
Undercover Team Smells Trump-Trouble

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Comrades in Progression,

During the hideous spectacle planned for this Friday, (of which I will say no more) certain comrades are planning a special event within the event. You will discover this on your own as the day passes, but I thought I'd provide a little pre-event tease for your consideration.

An innocent, young girl receives a gift. Seems harmless enough -


A few years later she's off to college

Her professors are Progressive and most helpful

After college, who knows? But she's applied for a patent

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Comrades in Progression,

During the hideous spectacle planned for this Friday, (of which I will say no more) certain comrades are planning a special event within the event.

Comrades, more undercover video has surfaced about the glorious plot to shut down Trump's (I will ROLL MY EYES as it is not ladylike to spit) illegal swearing in.
*Please note Rock Ridge is code for Wash. DC

As in your video above all the mental giants of PROGRESS ISM are working day and night in this effort. I also hear there is another video where they are going to hog tie the trains to prevent them from traveling through Rock Ridge! Glory be to their efforts!

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Unfortunately, the discord within the Democratic Party is beginning to get out of control! I fear it is to the point where they be locked in a never ending cycle of in fighting in order to stop Trump's inauguration.

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but, Democraps - more culture! more culture! nuanced! :