
Building a Better Next Tuesday

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I am proud to announce our first campaign commercial for our Dear Leader. On to the glorious future that awaits us as we drive our new chariots of fire. ... vLKiWi71cE

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Commodore - Good times! Three "beet roasts" just this week.


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All Hail President Downgrade's version of the Trabant!

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Comrades, with our good friends in Iran leading the way (behind North Korea, of course) and setting an excellent example, I suspect that Next Tuesday could be closer than we think!

Iran government cuts off internet access

It's a beautiful thing - and it'll keep all those teabagging reich wing wackos from using the interwebs to spread hatred and discontent, once Dear Leader follows their example!

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Comrades, the Dolt Volt is a triumph of crony capitalism central planning. It demonstrates that when Big Government, Big Business and Big Labor work together, they are capable of producing Big Disasters Big Products that comrade consumer can afford with a Big Subsidy. It reminds me of this old bit of Party wisdom: "A camel is a horse designed by a committee." I think Marx or Lenin said that. Maybe Obama.

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Opiate of the People wrote: I think Marx or Lenin said that. Maybe Obama.
They do all kind of blend together.
Except that One is less racist.