
$5 dinner in DC...

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Comrades, As an alternative to the above offer, I am asking that all comrades who can afford five bucks to donate that money to the ThePeoplesCube. If you visit here regularly, you are aware of the amount of time and effort that goes into the Cube. Nyet! I do not get a cut or other consideration for asking. I have been exempted from the beet fields for the time it takes to do this. Finally, here is the proof of my own donation. I am not asking you to do what I have not.

Donation Details
Donation amount: $5.00 USD
Total: $5.00 USD
Purpose: The People's Cube
Reference: Donation
Contributor: General Confusion

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Why, this receipt looks as valid as Dear Leader's Birth Certificate!

(I believe in the validity...)

User avatar
Oh alright. I'm in, too.

(But I'll expect a refund when the Cube gets its next stimulus payment. Rumor has it Dear Leader has given it top priority.)

User avatar
Break it down for us, General Confusion! Will 10 c a month provide snacks for a webprogrammer? Will 25c pay for a Mb of storage? Will $1.95 a month keep the strawberry till full?

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It all started with the STRAWBERRIES, I tell you!

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Captain Queeg spent too much time playing with his balls!

The Major is off, way off!