
People's Cube Solving Robot Sets new Record

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Comrades! I wish to present a new triumph of our Glorious Socialist Engineering over the inferior Capitalist bungling. After reading trumped up claims and falsehoods of a lego robot that could solve the most complex Rubik's cube puzzle; I began immediate work on a Socialist robot that could solve our most complicated People's Cube puzzles. After years and years of toil (which we bypassed with a wormhole and a trip through the phone booth) we succeeded inreverse engineering stealing outright copying creating our own Cube solving robot!

Behold the triumph of Socialist Ingenuity! After only ONE SINGLE ATTEMPT our robot SET A RECORD FOR SOLVING THE PEOPLE'S CUBE. On top of that, our superior robot outperforms the capitalists, for EACH AND EVERYTIME we have it solve The Cube, IT DOES IT IN A NEW RECORD TIME! In honor of this triumph of noble socialist skill, I have allotted an extra hour of time today during the work day for each and every comrade. Praise Obama!


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This is so glorious and commendations to you and yours for your Socialist ingenuity! I am excited beyond excite.
umm, now, exactly what does it do? Or am I being capitalistic presumptuous in assumptions that it should 'do' anything? Please give informative to me and mine to I to me.

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Fraulein, I'm guessing (by the look of it) that it lays the People's Cube on a flat surface, then takes it's big metal foot and smashes it flat as a pancake. After that it merely has to arrange all the 54 little red squares into a hammer and sickle pattern. Either that or a picture of Marx and Lenin shaking hands.

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Can we program it to disperse those horrid tea party protesters?

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Comrades, much like the horrid capitalist Rubik's cube solving robot, all this robot does is solve the People's Cube in record time. It was designed to prove that socialist engineering will always solve problems better and faster than the capitalist pigs. It takes a People's Cube, and manipulates it until all sides are red. Thus far after 3,999,133,356,815,193 attempts, it still continues to set records for solving the People's Cube. Future upgrades will enable it to set world records in rubber stamping Dear Leader's orders, thus replacing Congress. Again; superior than the capitalist system.

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So the Iron Giant was Soviet after all.

Who knew?


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Colonel 7.62 wrote:" Future upgrades will enable it to set world records in rubber stamping Dear Leader's orders, thus replacing Congress. Again; superior than the capitalist system.
ah ha, I see, the Rubber Stamer czar. Very good! And most needed.

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Just looking at this, the New Soviet Man, is redistributing me a steelie!