
Dear Leader's First Weekly YouTube Address

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Glorious! The People can be sedated with images of our Dear Leader and empty rhetoric. Needs a fireplace in the background.

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The Messiah Ahhhhhh,

But he is just a puppet for our great leaders, if you look closely you can see the strings.

Oh my is that a lapel pin? The one with 57 states on it?Perhaps instead of a fire place behind him he could put a moving film with words flashing by such as "OBEY" "FOLLOW"

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Fire place? I think you are mistaken Glorious Supreme Ruler of the Universe Obama with disgraced bridge troll Jimmah Cartah. In time we will all mistake Glorious Supreme Ruler of the Universe Obama with bridge troll Jimmah Cartah.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Fire place? I think you are mistaken Glorious Supreme Ruler of the Universe Obama with disgraced bridge troll Jimmah Cartah. In time we will all mistake Glorious Supreme Ruler of the Universe Obama with bridge troll Jimmah Cartah.

He should be smoking a pipe and start off the address, leaning against the mantelpiece with his back to the camera, then turn...

"Ah, hello there..."

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Found under collective's bridge:

Is this the purveyor of poisoned peanuts?

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Note how the Glorious Leader is offset with the flag in the left side of the screen. This will stir the hearts of those foolish patriots of the capitalist system while sending a message to those of us wise enough to see the gap between them as a sign of his true feelings.

Were those law books in the backround or were they the writings of some of our Glorious ideologues and luminaires? Maybe having Jimmah Cartah write some of His speeches wouldn't be a bad idea.

His Excellency needs us now more than ever, Comrades. He needs to lay out His vision of a New World of This Past Tuesday™ for all of the world to see. Bu$Hitler is a relic of the Neo-Cons and must be prosecuted as soon as he is out of office.

May the Obama bail you out with bails of cash! May your mortgages be paid in full and may you have a government job!

He did have the words Obey and Follow. I saw them on the camera side of his teleprompter.

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I see problem here. Not all the people yet have computers and the People's Internet created by Comrade Gore.

I am thinking, rather than expensive computer for each of the Proletariat, perhaps simple , cost effective microchip implanted into each forehead, to carry the voice of our Fearless Leader directly? And of course the rest of the time, suitable diverse progressive messages for all?

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That is coming. Soon everyone will be implanted with chips. No one will be able to exist legally without one. It will have all their information and a GPS locator inside. No one will be able to purchase goods or get a job without one. It will be glorious total control over the masses!

Absolutely no relation to that "mark" that silly book the "Bible" talks about in Revelations....

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Premier Betty wrote:That is coming. Soon everyone will be implanted with chips. No one will be able to exist legally without one. It will have all their information and a GPS locator inside. No one will be able to purchase goods or get a job without one. It will be glorious total control over the masses!

[HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]Absolutely no relation to that "mark" that silly book the "Bible" talks about in Revelations....

Yes, Premier, So young and so wise,

There have been several documentaries on cable recently, probing the coming of the AntiChrist. Our beloved Obamessiah has many of the traits that the religious community believes necessary to bring on the 1,000 years of the Fallen One. Surely this will tie in with the World of ? Tuesday? We are but the beginnings of the New World Order. The advance force, if you must. When there is total domination by Our Leader and his Elite, the perfection of this world will overwhelm even us, and the AntiChrist will rule in perpetual glory! We, the advance guard, will be forever eulogised, but, alas, only a future footnote in history.
Hope I didn't scare you with my rant, my liege?

your submissive Revolutionary slave to Utopia,

Che' Gourmet

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Fireplace, comrades? As in a site where one burns the glorious creation of Mother Earth that must be preserved at all costs: wood? Al Gore weeps.

The only way the Great and Glorious One would allow himself to be seen next to a fireplace would be if it were burning an eco-friendly fuel, such as the brains of necroproxies, or the Bill of Rights.

Or, as we shall soon discover, your money.

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Comrade Kitty,

What is the wall behind him made out of ? Is that a Party approved material, made neither of living wood nor from evil petroleum byproducts?

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Dr. Nyet wrote:Comrade Kitty,

What is the wall behind him made out of ? Is that a Party approved material, made neither of living wood nor from evil petroleum byproducts?

The wall behind him is made of an entirely renewable resource, extremely eco-friendly, a combination of soybeans, bamboo shards and the masticated flesh of dead Rethugicans held together by the tears of weeping third-world Children ™ who are, of course, duly compensated at Fair Trade rates. Is Green Party approved. No animal testing. PETA monitors have rubbed their nekkid vegan bodies all over it in PETA approval marking, which accounts for the, ummm, unfortunate odor. Thankfully, the One's Odor of Sanctity ™ overpowers this.

Rethuglicans are uncompensated. In fact, they are taxed for the privilege of becoming the One's Wallstuffs.


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I think he is posing at the Supreme Court. After all, that is where the important laws are made.

The Peoples' Congress will act to save the economy!
I love it, the campaign never ends.

Long live the Great Helmsman!
Long live Barry Soetto Barack Hussein Obama!
Change We Can Change!

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Anyone else unable to watch him after about 5 seconds? I simply can not watch him any longer because of all the Drive-By build up, that stupid smile, and that nail-grinding voice. GAAAA! I'm tired of him, I'm tired of this election, and above all, I'm tired of democrats and their repetition of the same garbage!

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I have a mark on my forehead. I slammed the floor a little to hard this morning when I was praying in the direction of Chicago, the birthplace of the Obamessiah. Where he first toiled as a humble community organizer awaiting his annoiting by Brother Ayers in the holy waters of Lake Michigan. And the spirit of the Most Reverend Wright came upon Barak like a dove... but I digress.

Is this the mark the Premier refers too?

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Obama was born in Chicago? Did they finally find that illusive birth certificate?

And there are many marks. Like the mark on my forehead that I got right before I had the brilliant idea for the Flux Capacitor. It involved a toilet as well. But not as progressive.

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I thought Obamassiah was born in the Kenyian district of Hawaii, and had moved to Chicago so he could be close to good party members like Ayers and politically reliable Community Organizers?

Question, since The One was such a big fan of Saul Alinksy who worshiped Lucifer, will he be using a Satanic Bible for his oath of office? Or instead, a copy of Mao's Little Red Book? Or a Qur'an?

It is so hard to know the Mind of our Fearless Leader, perhaps there should be a poll. No doubt the Will of the Masses will be in accord with the thoughts of The One.

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Premier Betty wrote:Obama was born in Chicago? Did they finally find that illusive birth certificate?

I am an lowly engineer whose gift of words is indeed lacking. I was referring to his political birth. Perhaps I should have said " 'born again' in Chicago". When the mythical place of his physical birth is discovered, I will indeed be making my pilgramage to that location.

one thousand pardons comrades and many thanks. I shall report for re-education immediately!