
PRAVDAMERIKA, the new media platform!

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Glorious news, comrades!

Finally the hour has arrived. No more browsing the web for the Kurrent Truth™. From now on, all news networks will be fused, by decree of Dear Leader himself.

The Pravdamerika will report to you the Truth! Not the nasty truth like in the so-called "reality," but the korrekted, pleasant Kurrent Truth™ of the Party. It will be like a balmy spring rain for a thirsty proletarian peasant.

At the last council of evil the proletarian korrectified media, it was decided that cooperating in one big mainstream media superpower would be far more efficient in the eternal quest to prevent candidates like Donald Trump ascending to the presidency.

There remains, of course, the nasty problem of the "non-mainstream media."

A special representative of Sultan Erdogan of Turkey was dispatched to advise on this matter. But we all know what needs to be done, comrades...

The body of Andrew Breitbart will be disinterred, dragged through the streets of DC and stabbed by anointed Party Members. A hit squad is on its way to the foul Oleg Atbashian (if that is his real name). David Horowitz will be deported to the new German Reich, and Milo (the notorious Gay Nazi) will be delivered to Hillary's good friends in Raqqa.

Finally, the proletarian masses will be rid of all this bourgeois propaganda! (spit)

Special thanks to comrade Margaret for directing us to this glorious news!

Onwards towards glory, comrades!

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Comrade Minitrue, while the news networks will be forever fused, I believe that you have left out the old "Jeti Mind Trick" that enables this cooperation.

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I thought making America a dark place was part of the plan to get us closer to Next Tuesday™?
