
As God Is My Witness, I'll Never Act Priviledged Again

After some recent sleuthing, Comrades, I believe I have come upon the scene in Gone With The Wind that has stirred up the furor.

Here we come upon entitled white princess Scarlett O'Hara walking in the fields tilled for 400 years by the descendants of the Jamestown wretches. And this in the immediate aftermath of the mostly peaceful anti-slavery protests of William Tecumseh Sherman and his ardent followers

Suddenly she spies a nutritious turnip at its ripest, having not yet lost its nutritious value via harvesting and sorting operations and being sold for profit in a capitalist market place. Without considering for a second that "She didn't plant that" and that this was the product of the toil and sweat of her Sub Saharan, melanin enriched field hands, she pounces on it like a vulture and greedily devours it.

And having lived a privileged life that looked down on this noble food of her slaves as unworthy of her ever-so-elevated "tastes", she immediately spits it out and has the nerve to complain about being hungry!!! And in a orgy of drama queening she proclaims, "I'll never be hungry AGAIN!" as if she did not have an entire field of nutritious foodstuffs at her fingertips!!!!

And would you believe that some white supremacist apologists have the audacity to use this over emotive perpetrate the hoax that tens of thousands of white Southerners starved to death as the result of Sherman's much-ballyhooed, so-called "March To The Sea" and the all too justified total destruction of the Southern economy

Starvation, Indeed!! What starvation? I'm not seeing it

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Oh Glib Karaoke Hooliganator --- this crossover suits you!!

And would believe that some white supremacist apologists have the audacity to say that this illustrates the fact that tens of thousands of white Southerners starved to death as the result of Sherman's much-ballyhooed, so-called "March To The Sea" and the total destruction of the Southern economy ... Starvation, Indeed!!

It's even worse, those pesky Southerner's ate the food APPROPRIATED as animal fodder, in their insatiable hunger to continue in their quest to survive. Until this survival fetish in open rebellion to White Supremacist Apologists are but forced to continue Sherman's Method to achieve victory in the War of Northern Aggression.

Continue Sherman's "March To The Sea"!

Anything of cultural value can be turned to rubble!

Move the Alamo!
Drawing that line in the sand is just that kind of impertinence for that 'class of people' and their whole 'will to survive' that White Supremacist Apologist have had to apologize for for too long.

So, the White Supremacist Apologist's have subcontracted to volunteers willing to take time out of their allotted days to destroy their own community by looting and burning anything of significance. White Supremacist Apologist's have empowered unpaid volunteers who are doing a pretty good their own expense and liabilities, of course --- in this war of Survival Insistence.

forelock tug,

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Komrades, is it just me or does it ring with the Kollektive, too?


Hammer and Sickle, still disjoined - but once they snap in, a red cornucopia will rise on the horizon, and there will be turnip, and radish, and beets! For the Kollektive, according to its needs, and even scraps for privileged whitey O'Hara (according to zir ability to dig and pick and peel).

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:Komrades, is it just me or does it ring with the Kollektive, too?


Hammer and Sickle, still disjoined - but once they snap in, a red cornucopia will rise on the horizon, and there will be turnip, and radish, and beets! For the Kollektive, according to its needs, and even scraps for privileged whitey O'Hara (according to zir ability to dig and pick and peel).

If the South had of planted the beets according to the Jesuits........

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I am STARVING!!! FUCKE YOU WHITE GENOCIDE MOTHER FUCKERS! I'VE asked you to see that I am am RED but you refuse to see it, so now I have turned blacke.,, and a ghost.

Thank you for your proper respects to my appropriated colour.

Bless the Beets!

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And...most Glib Karaoke Hooligan Comrade Lenniesky...remember that GWTW scene at the Lumber Mill when the illegal aliens were brought in to take the jobs of the US citizen crew Ashley was running?

Why Ashley was paying those US citizen crew enough in wages that their wives an; childrens were tucked in at night under eiderdown quilts like what the master folks used.

Koch Chicken Plants have been known to run the same way.

Koch Foods: Mississippi ICE raid search illegal. Evidence should be excluded

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And may it bleed into one and not oink, as I was afraid to misspell one with my meager education...