
Does anyone know the origin of this image?

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Is this really visual agitiprop from the RIAA or just a spoof?


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I thought us proles were supposed to pirate MP3s to show that we're not down with 'the man'.
In fact, I think I have about 120GB worth of communism on my hard drive, praise Lenin!


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Praise Lenin for downloading free music!

Truthfully, I remember when they wanted to ban cassette tape as they would be used to download free music over the FM radio, that as I recall, they also did not like because the sound quality was too good. Further back in time, they opposed records because they felt people would quit going to hear music done live. What I do not understand is that previously, the Supreme Court consistently ruled against the, as we now know, foolish fears of the recording artist industry. They always ruled that recording for one's own personal use was OK. Grant it, the concept of file sharing over the internet is a step up on that. Now, things are so bad that hardly anyone wants to be a rock and roll star... there just isn't any money in it....