
Dear Leader Explains It To Us.

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obstruction sm..jpg

Image What would we do without him ? Good question.

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Image Ouch


Most Equal there, Comrade Jibaro! The fundamentals of the Party line always make the best explanations.

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In his muscularly-languaged State of the Collective speech, Dear Leader proudly proclaimed he would fight obstruction with action. We must all follow his lead....


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Follow his lead ?

We already are.... because we are the passengers in the back seat !

Even after going through that wall, he kept telling us how good of a driver he was , and that the crash wouldn't have happened if those careless builders hadn't put the wall in his way.

Clearly, the accident was their fault.

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Krasnodar wrote:
obstruction sm..jpg


Every so often someone comes up with a sentence that so perfectly and succinctly describes our current reality (not to be confused with Current Truth) and that caption is one of those.

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Has anyone noticed that the cruise ship got in trouble specifically because IT LEANED TOO FAR TO THE RIGHT?!?

Things that make you go "hmmmm...".

Did anyone check to see if the Captain's social security number would pass E Verify? Seems like they are saying that the SSN used was for a person who was born in 1890 and voted in a Chicago election way back when.

You know what the greeenies say, reuse everything!