
A Silly, Silly Authoritarian Who Loves Torture (And 24!)

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Watch this video and immunize yourself from the falsehoods of the reactionary Fascist hordes!


Just look at how the Authoritarian Reagan preaches of slavery, colonialism and a return to the old days of servitude to cruel masters! Look at him, comrades! Look at him decry the utopia and the freedom our utopia will usher in!

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What is wrong with a "Great Society" or a greater Governmental Intervention? Or the Constitution as an antiquated document? It sounds like this comrade considers these things bad.

He obviously never spent any time in the Dacha of Delights. That would change his tune.

Lies from the Master of Lies!! How dare this warmonger and fearmonger criticize us and our Leadership!!

I couldn't go any further than half way through the video before I was starting to have a seizure. Dear Lenin, I may not be able to hear another speech again!

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And what a silly old man. To say that when he spoke the dollar was worth 45% of what it was in 1939. That is very good value for money. A dollar in 1973 is worth $7.89 now--that's 12.7%. All of the time I use <a href="">Tom's Inflation Calculator</a> to see the great economic benefits that our leaders have given us.

Comrades, when people complain to me that the stimulus bill will be impossible to pay for, I say, "Pish tush! It won't at all. All true progressives are now, in this slightly deflationary period, in a cash position [ off ] I mostly am [ /off ] and in two years when the interest will prove onerous, Our Most Wise Miss Nansky and Harry Reid will merely tell the treasure to crank up the presses. By then all true progressives will be highly leveraged, to be able to pay back debts with devalued currency.

Nothing warms the heart of an old Made Progressive like me more than government-induced hyperinflation. For it devalues the savers, who are hard to control, and rewards the imprudent borrowers.

Prudent people are anathema to a Made Progressive. If someone doesn't need something from me, he might--shudder, gasp--<i>ignore</i> me. And that won't do. We have to, as Made Progressives, destroy the value of the savings of those unpatriotic people who do not spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow.

Nothing is more progressive than a little government-induced double-digit inflation.

Or, be still my beating heart, could I hope for triple-digit inflation?