
Police rescue fuel-economy car trapped underneath Xmas tree

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Police in Sudbury, Massachusetts, pulled over a tiny fuel-economy vehicle that appeared to be trapped underneath a medium-sized Christmas tree resting on its roof.

The vehicle owner, a local environmental activist, explained that his car gets exceptionally good mileage without the tree tied to its roof. But with the tree on top of it, the mileage was not very good and he was barely able to accelerate to 20 mph, which was not so bad considering that he couldn't see where he was going because of the branches.

"I bought a six-foot tree thinking it would fit on the roof, but it sank deeper during the ride and covered the windows entirely," the local activist said, thanking police officers for lifting the tree so he could get out of the car.

When asked if he regrets buying such a small vehicle, the man became visibly upset, saying that at least he was saving the planet and helping to combat global warming, and that after years of chronic insomnia he can finally sleep well at night, knowing how small his carbon footprint is during the day.

The police officers inquired if the driver knew where he lived and, upon verifying the address, escorted him to make sure he finds his way home.

The police department then posted a photo of this lovely evergreen on their Facebook page with a comment, "Sudbury PD would like to remind you to transport your Holiday trees responsibly."

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... not cited, helped to tie the tree, and escorted Komrade Tannenbaum all the way home. MAGA!

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This is what's called "a large tree with a car inside."

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And where do such coniferous Goliath's come from? Ironclad proof of Global Warminsk, anybody?

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:... not cited, helped to tie the tree, and escorted Komrade Tannenbaum all the way home. MAGA!

As a native of Massachusestan myself, I can not say that this has been my experience with the Cossacks of their Peoples Tranquility Enforcement Army.

- SK

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A heart-warming Christmas story that's also entirely not global-warming.

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Why is he driving a Christmas tree ornament?