
Kamp Obama: Teach Kids to Punch Back Twice as Hard!

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Like James Bond in "Octopussy"? Octoprissy? Octoproggy?

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Octoproggy is a sex scene between Rosie O'Donnell and her girlfriend Kelly.

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For some reason this has brought to my mind a scene from the revoltingly reactionary movie A Christmas Story where Ralphie is taken to see Santa and gets stuck in a very long queue. The kid in front of him is wearing a WWI fighter pilot's helmet with the goggles down and a goofy grin and says something like, "I like Santa," in a way that marks him as a budding prog needing only regular showers of organic liquid fertilizer.

What I am getting at is that might it not be time to update that tainted scene with the proto-Great Redistributor, a believer, and an unquestioning believer?

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Yes, we could update it and hold for the greatness of the unquestioning believer. He will wear a tee-shirt which said, "I got my drool at Jiffi-Lobo!" This will make all the kids want to go to Jiffi-Lobo and we'll have unquestioning believers out the ass.

But then we'll have to solve the problem of what do we do with them? After all, I'm sure that number one unquestioning believer, the Couric Monster, is not willing to defenestrate herself to make room for an untested unquestioning believer. Nor the Gibson Monster, nor the Williams Monster. And of course the Reverend Olbermann will under no circumstances go softly into the night to make room for other useful idiots and unquestioning believers.