I am His Excellency President for Life, Field
Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC
['Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the
Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea
and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa
in General and Uganda in Particular, and
Professor of Geography.[/floatleft-nb]

Supreme Endorsement - Hillary Presidency

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Ladies and Gentlemen of this website. First, I am His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography. I have come here to endorse Hillary Rodham's presidency.

Mrs. Hillary Rodham - you have my most excellent endorsement, but you do not have my respect until you become the all powerful, imperious leader. Mr. Alinsky has taught you well, but you must now come to me, Big Daddy, to know how to gain your dictatorial powers. I am confident you will become a President for Life.

When you assume control, 3 countries will be in the process of combining into one, thanks to your friend, George Bush. Mexico is planned to assume the presidency over all 3, I am confident you will (thanks to my advice) seize control over this North American Union. You need not worry about the Canadians, but keep an eye on the Mexicans - they love power - power that rightfully belongs to you, Hillary Rodham.

The masses will become "your children." Care for those who adore you, destroy the rest. I enjoyed your husband's speech when the pony tail guy proclamed to him, "we are your children!" What a wimp.

You will enjoy your new dictatorship, Hillary Rodham. If you get bored, have some hostages brought to you. I had a lot of enjoyment at the Entebbe International Airport, until the Israeli Air Force spoiled all the fun. The hostages loved and respected me while it lasted.

Do not fire your military or police, Hillary Rodham, they exist for one purpose - to enforce your will. To consolidate your power, you must pardon and release all prisoners in this North American Union - this will free up prison space for anyone who dare questions your supreme authority. These released prisoners will support you and keep the masses under control for you.

Here is some advice to get you started! Martial Law - conjure up any reason to declare it. Convert to Islam. You may keep your Communism if you like (to keep the masses under control), but its all about your omnipotent power. Never thank anyone for anything - they all owe you this and that. Give Nancy Pelosi some high position of authority - I have set aside some time for her, to come grovel to me, next week.

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That's a helluva of a lotta fruit salad you got there Idi.
You "da Bomb of Bling Dada".
I see you got your "Jump Master" wings.
Did you parachute into Entebbe when the Jews created that crisis?
Thanks for the "Big E".

Hillary '08

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ImageEveryone, even you, the next president of 3 countries, MUST ADDRESS ME PROPERLY!!!

The only acceptable way to address me is by my title:

"Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography."

ImageDo not deviate from my correct title. I do not tolerate insolence!!!

User avatar
Excuse me, Mr. Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography. Can we shorten that really long, and confusing title to just "YEPfL,FMAHDIAD,VC,DSO,MC,Lo'AtBo'tEn'Fo'tSn'Co'tBEiAiGn'UiPn'Po'G"? Or is the new one just as confusing?

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Premier Idi, I am a bit of an amateur chef. I am told that when you were engaged in ritual cannabilism, er, conducting medical experiments in the mastication of primate flesh, that you said that you preferred the blood of the black man to the blood of the white man because it is sweeter.

What wine would you choose? A Sangria? Or one with more tannin?

Also, do you find that the capers you find in rolled anchovies are just a bit <i>de trop</i> in steak tartar? I reject Julia Child's alternate name of cannibal beef as being politically incorrect and very inappropriate.

It's also my contention that if a Provencal goose can be fed much corn to fatten up its liver for the production of that incomparable foie gras, can one do the same sort of thing to a missionary with Jack Black? Or since Uganda was once in the Commonwealth, would dry gin be better? But juniper berries in foie gras? Might that not require 84% butterfat butter? It would rule out, I think, Bombay Sapphire, as having entirely too much juniper. In this case one could save money, I think, with a medium-priced Gilbeys.

And the toast points. Is there any truth to Jack in the Beanstalk? "I'll grind his bones to make my bread!" How, exactly, does that work?

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Premier Betty wrote:Can we shorten that really long, and confusing title to just "YEPfL,FMAHDIAD,VC,DSO,MC,Lo'AtBo'tEn'Fo'tSn'Co'tBEiAiGn'UiPn'Po'G"? Or is the new one just as confusing?
How dare you!
you my NOT!!!

ImageSame applies to you, Commissar Theocritus! I am a very compasionate and patient leader. Do not even think about testing my patience!
ImageCongratuations to future President for Life, Hillary. Rush Limbaugh predicts an 80% probability of a Hillary victory. Hillary must follow my lead, and become powerful like me!

Image Commissar Theocritus, I expect to see a medallion of me on this website. A medallion to honor me, his Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography.

Make it so, Commissar Theocritus

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Dr. Amin, in your honor I have just this night prepared medallions of beef Idi Amin. I didn't cook them and cut them from the living flesh of a Republican.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Dr. Amin, in your honor I have just this night prepared medallions of beef Idi Amin.
ImageCommissar Theocritus, well, that's all well [done] and good, however I expect a medallion of me on this website. You have Hillary, Kerry, a dog, Liaka! Get busy, Commissar Theocritus, publish the medallion of the likeness of me on this website.

Image What part of my title, Commissar Theocritus, are you having so much difficulty understanding? Shall I send one of my people down there to help you refresh your wayward memory?

Image Your candidate, Hillary, will win, thanks to my supreme endorsement - I suggest you show your gratitude, Commissar Theocritus.

<img width="540" src="https://www.wehaitians.com/amin_12.jpg">

<img width="540" src="https://www.wehaitians.com/amin_13.jpg">

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Dr. Amin, is that you in your chair going to petition the US for citizenship so that you could become a professional bowler? But why is that man holding a tiny umbrella, in the night, behind you when it is not large enough to cover your enormous head, repository of all your ginormous intellect?

But really, Dr. Amin, why do you not, in your splendiferous, chryselephantine magnificence, insist on livery for your bearers? One of them is wearing a <i>sport coat</i>; you'd think he was in the Washington Press Corps!

Well, he might be. They carry night soil for a living. And that is at night.

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Hillary wrote:"I'm looking forward to Purge Season. Ahhh... the smell of fear, the sweat on the foreheads, the glaring Klieg lights, the flowing tears, the begging pleas for mercy... ]
Excellent, my dear Hillary!!! It's all about POWER, Hillary. POWER over the masses! Yes, I too look forward to your purge season.

I will therefore contribute to your campaign!
Image I call upon our dear friend, Kim Jung Il to join
us and contribute to your glorius campaign to power and victory!
Image Your friend,
his Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography.

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Dr. Amin, My Many Titted Empress, I love watching the confederacy between the two of you, my idols. And if you bring in Kim Jong-Il, how much better can it be? Putin, I believe, is looking backwards with nostalgia at the USSR, and Castro is not as dead as some people think. Raul is merely pretending to be reasonable, and has indeed stopped his drinking and is more reliable.

I shall enjoy working with all of you in your quest for power and world domination.

...Bruno! Bruno! Where are those goddamned tapes from the video cameras? I'll show them...screw with me will they, write me off...Lupe! Bring me the tapes!

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:And if you bring in Kim Jong-Il, how much better can it be?
ImageMy dear Commissar Theocritus,
I am confident that the Dear Leader will present his endorsement to Hillary.
Image I will see to it.
ImageI predict that Hillary will restore full diplomatic and trade relations with The Dear Leader upon her assumption of POWER!

ImageBecause you are my good friend, Commissar Theocritus, I will permit you to address me by my short title, but only you. For short, it is my honor for you to address me as his Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada.

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EPFFMAHDI...gasp..AD. D. I am honored thank you. But I worry about your excellency; the look you have in your face just above. Did a native you had marked for the stew pot suddenly break loose and head off for the hills? How unthinking to deprive ou of your well-earned dinner.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:How unthinking to deprive ou of your well-earned dinner.
ImageYou wish to dine with me, Commissar Theocritus? Well, certainly; I always look forward to a delicious meal. Will discuss the menu for Hillary's victory celebration!

ImageWhere is the medallion of my image on this website you promised? I expect to see it up top, front and center, next time I log in. got it?

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Dr. Idi, I would love to dine with you and have dinner with you but I don't want to be dinner. I have plenty of proles who would be honored to render their all for you, and like Stove Top Stuffing, I will help them sacrifice to the Greatest African Leader, the man whom Jesse Jackson reveres above all others.

You know that you are his god, don't you? Jesse quotes you all the time. "Idi wouldn't have taken that from Amber..." "Accountability? I don't have to be accountable for the money in Operation Push. Just ask Idi. Was Idi accountable?"

You cast a long shadow here in AmeriKKKa, Dr. Idi. A very long one. And a very broad one too.

Those natives are fattening, though, aren't they? Are you sure they're not getting too much food? After all, fat natives make a fat absolute despot.

I say this out of love, of course.

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See that fat womyn in the picture with Dear Leader? That just PROVES that there is NO FOOD SHORTAGE in the DPRK!

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BTW - Who in the hell does Dr. Amin think he is talking down to Her Excellency!?

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:BTW - Who in the hell does Dr. Amin think he is talking down to Her Excellency!?
I will tell you right now!!!

How many times do you need to be reminded?!
I am his Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography.

Hillary is very fortunate to have my endorsement!
Do not piss me off! I do not tolerate insolence!
We will discuss your attitude when you come to dinner!

User avatar
Oooo yeah, um, I'm going to have to take a rain-check on the idea of me having dinner with you, Mr. his Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography.

Yeah.... ummm... I don't particulary fancy "people" for dinner. Although, when I think about it, I am a Progressive Democrat and IT WOULD BE pretty INTOLERANT if I didn't try something new. I mean, how do I know that I don't like people for supper until I try it? Yes, I shame myself for being so judgmental to your equally superior eating taste and I apologize, Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography. Save me a seat for the next time you sit down, squat or stand for dinner.

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Dr. Idi, I have taken the liberty of inviting Her Excellency, our Many Titted Empress.

Are your wives hungry? Meow, have you noted that a shot of vinegar will cut the grease in a dish? But I have one question. I'm thinking of going to Jerusalem and I need to know if Our Many Titted Empress is kosher.

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I'm thinking of going to Jerusalem and I need to know if Our Many Titted Empress is kosher.

What would make you think, based on her dietary habits that Queen Hillary is kosher? She eats kkkapitalist PIGS for breakfast!

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Betty, I am beginning to believe that our Many Titted Empress is actually a closet capitalist. Now don't throw a shoe at that. I mean that she's the god of investment. She invests other people's effort to get other people's money and that's why she'd my idol. I mean it, everyone else has to give something to get something but all she does is lie all the time, plain and fancy, and she can get fools to do the same thing and for her.

Brilliant. You realize that she's make Amway compulsory. And all of this based on taking that Ponzi scheme that FDR came up with, Social Security, and kicking it up a notch by kicking people in the ass.

Now I ask you. Did anyone ever get more for just a few words? But we'll have to sterilize the ground a little bit. Kill Krauthammer, Limbaugh, and so forth. But so what when all that lovely power and money is around?

That's why I love her.

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My dear Madam Dictator Hillary,
You will have to do without my services for a while. I am busy taking over this website.
Image You will travel to Pyongyang, and there you will meet with your friend, The Dear Leader, and learn the ways of a dictator. You must stay longer than the 1 day visit you did the last time you were there. You must learn to control the masses - the Dear Leader will teach you everything you need to know. When you return I will host a big feast in your honor.

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Dr. Amin, I have on good advice that Our Many Titted Empress has taken over the Weber Grill company to better serve humanity. In this way she will maintain control of the masses, by producing Prole a la Dr. Amin.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:BTW - Who in the hell does Dr. Amin think he is talking down to Her Excellency!?

Exactly! As if I would refer to him with a more exalted name than The Hillary!

User avatar
Oh...just let him alone. He gets me my virgin's blood (AB-) before they are ritually raped to cure AIDS.
Very ProgreSSive™ I might add. Who would have guessed that plucking a cherry would cure AIDS?
I guess that's why he's a doctor.

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Very well my Empress. I just did not wish to take any more chances than I already have. Actually, his title is but a bit smaller than the Mighty Pup's title... which needless to say I dare not use here! LOL

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Empress, I thought that <b>I</b> was in charge of your virgin's blood! And didn't I have that sodalite bathtub made for you to splash around in?

I'm crushed, Empress, crushed.

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Your proclamation that "no woman is illegal!"

Hillary, you can do better than that! I want to see action! I want to see lives get ruined and people destroyed! Do what you do best, Hillary! We need something to talk about during your inaugural banquet! Ha! ha! ha!

Your friend,
his Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography.

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Dr. Amin. So glad to see you back. Did the new KFC bring you back?

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Dr. Yada Yada Yada is back? And talking like that to the MTE? I sure hope he brought plenty of Hsu Bundles with him.

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I concur Dr Amin. I had the pleasure of not only providing Comrade Hillary with her indoctrination in 1970, but several of your countrymen provided me new "techniques" for dealing with imperialist running dogs.

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I propose that we send imperialist running dogs to North Korea where Dear Leader will wok them.

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About the virgins blood Theo....You always bring me O+ which is nice and I appreciate it, but when I ask for AB- only Idi makes the extra effort to bring me the rarest of virgin blood.

I have tastes to uphold. You bring me a Schlitz and Idi gives me Strawberry Lambic Framboisie

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I had a cousin who had Strawberry Lambic Framboisie one time. Shot of penicillin cleared it up, but he never did walk right after that.

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As long as he doesn't walk like Bruno that's okay. Count your blessings.

Empress, do bear in mind that Idi has resources that I don't. After all, he had a whole nation to murder and me? Only a few poor wets abandoned by their coyotes. Oh, I suppose that I could ask Nansky down and steal some of the people whose blood she sucks, but let's never forget the carnage that that old bag causes. She's so vain that the mirrors run out the door.

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Hillary wrote:when I ask for AB- only Idi makes the extra effort to bring me the rarest of virgin blood.
Yes! Yes! Yes! you will have your blood; I will see to it personally.

My dear Commissar Theocritus, as you must know by now, I am most compassionate and patient. As you should know, people do not keep me waiting.

Some time ago, I politely requested 3 things.

That a medallion of me be placed at the top and center of this web page.
That the admin password be delivered to me.
I have asked you to bring the Dear Leader to this website.

This video will show you exactly why you must do as I say.

This video will show you what happens when I am disobeyed!

You are my very good friend, dear Commissar. You want Hillary to win, of course, my dear Commissar. Then do as I say!

User avatar
Dr. Amin, I always do what you wish, and it is an honor to me to do it, if I can. But I do not have the administrator's password. It was not vouchsafed me from a Thoughtcrime that I committed. Once, in the middle of the night, after some really disheartening poll numbers, I had the tiniest tendril of a thought that perhaps, just perhaps, our Glorious MTE might step out of the way for another candidate better able to effect our Progress policy and lead us into the Progress World of Next Tuesday™.

Of course I immediately got on my knees and said 100 Hail Lenins and read three chapters of <i>Das Kapital</i> and for good measure stole the pencils from a blind man's cup, but it was nonetheless a thought crime.

Which Red has punished me for.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Dr. Amin, I always do what you wish, and it is an honor to me to do it, if I can.
Yes, of course. I do not wish to alarm you with that video; as you know I tend to lose my temper. I am merciful and compassionate!

As you can tell, I am just as compasionate as your website member, Stalin! See?
Image Well, my dear Commissar, we have much work to do to get MTE, uh, Hillary
into POWER! Her appetite for power grows as does my appetite for a good dinner!

Well, well, well, there is one thing you can do - not for me - but for the MTE Hillary,
you, or somebody must bring the Dear Leader, and good friend, Kim Jung IL to this

Your friend,
his ExcellencyPresident for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC[‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth andFishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa inGeneral and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography.

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Excellency, I thoroughly applaud your desire for Kim Jong-Il.

I have some splendid new teriyaki sauce.

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Dr. Idi Amin wrote:ImageEveryone, even you, the next president of 3 countries, MUST ADDRESS ME PROPERLY!!!

The only acceptable way to address me is by my title:

"Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography."

ImageDo not deviate from my correct title. I do not tolerate insolence!!!

Excellency, no disrespect meant, but are you not President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC ['Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, King of Scotland, and Professor of Geography?

Surely, you would not want us to forget your glorious reign over your Scottish subjects.

User avatar
Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Oooo yeah, um, I'm going to have to take a rain-check on the idea of me having dinner with you, Mr. his Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography.

Yeah.... ummm... I don't particulary fancy "people" for dinner. Although, when I think about it, I am a Progressive Democrat and IT WOULD BE pretty INTOLERANT if I didn't try something new. I mean, how do I know that I don't like people for supper until I try it? Yes, I shame myself for being so judgmental to your equally superior eating taste and I apologize, Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography. Save me a seat for the next time you sit down, squat or stand for dinner.

Tut, tut, let's not be intolerant. Rumors of President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC ['Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography's craving for human flesh have never been (excuse the pun) fleshed out.

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How can anyone who has faced the wrath of Hillary feign fear of this Dr Idi Yada Yada Yada?

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It depends, Pupovick, on who gets the drop on whom. I am currently in negotiations for a summit, which will determine that I only have to bow to one of the SOBs.

Our Beloved Many Titted Empress and soon to be Maximum Leader for Life, Hillary Rodham Clinton, will use His Excellency Dr. Idi Amin, for his political influence, money and a well deserved dinner of Her disloyal subjects body parts. Then after Her uncooked meal of insolent detractors, KKKonservatives and Republicans, She will have a large serving of Her favorite treat, a slice of Huma peach pie.
Beware of Our Beloved Many Titted Empress when she shows up for dinner with a gallon of Teriyaki sauce and a gallon of barbeque sauce. You might be on the menu as the appetizer!! I barely escaped with my body parts intact at one of Her fundraising "dinners" when someone asked Her about having a forked tongue and scales.
Bow down before Her Magnificence !!!!!!

User avatar
Commissar Theocritus wrote:It depends, Pupovick, on who gets the drop on whom. I am currently in negotiations for a summit, which will determine that I only have to bow to one of the SOBs.

Hmmmm, I presume when you say "SOB" you mean son of a bolshevik?

User avatar
Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC ['Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography,

Aren't you dead? Did you visit our many tittied Empress as a glowing blue apparition? Have you learned to transcend death and now provide counsel to Empress Hillary in her time of need?

Idi: Hillary.
Hillary: Idi?
Idi: You must go to the Pyongyang system. There you will learn from Dear Leader. He will instruct you in the ways of political autocrocy.
Hillary: But Idi I....
Idi: GO! Do not argue with me, for I have transcended death! And, may the Kos be with you.

User avatar
Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC ['Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography,

You look fabulous!!! Have you lost weight? C'mon.... you can tell us!

Zampolit Blokhayev

User avatar
Komrade Zarkof, you suggest that Our Many Titted Empress will have a slice of Huma peach pie. Things have progressed past that point.

Our Many Titted Empress, in her beneficence, has decided that the world cannot be deprived of her, not even for a second, and therefore has decided to eat fewer sweets and more salads.

Huma taco salad.

User avatar
What is all this kissing up to a pale imitation of the glory and the terror of the Hillary? Sure, old Idi was cool in his time, but he ain't no Clinton.

Commissar Theocritus,
Praise Lenin!!!

I'm glad that Our Beloved Empress, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has decided to eat healthy and prepare Herself for the Struggle that lays ahead on the road to the White House. It is inspiring to know that Her staff is helping Her maintain Her strength and health. Well done, Comrades!!!

Perhaps someone can see that She has plenty of taco salad when She dines with His Excellency and President for Life, Dr. Idi Amin. I'm sure His Excellency will show Our Beloved Empress his most gracious hospitality and have the choicest cuts for Hillary and Her entourage's dining pleasure.
Grow Stronger and lay waste to Your enemies, Our Queen!!

User avatar
I only worry that Idi and Our MTE will fight over the last bit of the taco salad. Of course Our Empress must have it; she needs her strength and Dr. Amin is, after, all, dead. Which doesn't keep people from voting Progressive, so...I'm very confused.

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Not to worry Commissar, let Dr. Yada Yada Yada eat the salad on his uniform.

Don't worry, Our Beloved Queen will have anything She wants to eat when She dines with His Excellency, Dr. Idi Amin.
As for Dr. Idi Amin, Our MTE may want to eat his liver after having a taco salad for the 1st course. Hopefully She will wait until he gives Her all of his money and a list of willing donors to Her campaign, before opening him up to eat his liver. Then he will experience the terror and glory of being devoured alive, by Our Many Titted Empress, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

User avatar
Dear dr. Amin, allow me to digest your accomplishments and adore your likeness as a great Ea..err..Leader of Man and Beast (and Fishies) and gourmet extraordinaire.
As one doctor to another, can I ask you:

Does it really taste like chicken? ^(")^

Also ,as one doctor to another, may I suggest you digress from digesting dark meat parts and ecourage yourself to try some white more progressive meat parts.

Simple recipe for Chicken ala Hillary:

Take two left wings
Two small breasts
(Leave big thighs for comrade Bill)
Bon apetit!

Also it would be a distinct pleasure to offer you a "Inner Comrade" exam at
Lubianka Medical Institute.

Hey it's free.


Iron Felix

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<img src="https://prosites-prs.homestead.com/Norbit.jpg"><img src="https://prosites-prs.homestead.com/ObamaBarack.jpg">
Savage: Norbit Obama wants to give licenses to illegals. Mohamed Atta, from paradise, endorses Obama.

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Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography, you can see I have tried to inform my peers of the errancy of their ways, but they still believe Your Excellency President for Life, Field Marshall Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC [‘Victorious Cross'], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, and Professor of Geography indulges in cannabilism.

After you take over the website, please remember how I stood up for you.

User avatar
Iron Felix, I have just now noticed you here; welcome to the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™. Or the Tuesday after that; it doesn't really matter. Who ever heard of a five-year plan not having a new five-year plan three years, or less down the line? But I digress.

Since you obviously have dietary knowledge, if, and I say <i>if</i>, Dr. Amin manages to sink his pearly whites into the thighs of our Many Titted Empress, will the cellulite pose health problems? What are the health advantages, or disadvantages, of cellulite? Can you cut it with say a good olive oil? Wouldn't want Dr. Idi to get any deader than he in fact already is.

User avatar
Yes Commissar, any one who can sign off with "Glovingly" is the sort of Commrade we can use... I mean is needed around here.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Iron Felix, I have just now noticed you here; welcome to the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™. Or the Tuesday after that; it doesn't really matter. Who ever heard of a five-year plan not having a new five-year plan three years, or less down the line? But I digress.

Since you obviously have dietary knowledge, if, and I say <i>if</i>, Dr. Amin manages to sink his pearly whites into the thighs of our Many Titted Empress, will the cellulite pose health problems? What are the health advantages, or disadvantages, of cellulite? Can you cut it with say a good olive oil? Wouldn't want Dr. Idi to get any deader than he in fact already is.

Dear Comrades, the secret to proper gastral care is to compensate between Teriyaki sauce and TUMS.
The recipe for Chicken ala Hillary Dark Meat, one may require a prescription medicine.
Side effects are common for women who are nursing, it may cause nausea...
Studies shown that cellulite in progressive population, mainly found originating in cognitive areas of hm..hhm.. a brain. If not treated it may replace a brain cell entirely.

The positive qualities of cellulite in fat can be argued in the event one has been chosen to attend a seminar in one of our Siberian resorts.
It'll serve well to protect against brisk climate and will supplement very healthy All Grain diet for extended stays. If one is lucky to have attended such seminar, cellulite will be comletely gone by the end of your stay, thanks for intensive winter sport programs for Inner Comrade which I personally devised.

Hope that helps,


Iron Felix

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I am pleased to report that the allegations of cannibalism found here on the pages of the People's Cube are almost entirely unfounded.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:I am pleased to report that the allegations of cannibalism found here on the pages of the People's Cube are almost entirely unfounded.

Which is not to say there is no problem with cannibalism here, but they are under control.

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Iron Felix, I take your point about the teriyaki sauce. But might we use a low-sodium one for Dr. Amin? All that sodium--I mean that might cause blood-pressure problems with his desire to become a professional bowler. And not, despite those rumors, with skulls. With real bowling balls.

Is cellulite white fat or brown fat? Aren't those the two sorts of fat? Which fat is the good fat? Now for our Many Titted Empress, the brown fat is by definition the good fat. I merely hope that we do not have to adjust reality to politics. I know, I know, I know, we do that all the time, for this is the Cube after all, but...

We must save Dr. Amin from this:

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Oh Dear Lenin.... I ran screaming from one thread to find the object of my fear and disgust here as well!

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Pupovich, being a true Progressive, I share <i>everything</i>. Well, not Bruno but that's a favor, I promise you. I really do. Although if there are any permanent takers... Easy terms. I hope. I can't pay much right now, you know...

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Iron Felix, I take your point about the teriyaki sauce. But might we use a low-sodium one for Dr. Amin? All that sodium--I mean that might cause blood-pressure problems with his desire to become a professional bowler. And not, despite those rumors, with skulls. With real bowling balls.

Is cellulite white fat or brown fat? Aren't those the two sorts of fat? Which fat is the good fat? Now for our Many Titted Empress, the brown fat is by definition the good fat. I merely hope that we do not have to adjust reality to politics. I know, I know, I know, we do that all the time, for this is the Cube after all, but...

We must save Dr. Amin from this: SENSORED

DEAR.. Being a doctor, one eventually gets accustomed to anatomy displays in it's Full Diversity.
However I'm compelled to Move ON and off this topic since I'm fresh out of Gloves and my HAZMAT suit was borrowed by comrade Kucinich for Trekkie convention.

This poster should be utilized as a visual aid for comrades preparing for hunger strikes against BUSH_HITLER and Amerikka. It may prove being Extremely effective.

So this is where no man has gone before...

I can't even sign off "glovingly"
More like,

Thighfully Yours,
I guess..

Iron Felix

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Here in Texas we say, "That gal's got an ass two ax-handles wide."

Or you could say, without doing damage to the truth, "You could eat lunch off her ass." But it would do damage to your appetite.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Pupovich, being a true Progressive, I share <i>everything</i>. Well, not Bruno but that's a favor, I promise you. I really do. Although if there are any permanent takers... Easy terms. I hope. I can't pay much right now, you know...

Many thanks Commissar, sometimes after witnessing some of the treachery of a Criminal Kommissar Vodkov I almost long to be distracted by Bruno, if only for a short time. I will keep this in mind.

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Pupovich, owing to your recent travail, I shall, out of comradely love, recommend to you that you do <i>not</i> accept my offer. Your nerves just wouldn't stand up. Mine are as frazzled as Betsy Wright's in 1993. "Bill did <b>what</b>?"

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Many thanks Commissar, you are right of course, or should I say left? Perhaps I was tempted to take on more than I could bite so to speak.

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Wouldn't touch that one, and you're more than wise not to yourself.

Maybe I'll just throw the Judy and Babs and Liza CDs in the Rio Grande. As low as it is, it will merely serve as a bridge for more voters.

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Perhaps you could send Bruno off to see Comrade Nancy with the excuse that he is to pick up a Hsu bundle? Then while he is gone, you could move to another dacha? Just don't leave a forwarding address. Better yet, I understand this Dr, Yada Yada Yada has a taste for the unusual?

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Pupovich, I understand thoroughly that on the face of it, Bruno and Nansky would make a perfect match for they are both frivolous to the bone. And more than one of them. But if you've seen what I've seen, at Rancho del Rio Grande, it is not safe to put two people that deeply frivolous in the same room just as it is not safe to put more than a a certain amount of fissile uranium together.

It makes an explosion of frivolity which confounds the very laws of nature. And while I am the first to say that things are what we say they are, I also do realize that something has to be a constant and there's no hope if in the middle of a Bruno-Nansky frivolity flux, say, neutrons started orbiting electrons. It nearly happened once and I had to take the nuclear option: I broke the glass on the container that would mostly hold a fire extinguisher, but which holds a copy of Adam Smith.

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It pains me to see you being distraught over this Bruno problem, not as much pain as for you, but I am grateful for that. I keep trying to wrap my brain around the image of Bruno in his glory, but the headaches and nightmares are too much for me. There are simply somethings that even a Pup like me does not wish to roll on if you get my drift.

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Pupovich, once you see a 6' 3" man with a 50" chest in full drag [and I have, I have, and more], it's practice for the next train wreck you come across.

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And I presume that 50" is not in reference to the pointy type eh? Dear Lenin, that must be a horror, though if I wished to subject myself to that, I suppose I could always go to Nawlin's tomorrow for Mardi Gras.

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I have friends (straight) who live in San Francisco who live next door to a shoe store called Foot Fetish. Which sells Size 14 platform over-the-calf lace-up shoes and other things. They love the spectacle, even Folsom Street Fair, which I advice you not to look at the pictures of or you'll hurl.

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Theocritus, this can't possibly be your Bruno, can it?

Bruno Tonioli from ABC's "Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann":
I don't think so, but I just wanted to ask.

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Dear Lenin, even I can see that is not Bruno. Do you really think that milquetoast can handle the likes of the Empress much less her and Nancy?

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No, not my Bruno. My Bruno doesn't have a pumpkin head on a chicken neck on skinny shoulders. My Bruno has a bull neck on a fullback's shoulders supporting a head the size of a cantaloupe--with just about as much sense.

Also there is the light of reason there, or if not reason, at least a bit of self awareness. Which is to be contrasted with the monster of vanity that is Bruno.

And, Pupovich, Bruno would thank you for thinking well of his abilities to deal with our MTE and Nansky, if you could get his attention off shiny things long enough.

Bruno is really based on someone I really knew named Stacy, who looked like this
Image with a chest like Schwartzenegger. But he acted like this
Image He was a barkeep/waiter with the attention span of a kitten and I had to talk him down off the ledge, figuratively, all the time. I thought talking him through <i>hairbuner</i> school would put me in assisted living. All his little friends were just like that too, and were a source of good, er, fun in Midland in the early 80s--until I realized that it was just self-abuse. Think about that, Betinov, when you find a right to have sex with unspecified beautiful women. Just because in my world fun is easy to have for all men are willing all the time, it doesn't necessarily make it worth much.