
Campaign for Cuban Independence from Spain

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The anti-communist Cuban exiles in the US have united under the banner of Bloggers United for Cuban Liberty

Their first political action of smear and provocations is Campaign for Cuban Independence from Spain

By now, the Spanish simply cannot claim ignorance of the fact that Cuba is a seriously oppressive, rigidly totalitarian society NONE of them would want for themselves or their loved ones. Yet here they are totally ignoring that, as if it were a trivial matter, and simply serving up visions of mulata tits and ass to eager Spanish customers.

The message is clear: "Never mind that Cubans live in a horrible system under horrible conditions. That can be turned to our advantage. The poor natives are desperate enough to cater to the most repulsive, fat, oily old Spaniard, and the price is quite reasonable. Just look at that succulent mulata flesh, just waiting to be had! So come on down to Cuba, and have a good old time while the getting's still good!"


This campaign is clearly a below-the-belt blow at Spanish welfare recipients who, by voting for socialism, have earned the right for month-long vacations in Cuba being attended by cheap succulent whores who won't ruin the common welfare man's budget.

Imagine if Cuba suddenly went free and capitalist! The horror! THE HORROR! All those girls might get real jobs! We must keep those people on a socialist leash for as long as the aging union members in Europe may need a sex plantation to relieve their stress caused by the 28-hour work week and the growing Muslim populations.


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FREE WHORES IN CUBA!?!? Oh my goodness, I feel tension in my neck! Oww, owww! Oh yes, I need a trip to Cuba now... yes, where is my doctor... where is he? Doctor Fuku, write me a prescription to fly down to Cuba for a month and make sure it is covered by the AmeriKKKan tax-payer... owwww! Ugh, I can't move my neck now... and I have a headache, yes, a headache! Oh surely I will not survive if I don't get my free whores! OH THE HUMANITY! HAVE COMPASSION ON MY WEARY INNER-COMRADE! SEND ME TO CUBA! SEND ME NOW!

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Yes, Chairman! That's what socialized healthcare is about!
The poor natives are desperate enough to cater to the most repulsive, fat, oily old Spaniard, and the price is quite reasonable.
Now this sheds a whole new light on Michael Moore's recent trip to Cuba, when he took a group of 9/11 rescue workers to get free treatment at those superb medical facilities, where for a reasonable tip he could also get a full-body massage by the succulent mulatto nurses.

Michael Moore getting treatment in Cuba: a scene from his latest documentary "Sicko" (this is a re-enactment)

Is that part of the government investigation by any chance? Of course Mr. Moore is unreachable for comment as right now he is at the Cannes Film Festival parading his new real-life documentary "Sicko" (see screenshot above)

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Maybe Mr. Moore (glutton be thy name) can film another docutruth called Fatso? Yes, him and Richard Simmons can take obese womyn to the DPRK to show them and the entire world North Korea's superior dieting programs! And why stop there? Why not send all 300 million fat and disgusting Amerikans to North Korea so that they can lose weight, move rocks, work in the mines, and get in the best shape of their lives! Hmm, I smell another Oscar nomination! Oh yes I do! We can also have a cameo made by Mr. Fatso himself, Dom Deluise, to testify the miracles of Kim Jong Il's People's Utopia (he won't have a choice really, not if he wants to get any work in Hollywood again! We'll run him out of town if he doesn't testify to their progress!).

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote: Yes, him and Richard Simmons can take obese womyn to the DPRK to show them and the entire world North Korea's superior dieting programs!

Now that's a great money making idea! Thanks.

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Mr. Moore (glutton be thy name)

Thus the name. I believe the "Moore" is just the first part of his last name translated poorly from Idioteese. New scientific findings have discovered that his full, real last name is really More Bacon Grease, Hold the Babies.

Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Yes, him and Richard Simmons can take obese womyn to the DPRK to show them and the entire world North Korea's superior dieting programs! And why stop there? Why not send all 300 million fat and disgusting Amerikans to North Korea so that they can lose weight, move rocks, work in the mines, and get in the best shape of their lives! !

Don't forget the wonderful food distribution programs in the DPRK. As a part of the national dieting program, all the food is redistributed to the Korean Peoples' Army of more than a million freedom fighters. Kim's brave soldiers need the entire country's food, as they stay on the defensive against 35,000 Amerikan imperialists in the backward ROK.

Cuba = La Perla de las Antillas