
Clinton Win in Nevada

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Its another glorious day for our MTE!

And the picture pretty much says it all.


"U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., rewards american citizenship to Hispanics for their votes, campain support, souls, at Mandalay Bay hotel and casino in Las Vegas on Saturday."

As you can see our Red Queen is wearing the Peoples Colour(tm), a glorious foreshadowing of things to come.

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And she has a Kim Jong-il hairstyle to match.


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Off Character.

No shit! Mandalay Bay...again?

Where is Hsu? With Waldo?
Can you spot the Treasury guy?

Is this a Hillary thread? Okay, I'll drop some hard-to-classify dogma here.
A working Hillary nutcracker:
It'll cost the worker $24.95.
Other politicophernalia:,5538,28180,00.html

Fraternal greetings,
Adnan Hajj.
(P.S. I'm the guy who made Reuters a real contendah, but al-Jazeera is still the champ.)

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Adnan Hajj wrote:...I'm the guy who made Reuters a real contendah...

Your skills may be necessary in the upcoming transition to the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™.



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Mikhail T. Kalashnikov wrote: the upcoming transition to the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™.

The revolution is on next Tuesday? Crud. I am way underprepared... can I borrow a few "Get Out of the Gulag Free" cards?

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I thought this was a workers' family friendly site, but there Hillary is in its Hillariness, mercilessly Pavloving me in front of my spousal unit and future Party members.

On second thought, a good proletarian should not be ashamed to show his susceptibility to Party conditioning; rather, he should be proud.

Comrades, before the KGB gets here, please accept my self-criticism: I have overcome a lingering bourgeois sentiment concerning Comrade Hillary (and her lingere).

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Comrade Tovarich, you are permitted below-the-belt thoughts about our Many Titted Empress. With her thighs and ass think of the future Party Members she could whelp. And we need all the New Soviet Citizens that we can get. So dream on, bro, dream on.