
Republicans united by Hillary!

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Hillary Clinton: 'Criticizing me' is the only thing unifying Republicans

Our Beloved MTE is truly a uniter, and not a divider!

She has brought the opposition party and the followers of Bernie Sanders into the same stream of thought, PROVING her ability to build consensus across the aisle and rule lead this nation with an iron fist!

Ms. Rodham stated that criticizing her is the only thing uniting the Republican Party, which coincides with the Sanders' campaign!

Heil Hillary!

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Hillary Rotten Clinton CHANGES everything!

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Why do I expect her to burst into a thrilling rendition of "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man" whenever I see that photo?

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Hillary has taken the lead in unifying the unwashed masses once again, by purging the devisive and contentious flag of Amerikkka from the convention floor. ... onvention/

compare this:

with this:

but not this:

Image This flag of Palestine or "pan-Arabian nationalism" was displayed in respect to the religion of Peace...

Notice how Her Thighness has welcomed all by using a neutral grey that offends nobody, but is just dark enough to imply and recognize that "Black Lives Matter." And word on the streets is that the ladies rooms were re-designated as "all-gender" but the homophobic and patriarchal men's rooms remained labeled as such...

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kagan clinton.JPG
In an unrelated matter, i was running through some old Posts and found this to be a highlight to my lurking....

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Why do I expect her to burst into a thrilling rendition of "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man" whenever I see that photo?
I'm with you on that Comrade, and i'll add, we need not question the whys and what fors....
Next time that i see Bob, i'll be certain to bring you and your anecdote up. ( I dare not see mccain more than ordered to, nor would i share such, or any anecdote of yours, with that rethuglican useful idiot, Comrade)

Hail The Many Titted Imperial Empress, Long Live The Cube!

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<I suppose this should be a Prog Off thingy>

It's even better than that, Comrade Ivan,

Hillary is now courting the Never-Trumpers, by saying she will reach across the isle, just like McCain, and like Bill Kristol and a laundry list of other “courageous” signers (always easier to sign a list) who are “outraged” that Trump is not Conservative enough. The irony is, of course, none of them are Conservative either! Ha! What a joke! But, they're just lapping it up! Suckers.

The other irony is, if Hillary is elected, she will dump them over the side like the garbage they are. Why? Because that's what she does!

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Why do I expect her to burst into a thrilling rendition of "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man" whenever I see that photo?

Hmm. I'm thinking something more like Olive Oyle. I dunno, maybe that's just me. ; • )

We already know she doesn't eat spinach. I mean, you can just tell. Ewe, as if.