
A comradely request for information

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{out of karakter}

I'm banging my head against a brick wall trying to come up with a unifying statement that will explain the liberal/progressive mindset. The mindset that makes people become proud Americans when Obama gets elected, and ashamed just 24 hours earlier without their Dear Leader. The kind of entitlement mindset that says a person only needs so much money, and that the state should ensure all needs are met. And so forth. We all know what I'm talking about here.

In essence I need a Unified Theory of Liberalism to work from.

The best I can come up with so far is Cartman's statement from a South Park epsisode... "Goddamn hippies!" Ok, joking aside, can any here direct me to some quality work about the liberal mindset?

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Collective and willful ignorance/insanity?

How 'bout just plain asinine?

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Ahh Comrade L 'n' T we KNOW what the Party does, but I must identify (preferably with studies by people with letters after their names) WHY the party does what it does.

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Alright,ya goddamn hippie...

He isn't a man of letters...but his name is sort of impressive sounding and long and I think his book on the subject is pretty good; Eric von Kuehnett-Leddihn,"Leftism Revisited:From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot" Regnery Publishing House.

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My neighbor voted for change. He's a typical 60's hippie that swears he's a conservative Republican. He got all excited when he thought Limbaugh was going to jail, regardless of the fact they violated his rights to get the goods on him. To this day (what, two weeks and several scandals later?) he supports Obama & Change even though he does acknowledge that Obama is serving Carter's second term and has stuffed his administration with Clinton people (he didn't like Clinton) for their experience. When I say to him that this country cannot afford a turn to socialism he shrugs and says we need change. His main beef with Bush was the deficit but under Obama it's no problemo because we need Change.

To sum it up he is a child of his generation, the generation of "the ends justify the means". I don't know where he gets his news I can only imagine that's it's the Kos or Huffington.

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What about.

I am a liberal. People who talk about ethics are not cool; I want to be cool so I just have tastes. They're a lot easier. Since I don't like ethics, actions shouldn't have consequences. My view of the world is so rigid that I don't like self-sufficient people. I'm afraid of the hard consequences of my life but I am not at all afraid of having brass balls. I am a small, solipsistic man constantly at war with a reality that does not care about me.

"Liberals see the world the way it should be. Conservatives see the world the way it really is." I think President Regan said that but I think that is the answer to your question Comrade 7.62. We should all have health care, gold toilets and flying cars, but that is not the way the world works.

A Fellow Traveler
I want what I want and I want it now.

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  • Liberal ignorance, living comfortable in it till death.
  • Give money, get nothing.
  • Thinking is for (insert word)
  • Liberalism, slavery, what slavery?
  • Born without a brain, and now I'm a Senator!
  • Irony, the democrat playbook.(See Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton)
  • Your tax dollars are going to drug addicts to buy more for them, is that what you want?
  • Spare change, it doesn't belong to you!

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On another Cube thread I remember a statement something like:

A guy in a Ferrari roars by a mass transit city bus. A Conservative on the bus looks at the car and thinks "Man, someday I'm gonna have one of those babies!" A Liberal on the bus thinks "Selfish bastard! Someday I'm gonna make sure he has to ride the bus too!"

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Ivan Betinov wrote:On another Cube thread I remember a statement something like:

A guy in a Ferrari roars by a mass transit city bus. A Conservative on the bus looks at the car and thinks "Man, someday I'm gonna have one of those babies!" A Liberal on the bus thinks "Selfish bastard! Someday I'm gonna make sure he has to ride the bus too!"

The Party Member says "Today, I'm going to make sure they all have to ride the bus and then I will have one of those babies!"

- Liberals - we don't think, we feel.
- Liberalism - making criminals out of honest people and "victims" out of useless people since, well, forever.
- I'm a liberal - what's mine is mine and what's yours is everybody else's.
- Failure is the new success! Mediocrity is achievement!

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I do not understand how party members can keep short-changing The Great Helmsman Barack Hussein Obama by comparing him with Jimmy Carter. Yes, Carter was a great leader, but BHO aspires to be more like Woodrow Wilson! Federal Income Tax, League of Nations, that's leadership!

Perhaps we should make a Cube Book Club to discuss subversive books that should be banned? ... 0385511841

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Comrades to understand the truisms of our Mantras you need to go back to the wellspring of intelligence from which it flows, which means you must look to our greatest examples. Sigh...I get all teary eyed just thinking about them..........

Jimmy Carter: "Government is a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. People have the right to expect that all these wants will be provided for by this wisdom."

Barack Obama Philip Slater: "Change can take place only when liberal and radical pressures are both strong. Intelligent liberals have always recognized the debt they owe to radicals, whose existence permits liberals to push further than they would otherwise have dared, all the while posing as compromisers and mediators. Radicals, however, have been somewhat less sensible of their debt to liberals, partly because of the rather single-minded discipline radicals are almost forced to maintain, plagued as they always are by liberal backsliding and timidity on the one hand and various forms of self-destructiveness and romantic posing on the other.... Liberal reforms and radical change are thus complementary rather than antagonistic. Together they make it possible continually to test the limits of what can be done. Liberals never know whether the door is unlocked because they are afraid to try it. Radicals, on the other hand, miss many opportunities for small advances because they are unwilling to settle for so little."

Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Conservatism makes no poetry, breathes no prayer, has no invention; it is all memory. Liberal reform has no gratitude, no prudence, no husbandry."

West Wing Epsiode: (The way the Govn't should be) "Somebody came along and said 'liberal' means 'soft on crime, soft on drugs, soft on Communism, soft on defense, and we're gonna tax you back to the Stone Age because people shouldn't have to go to work if they don't want to.' And instead of saying, 'Well, excuse me, you right-wing, reactionary, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-education, anti-choice, pro-gun, Leave it to Beaver trip back to the '50s,' we cowered in the corner and said, 'Please don't hurt me.' "

Dave Barry: "The Democrats seem to be basically nicer people, but they have demonstrated time and again that they have the management skills of celery. They're the kind of people who'd stop to help you change a flat, but would somehow manage to set your car on fire. I would be reluctant to entrust them with a Cuisinart, let alone the economy."

Wait a moment! How did that last one get in there ?!??

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Robot, for quoting Dave Barry, you are sentenced to two years digging beets under Pinkie's direction. And she's mean in the clinches.

If you had added in the utterly heretical view that the Democrats are so full of themselves that there's no room for an idea it would be a lifetime.

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Commissar Theocritus: Thank you sir, your generosity is only supassed by your liberal hypocrisy dedication to the Party!

May I make some small contrition to the Party by quoting William E Gladstone: "Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear."

I would beg the Inner Circle for consideration for leniency on my sentence as I am terribly allergic to Borscht. Please do not misconstrue my intentions, as I am not trying to "ride the wave" of pardons that were granted to higher ranking members such as Geithner and Douchle Daschle.

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Robot, your pleas have touched my heart. Because you are such a loyal automaton, never thinking anything outside the Party Line(tm), you are pardoned. I have learned, and here I finger a tear from my eye, that punishing a loyal member can make room for a new member, <i>who might commit the crime of thought</i>.

I cannot tell you how I feel for Comrade Faschle Daschle. That little shit and asshole combined valiant party member would have been wonderful with his foot on the neck of the masses. How better to get affordable health care? Which is as we all know the death of medical research and treatment as we know it. I weep that we cannot join the cost-control by rationing of Holland. I see no reason that we ought to pay for heart surgeries for people over 65.

Faschle Daschle was our best hope for financing nationwide chains of JifiLobo and Hemlock restaurants.

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Commissar Theocritus:

I tear my garments in utter grief and wear Sack-cloth and Ashes for the loss of such a loyal Party member as Tom Dasshole, Douchle Daschle!!

Even without him, Obama, as foretold, used the Trojan Horse Stimulus PlanTMto make a down payment on health care reform, expanding public coverage of those now uninsured dramatically. He signed into law additional coverage using the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Though he has marginally increased the funding, he is asking the lazy, pampered and worthlesssame pool of doctors and nurses and the same amount of medical equipment to take on the care of almost 7 million more people (likely to increase to 50 million by some conservative estimates). This undoubtly will necessitate rationing of medical services. Those too old, too sick, or with bad habits like smoking, drug use (forgive me I have blundered again for mentioning the favorite past-time of Obama) may find themselves fenced off from good medical care, even if they can pay for it themselves.

It is his great plan to weed-out the weak and infirm like Hitler other progressives before him attempted.

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Proletarian Robot wrote:Commissar Theocritus:

I tear my garments in utter grief and wear Sack-cloth and Ashes for the loss of such a loyal Party member as Tom Dasshole, Douchle Daschle!!

Even without him, Obama, as foretold, used the Trojan Horse Stimulus PlanTMto make a down payment on health care reform, expanding public coverage of those now uninsured dramatically. He signed into law additional coverage using the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Though he has marginally increased the funding, he is asking the lazy, pampered and worthlesssame pool of doctors and nurses and the same amount of medical equipment to take on the care of almost 7 million more people (likely to increase to 50 million by some conservative estimates). This undoubtly will necessitate rationing of medical services. Those too old, too sick, or with bad habits like smoking, drug use (forgive me I have blundered again for mentioning the favorite past-time of Obama) may find themselves fenced off from good medical care, even if they can pay for it themselves.

It is his great plan to weed-out the weak and infirm like Hitler other progressives before him attempted.

Comrade Robot- your willingness to lobotomize yourself with repeated reprogramming is inspiring!

Ok, with this administration I'm seriously going to wear out my Cone of Silence and I'll end up having to buy a new one. These "gefoilt" moonbats were the same ones saying Bush was copying from Hitler with a false flag operation in the form of 9/11 to circumvent the Constitution and usurp power. Why is it that they can't see this shit going on now?! Perhaps because they voted with their wallets and stand with open hands ready to receive their alms? What is so hard to understand about second and third order effects? Do they think that when a liberal tosses a stone into a pond that it makes no splash or ripple?? Do they not understand that when they tweak one variable that our highly complicated economic calculus will be disrupted?

Hmmmm.... let's increase access to health care because providing for the children is important because their parents can't/won't/don't want to work. Let's also include illegals, as if they did not have enough reason for breaking and entering into our fine country. Now let's expect for the system to be able to provide for millions of new patients. Then when we realize it can't, let's spend a few trillion more dollars to expand the medical field. Or just ration health care. It's like throwing the baseball to first when the runner is already on third! They'll never be able to forsee all the consequences of their actions. This sort of thing is exactly what Atlas Shrugged is about... I have a NEED for Rearden Metal... and grapefruits...

I'm beginning to understand why many Russians are soooo WASTED on vodka all the time.......


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Thank you comrades for the information and suggested reading.

That said I'm starting to think being wasted a lot might be a Good Thing(TM)

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Comrade7.62 wrote:Thank you comrades for the information and suggested reading.

That said I'm starting to think being wasted a lot might be a Good Thing(TM)

It's worked pretty well on my PTSD, so why not for my CTSD (CAPITALISM Traumatic Stress Disorder)? Laphroaig Single Malt, Rothaus Pils, and ample quantities of Rotwein are my coping skills. Thanks to Comrade Red Bubba for the book pick- it's in my cart now.


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Vodkavich wrote:Why is it that they can't see this shit going on now?! Perhaps because they voted with their wallets and stand with open hands ready to receive their alms?
I think you give them too much credit. There is a current thought that we are in a post-materialistic age when people have enough and are therefore preening on their sensitivity. I once irritated someone by suggested that he was using the Democratic party as his personal shopper for his conspicuous compassion.

Radicals are determined to upend society to make it suit them better. Liberals don't want the bother of ethics and want to be loved, and secure in the knowledge that the blood and treasure of ethical people have made them safe, shit on the blood and treasure of ethical people in the past.

Some of them are truly nasty, hating reality for not conforming to their ideas. Some are clueless, wearing their ideas as though they were DKNY gear.

Comrade7.62, I've spent a lot of time being wasted and yes, it's a lot of fun. But it's bad for your wallet, it's bad for your liver, and it dulls your senses when you go in for the attack. There aren't that many moonbats in West Texas--the gringos are conservative, the Mexicans practical, and for those few moonbats that are left--can you imagine the fun I have as a gay conservative?

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O.V. wrote:
[HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]Ok, with this administration I'm seriously going to wear out my Cone of Silence and I'll end up having to buy a new one.

Comrade O.V. I will let you in on an Inner Party Secret (first I need to turn my TV & computer monitors off for just a moment, you know how touchy Theocritus can be).

This little known Campaign FlyerTM that was going to be used by ACORN but rejected at the last moment for being too true inflammatory may help explain things and ease your angst just a little.......


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And to the Made Progressives, too, I fervently hope. I mean, what have I been working for so hard? So I can not-work, that's why.

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Comrade Robot.... I do indeed feel much better now. Thank you for being so considerate. Even if the proles become too stupid to vote with their open wallets, ACORN stands ready to remind them why they need The Party. Oooh... time for the No SPIN Zone. I'd better get my fangs sharpened so I can bark at O'Riley!!