
CAPTION & PHOTOSHOP: Obama, Guns, and Skeetergate

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Vice President Joe Biden and outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta review the Pentagon's new M-4 Carbine variant. The modifications shown were made to turn the US Military's famous "Black Rifle" into a kinder and gentler weapon; one amenable to the sensibilities of all recently-authorized, "special classes" of American combat troops. President Obama took a few moments away from this meeting to demonstrate his deep understanding of the needs of today's soldiers, by engaging in his new-found hobby of skeet shooting.


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Original photo of President Obama on skeet range at Camp David, prior to being coached in proper shooting form by Secret Service entourage.


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Hey, if Elvis could shoot a TV set just because he didn't like Robert Goulet...


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President Obama joins the family of a returning Middle-East War veteran in an emotion-filled homecoming.


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This is the controversial, recent change made to the White House West Wing copy of Emanuel Gottleib Leutze's famous painting, "Washington Crossing the Delaware". The change to this painting was based upon Vice President Joe Biden's personal recommendations and conducted under his close supervision. Vice President Biden, who formerly served as the Democratic Senator from Delaware, felt the change necessary to ensure that the current Administration receives proper recognition from all future Chief Executives.


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Sneak peak at the new DHS poster for their "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign. Terrorism, it seems, could well be as close as your first cup of coffee in the morning. The price of freedom is indeed eternal vigilance!


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While at Camp David, President Obama takes time from his busy schedule to enjoy a little competitive skeet shooting with foreign military leaders during their visit to the US.


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Ushanka tip to Mi: from The Moscow News:

Taking center stage at the 17th Congress of the Communist Party, a representative of the Red Army presented Joseph Stalin with a sniper rifle as a gift. The party leader took the gun and, with a playful grin, pointed it at the assembled party elite.

In 1934, the moment might still have seemed funny. But by the end of Stalin's reign, almost half of those who witnessed his morbid sense of humor that day would be shot.

Mi's comment: New York Times opens an internal investigation into mis-attribution of the Obama-with-a-rifle picture.

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On the right, is that Pinky without her babushka (or that shovel...) ?