
A Light in the Dark: Brotha says "Don't Blame Whitey"

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Hey Comrades,This was just too beautiful to not share with you.

I found it by accident and addressed him this way:

Dearest JAYLOVE47,

Words escape me when I try to find them in thanks to you, my darling brother. I am old enough to be your mother and, while I have no children, I would be very proud to have you as my son.

Never in my life, as a "white cracker bitch" have I ever not held respect for my sweet brethren of all races, as long as they respect me, too. Not too much to ask.

Do I see "black?" Of course! Why not? I just see Americans who love liberty. Some of them are "black."

I will send this beautiful rant of yours to many people. Thank you for saying all of this. Keep it up!

Actually, Comrades, I rode through everything I could to get the proper punctuation and all. I hope you get the jist of it all. It's quite nice.


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This poor slob shall soon be relegated to the likes of Herman Cain, Bill Cosby, Allan West, Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas... Prison is going to suck for this young man if he gets there in one piece...

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
My Dear Jaylove47…

You poor, deluded Uncle Tom…

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… No black ‘man' can bring anything upon himself without first having received it from a white kraker bastard from his Demokrat masters.

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man…for Black on Black Krime! Through Demokrat social welfare programs we have taught generations of Black Men that Krime PAYS! “If deys gots it, and ayes can takes it, is mine!” That's our glorious welfare system without the Government middle man.

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… for Single Black Mothers. Through Demokrat social welfare programs which subsidise irresponsible behavior – sexual pleasure without regard for the consequences of fatherhood, we have conditioned the Black Man to be little more than a breeding stud to fill ourplantations voting rolls with plenty of new voters. WE the Party have become their Father! Our investments are posting returns in spades (if you will pardon the pun).

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… for Black Male Failures, because he has undermined the public education system making Equal Opportunity a mirage. He has reinforced soul-destroying low expectations through quota systems.

Yes, We Can! Blame the White Man… But tread lightly! It has all been done for YOUR OWN GOOD!

Do you think you will receive even a FRACTION of the compassion from the RethugliKKKans that we have shown YOU ingrates in the past 50-odd years! It is a cold cruel world outside the Kollektive when one is expected to rise or fall by his/her/its own efforts. Brotha', you jus don' knows how goods you done gots it!

Just remember, every time a Black man votes for a RethugliKKKan… a Black Church gets burned or a Black Man gets dragged behind a Redneck's pickup truck!

It was a RethugliKKKan who discharged you all from the snuggly security of the plantation where you all received a roof over your heads, clothes on you backs and food for your bellies. Now they actually expect you to WORK for your very survival… How can one call this “right” or “fair?”

So, do not ask Black ‘men' to stop wallowing in their self-pity…it is far too much stress for them to handle.

I mean! The mere thought that a Black man can pick himself up by his OWN boot straps and make something of himself without the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or the Democratic Party is an abomination.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Captain Craptek wrote:If proles could but grasp sarcasm...

Should they ever manage it, Komrade... then we shall no longer need the Cube.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
"A light in the dark"?... USUALLY an oncoming freight train.

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"It was a RethugliKKKan who discharged you all from the snuggly security of the plantation where you all received a roof over your heads, clothes on you backs and food for your bellies. Now they actually expect you to WORK for your very survival… How can one call this “right” or “fair?”

Ah, Komrade Goldstein. It was a Democrat that put the Black Man back on the plantation. Our greatest Komrade Lyndon Baines Johnson saw fit to subsidize and encourage dependence on the government with his aptly named Great Society programs. He set such a good example that now, whites born into middle class homes have followed the Black Man into voluntary slavery. Surely Komrade Johnson should go down in Prog history as one of its greatest figures, next to Marx, Stalin and Gorbachev.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Komrade Katz wrote:"It was a RethugliKKKan who discharged you all from the snuggly security of the plantation where you all received a roof over your heads, clothes on you backs and food for your bellies. Now they actually expect you to WORK for your very survival… How can one call this “right” or “fair?”

Ah, Komrade Goldstein. It was a Democrat that put the Black Man back on the plantation. Our greatest Komrade Lyndon Baines Johnson saw fit to subsidize and encourage dependence on the government with his aptly named Great Society programs. He set such a good example that now, whites born into middle class homes have followed the Black Man into voluntary slavery. Surely Komrade Johnson should go down in Prog history as one of its greatest figures, next to Marx, Stalin and Gorbachev.
Indeed! LBJ is certianly on of the greatest Civil Rights leaders of the last century...I do not care HOW many times he used the N-Word! Yes, we have worked quite hard to herd them all back upon the plantation... only now they harvest votes rather than cotton. The las thing we need is 'Harriet Tubman' here pointing the way to "freedom." Perhaps a few lashes will teach him some manners!

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Oh.. The IRONY!!!! ... Rmw4D4pzIw

You can just SEE how good they had it! Is it any wonder they crawled back to Pharoah???

Indeed... a Mind is a terrible thing.

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Irony, satire, and sarcasm all in one thread...headache time!

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As usual, Comrades, you just blow me away with your insight, hubris and biting sarcasm, a true expression of love for humanity if there ever was one.

Rahm, You take the cake and get to eat it too, in my eyes. That is a stunning video. After all these years, I can't believe this was published. I wasn't watching then.

But, I'm watching now. Thank you.

Edit: Um...That would be "raum". Sorry for the misspelling, Comrade.

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To accentuate the conundrum of this post, I share with you my partner's (forwarded to me) most insightful and heartbreaking article:

It was written by a teacher who is in the belly of the beast.

Fixing this ain't gonna be so easy.

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I worked at a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) in South Carolina for a year. It was a cultural awakening that I never expected. It's an amazing article, thanks for posting that for the ones that will read it...
Image Clearly the racist who wrote this drivel has no clue of what it means to grow up half Kenyan in these United States of Indonesia. Harvard and Columbia law isn't that easy; just imagine what Dear Leader's unreleased grades must have been before they were secured!


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Dearest Tovi!

You reveal so many interesting things about yourself sometimes, lovely things!

It brings me joy to see them. Really.

