
A Month of Mourning

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Comrades, now that it is April, I propose that we all take a moment to pause and grieve for the death of the People's Leader Pol Pot, which occurred on April 15, 1998. That horrible day was a tragic loss for the Party and all its members. We all remember how he liberated Cambodia from the KKKapitalist pigs and then Purged around 25% of the population, all of whom were non-persons and Enemies of the People of course. Let us remember him and rededicate ourselves to ensuring that his life's greatest wish of world-wide Communism comes true.

Goodbye, Comrade Pol Pot. We miss you.


Good riddance, you vile, mass-murdering monster. I only hope that hell has flames hot enough for you. *spits*

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On our second most glorious day (April 15th) let us take a moment of silence for him, while the proles are silent, we'll break into their homes and take more money!

I wonder is he's chit-chatting wiht Saddam.

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It's all so confusing. After we drove the Imperialist American invaders out of Vietnam, Comrade Pol Pot liberated Kampuchea Cambodia using the tried and true reign of terror peace and prosperity tactic.

At that time all good Party members were supposed to pretend it wasn't happening. Now you say we must acknowledge a man who technically never existed for committing crimes against humanity acts of peace that never happened.


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Well, dig me a hole and bury me up to my neck. How about that! Now those were the good old days!