely hilarious! They used Bizet's Carmen to make it credible! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

On the Met tour we did about 250 performances of this opera, at least. A popular draw. I still do not find it credible. But, no offense to Carmen lovers, I hated it, and was not alone.

Four acts of absolute boredom! (we had to sleep, or pretend to, in the 3rd act)
Gaaaaaah! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Actually some of us did fall asleep and were kicked awake by other cast members.

At the last performance in Mexico City, we blacked out one of our front teeth just to see if we could crack up the soloists. This audience included Merle Oberon and the President of Mexico!

We also planted big flowers in the middle of our huge long black wigs. Fun! Fun! Fun!

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Toreadoro, don't spit on the flooro!
Use the cuspidoro,
That's a what it's foro!

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Pamalinsky wrote:OMG! Comrade Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They used the score from Carmen (by Bizet) as a background? Bwaahaahaahaa!
Comrade Kelly, Absolutely hilarious! They used Bizet's Carmen to make it credible! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

On the Met tour we did about 250 performances of this opera, at least. A popular draw. I still do not find it credible. But, no offense to Carmen lovers, I hated it, and was not alone.

Four acts of absolute boredom! (we had to sleep, or pretend to, in the 3rd act)
Gaaaaaah! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Actually some of us did fall asleep and were kicked awake by other cast members.

At the last performance in Mexico City, we blacked out one of our front teeth just to see if we could crack up the soloists. This audience included Merle Oberon and the President of Mexico!

We also planted big flowers in the middle of our huge long black wigs. Fun! Fun! Fun!

You don't like it? Even with Callas? I loved it in high school because it was in French (which I was learning) and I was just getting to the point in piano lessons when classical music was getting to be enjoyable! When I first heard it that is.

What did El Presidente think of your black teeth? ;-)

The plot in Gilligan's Island episode was that everyone decided they should do something "with culture" and some people wanted to do Hamlet and some people wanted to do Carmen and that's what they ended up with! I think GI is an underappreciated trove of humor. And I don't care if people laugh at me for saying it!

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Actually, Kell, hating Carmen was a running joke on the tour because it was so long and we did more performances of it than any other opera. I don't really hate it. Callas? She could do no wrong.

Unless El Presidente was using opera glasses, it was unlikely he saw any blacked out teeth. Come to think of it, he and his spouse were VERY likely to have used them. YIKES! Oh well. (Sigh)

I didn't watch GI much but I might check YouTube this evening. Hmmm.

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"My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked. My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know. The remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn't do that. Very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment."
- Hillary CLINTON 2012

As a Made Prog™ I find this paragraph totally incomprehensible. Do you?

Oh well, maybe it's just me.

As a student of writing, though, I find the beginning of the third sentence: "My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride..." a bit redundant, if you know what I mean. I mean, I don't want to be an annoying nit picker or anything but.......

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[color=#C0392B]Pamalinsky[/color] was spot on when she wrote:"My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked. My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know. The remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn't do that. Very proud. [highlight=#ffff00]I would say [highlight=#ff99cc]that's[/highlight] a major accomplishment[/highlight]."
- Hillary CLINTON 2012

As a Made Prog™ I find this paragraph totally incomprehensible. Do you?

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Thank you most esteemed Sista Putout!

I wish to support your insightful post by posting this most remarkable quote by our darling Debbie. She says "Republicans want to kick women out of the USA."

Yeah, seriously.

Edit: I tried to post the video of Deb saying this but, it will not recognize it.
EWE! I hate that!

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Hillary Clinton: “I'm Really Not Even a Human Being”


“A man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage."

Hillary Clinton declared in a new interview that she is a robot, implying that humanity should despair and bend to her superior A.I. will by voting for her in the 2016 election.

The shocking admission came during an interview with the BuzzFeed podcast Another Round, in which an astute interviewer noted that the Democrat presidential candidate did not sweat during the interview. Other reporters and Clinton associates have remarked upon Clinton's remarkable ability to not sweat, even when working the rope line on a hot Iowa day. “I don't mean sweat because you're nervous,” said host Tracy Clayton. “I just mean physically. I'm genuinely curious what your deodorant is.”

Her eloquent response was, "My shit doesn't stink!"

Edited: New Subhead, bolding of Hillary's eloquent response at the end.

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Pamalinsky wrote:"My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked. My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know. The remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn't do that. Very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment."
- Hillary CLINTON 2012

[highlight=#FFFF00]As a Made Prog™ I find this paragraph totally incomprehensible.[/highlight] Do you?

Oh well, maybe it's just me.

As a student of writing, though, I find the beginning of the third sentence: "My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride..." a bit redundant, if you know what I mean. I mean, I don't want to be an annoying nit picker or anything but.......

Rest assured, Comrade Pamalinsky, the paragraph in question IS - in fact - incomprehensible.

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Hillary is losing it... she's threatening robots now!
Look at those poor little robots they're scared solder-less...


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Comrade Putout wrote:.
Hillary is losing it... she's threatening robots now!
Look at those poor little robots they're scared solder-less...


Robots, Robots, Robots! Don't lose your heads! Remember, you can crush her like a bug!

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Pamalinsky wrote:Image The fair Uma? Nymph, in my Horizons
Be all my sins remembered.

I can't bring myself to think of Hillary as a nymph. Perhaps that's a sin I just don't want to remember.


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Pamalinsky wrote:"My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked. My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know. The remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn't do that. Very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment."
- Hillary CLINTON 2012

As a Made Prog™ I find this paragraph totally incomprehensible. Do you?

Oh well, maybe it's just me.

As a student of writing, though, I find the beginning of the third sentence: "My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride..." a bit redundant, if you know what I mean. I mean, I don't want to be an annoying nit picker or anything but.......

One must learn to parse the comments of our leaders and discard the dross of their political posturing in order to attain to the real meaning of their statements.

Careful analysis leads one to the truth of the mind set of our dear MTE. Remove all the unnecessary words and what one has is the essentials:

"My accomplishments? Secretary of State. I would say that's a major accomplishment."

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:"My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked. My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know. The remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn't do that. Very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment."
- Hillary CLINTON 2012

As a Made Prog™ I find this paragraph totally incomprehensible. Do you?

Oh well, maybe it's just me.

As a student of writing, though, I find the beginning of the third sentence: "My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride..." a bit redundant, if you know what I mean. I mean, I don't want to be an annoying nit picker or anything but.......

One must learn to parse the comments of our leaders and discard the dross of their political posturing in order to attain to the real meaning of their statements.

Careful analysis leads one to the truth of the mind set of our dear MTE. Remove all the unnecessary words and what one has is the essentials:

[highlight=#ffff00]"My accomplishments? Secretary of State. I would say that's a major accomplishment."[/highlight]

Oh my gosh, Comrade KKK. I am such a fan of reducing things to lowest terms!
It really does keep things simple and understandable. Thanks!

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If "Secretary" is a major accomplishment, this must be 1953.

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:If "Secretary" is a major accomplishment, this must be 1953.

You're so right, Comrade Ivan. Back in the 50's a girl had three choices for a "career": Teacher, Secretary, Nurse. That was it.

Turns out, Nurses won regarding income, unless, of course, you became a professor at some college like my "uncle Saul" at the University of Chicago. Or, that a**hole, Ward Churchill, who made about $90,000/yr claiming he was a Native American.

Hillary took being a "secretary" over the rainbow!

User avatar
Pamalinsky wrote:
Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:If "Secretary" is a major accomplishment, this must be 1953.
Hillary took being a "secretary" over the rainbow!

I heard HP CEO Carly Fiorina began her career as a secretary, and worked her way up to head honchette. Republicans are never satisfied and are always greedy for ever more resplendent titles, whereas Madame Clinton was content to retain the everyday American title of Secretary in her role as head emissary of taxpayer funded travel. Despite what may befall her, she shall always remain The People's Secretary.

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Indeed. And the Secretary was quite happy to blow the Presidents horn, as all good secretaries are expected to do.

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Konservative_Punk wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:
Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:If "Secretary" is a major accomplishment, this must be 1953.
Hillary took being a "secretary" over the rainbow!

I heard HP CEO Carly Fiorina began her career as a secretary, and worked her way up to head honchette. Republicans are never satisfied and are always greedy for ever more resplendent titles, whereas Madame Clinton was content to retain the everyday American title of Secretary in her role as head emissary of taxpayer funded travel. Despite what may befall her, she shall always remain The People's Secretary.

Yes, indeed, Konservative_Punk. Very well said. And, for her contentedness (sic) to retain the everyday American title of Secretary of State, she found the "pot of gold" at the end of that rainbow. A well-deserved reward!

She, by example, as all great leaders do, demonstrates how The People's Example of Knowing One's Place™ can reap rich rewards.

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Evil Smiley wrote:Image Image

Now THAT is Most Equal™ Comrade Evil. Most EvilEqual™.

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Comrade Smiley,

While cats rate slightly below squirrels on the natural order of vermin and pests deserving eradication, animal cruelty is just cruelty. I denounce your vicious and traumatic exposure of an innocent creature to the visage of terror.

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:Comrade Smiley,

[highlight=#ffff00]While cats rate slightly below squirrels on the natural order of vermin and pests deserving eradication[/highlight], animal cruelty is just cruelty. I denounce your vicious and traumatic exposure of an innocent creature to the visage of terror.
Hate speech! Hate speech! BEWARE!

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Evil Smiley wrote:Image

Yeah, I know, Hill. Such is life. It's gotta suck to be you. But, you know, Hill, you can always choose to embrace the suck, just like Nanski Peloski said to all of us "little" people she chose to screw. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Embrace the friggin' suck!

You might be a better person for it, though I doubt it.
Good luck embracing the suck!

All the best from your pal,