
Have the Russians Hacked The People's Blog?

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I can create a new post but can not comment on any existing post. I am shown as "logged out" when I access a blog post in full context. I suspect the Trump Administration has been colluding with the Russians to keep me from commenting. Are any other Comrades experiencing this subversive behavior?

It may, of course, be due to the excessive millions of degrees of heat rising from the earth's core - exacerbated by Trump's Tweeting and the resulting hyperventilation of our leftist friends which surely spikes the CO2 index.

This "no comment" behavior is occurring in both Chrome and Firefox. Please contact me at my safe space, where I will be holding up until Comment Justice is reestablished.

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I believe the Trump Administration has colluded with the Russians to stop me from commenting on the People's Blog posts. I can add a topic but can not comment.

I demand Comment Justice or will seek reparations. I am painting signs and have contacted Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Are other Comrades experiencing this vicious attack on The People's Free Speech? Yes, I have cleared cache, rebooted, tried Firefox and promised to not act patriotic this 4th of July as per B. Hussein Obama's instructions.

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I must report the same situation noted by Al-Bluganov.

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There was a hacking attack and I worked for two days on resolving it. Now everything is working. I'll make an announcement soon.

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If you read this, commenting works. The question, whether Russians are despicable enemies or fellow comrades, who love their children too, remains unanswered...

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mi wrote:If you read this, commenting works. The question, whether Russians are despicable enemies or fellow comrades, who love their children too, remains unanswered...
The "truth" is as the Party determines at any given moment, no?