
Even More Reichwing Hatespeech

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Image Over the course of my time in college, still trapped there, I have cranked out several impressive pieces of Rush Limbaugh propaganda. Surprisingly, the school paper refused to print my work. Therefore, I submit it for your disapproval.

A View on Free Speech from a Second Class Citizen

Over the past few weeks, I have conducted an experiment in the so-called “Freedom of Speech”. I have represented my opinions and satirical views in the form of posters around the Northwest Campus. Many students and faculty probably think I am a small minded bigot; maybe even a racist. Over the course of my experiment, the posters have been ripped down and defaced, and in response I have been called a coward and Nazi. One teacher, Barbara “Youngblood” Bugg, left me a note saying, “You should go join the Nazi party, they would love you!” She even went so far as to threaten to bring me in front of the disciplinary board. My posters have been called hateful and ridiculous. Does this sound like a freedom of speech? Name calling and intimidation.

In this country, it has become painfully obvious to me that free speech is divided into two classes: protected speech and hate speech. It is obvious I fall into the second category. All around me I see this hypocrisy. For eight years, I listened to the vicious and hateful things that were said about President Bush. No one was worried about hate speech when this was going on. I remember all the cartoons of him as a monkey. What if Obama was drawn as a monkey, or as Hitler for that matter, as Bush has been represented? What would the public outcry be? Eight years of being force fed venomous hate, and now it's almost been seven months into the Presidency of Barak Obama, and if I say one thing against him, I'm a racist, I'm a stupid redneck, I'm hateful. I'm sick of it! People can burn an American flag under the protection of the First Amendment, as ruled by the Supreme Court; by the way, hundreds of years ago, the Court also ruled that Slavery was constitutional. So it is legal to desecrate the banner of Liberty that hundreds of thousands have paid for in blood, but MY free speech is “hateful and ridiculous”. I'm sure if I had dusted off the old saying, “Bush lied, people died,” I would be receiving pats on the back even now. Maybe if I'd burned an Israeli flag, I could have gotten a scholarship somewhere. I posted a flyer with and image the World Trade Center mass murder, and of course, someone ripped it down. Obviously, someone too weak-minded to accept my free speech was intimidated by my opinion.

I realize this campus may have a convenient little rule tucked away somewhere in the handbook (page 50) that makes what I did wrong. Dissenting opinion is usually squelched by those in power, but nowhere in the Constitution does it say, “Freedom of speech stops at the schoolhouse door.” Nowhere does it say, “Speech is only free as long as you don't offend anyone.” These are practices the Islamofascists of Europe employ when people criticize Islam. They intimidate and threaten their opposition by shouting “Islamophobia” and rioting in the streets with signs reading, “Behead those who insult Islam!” That is not what America was founded on. Citizens of this country didn't use to be terrorized and intimidated for their opinions. Our founding fathers would be utterly ashamed of what this once great country has been perverted and twisted into. This is NOT the Republic hundreds of thousands of men died establishing and protecting, this is a disgrace!

At the University of Maine, a student, Susan Crane, did an “art project” in the student center where American flags were laid on the floor and students were encouraged to walk on them! Campus GOP students and the VFW, Veterans of Foreign Wars, attempted to remove the flags and the “art students” called the campus police on them. In the ensuing struggle, the campus Provost declared to the vets, “It's just a piece of cloth.” A faculty member added by telling the VFW they were protectingtheirfreedom of speech by leaving the flags on the ground! This is beyond disgraceful! How is this not hate speech? There is a difference between free speech and sedition, and Susan Crane should be tried and hanged for treason.

At the Los Angeles City College, Jonathan Lopes, a Christian student, was told to give an informative speech in his speech 101 class onanythinghe wanted to talk about. He decided to talk about being a Christian and the miracles of the lord God. He read, from the Webster's Dictionary, the definition of marriage, between a man and a woman, as the dictionary says. His professor, John Matterson, angrily called Lopez a “Fascist bastard” and told his class that anyone who was offended was free to leave. When no one got up, Matterson dismissed his class. Lopez later received an evaluation for his speech. Matterson had left off the grade and written, “Ask God what your grade is!” Apparently even though Lopez has a right to religion, it's not hate speech for this man to condemn him for it. No one's crying hate speech in defense of poor Jonathan Lopez. Previously, Matterson had declared to his students, “Anyone of you who voted for prop 8 (banning gay marriage in California) is a fascist bastard.” Lopez went to the Dean, Allison Jones, and asked her for help. She did absolutely NOTHING. Several students went so far as to complain to the Dean that Lopez had no right to speak “his hateful propaganda.” Another student said, “He should pay for preaching hate.” When Matterson found out Lopez had gone to the dean, he threatened Lopez in the hall. He promised he would see to it that Lopez was expelled. Lopez's Constitutional rights meant absolutely nothing to his tormentors and to this date, Dean Jones has done nothing to protect Lopez's freedom of speech. He has yet to receive a grade for his speech.

Today in America, it is a crime to have an opinion that conflicts with the sensitive views of the Liberal ruling classes that control our places of learning. They are no longer a place where young people can discover the world around them and form their own opinions in life. Now they are madrassas intent on indoctrinating another generation of loyal Democrat voters and for those who don't like it, the nail that sticks out, swiftly gets hammered down. The Benediction (a prayer to God) at Obama's inauguration contained the following, “… help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around ... when yellow will be mellow ... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right.” He took a sacred prayer and turned it into a racist joke that the crowd and Obama found very funny. As an American with Native American blood, I was severely offended by him calling us “the red man”, but no one cares about how I feel. That whole rhyme was nothing but racist propaganda, but no one cares. Obama can do no wrong and if you criticize him, you are a racist. It's obvious he's in a protective bubble because he's the first black president. There would be nearly as much support of him if he was just another “old white guy”. Is that not racists? Weren't people who voted for McCain accused of voting for him because Obama was black? Their votes were intimidated with accusations of racisms. Is reversed racism not still racism? Or does it not matter when whites are vilified? It is all a cruel joke perpetrated on the American people. It was a Republican, Lincoln, that freed the slaves, and it was Democrats that controlled the South in the 1960's. They are the ones who were loosing dogs on women and children and spraying innocent people with fire hoses. I have never oppressed anyone, and I'm sick of being punished for what others have done when I have no control over it. I am not a racist, I am an AMERICAN!


Here's my most "evil" poster.

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ImageMy name is Benjamin Cody Schiele. I am Twenty-one years old. I am a patriotic, God-fearing American. I was raised to love my country and our military and I love the Constitution. My late grandfather, Clyde K. Schiele, served in Germany during the occupation. He served in the Korean and Viet Nam War. He died in 2002 of cancer from Agent Orange. I am having troubles at school that I am powerless to stop. This is a great source of emotional pain. I need help. I will list the issues for your convenience:

(1) I attend Northwest Mississippi Community College in Desoto county. There is a student organization at the college known as the Gay-Straight Student Alliance. It is headed by a far-left teacher named [NAME WITHELD], she also heads the campus Green Club. I have been at odd with her for several semesters. The Gay Club has posted flyers all over the school advertising their organization, as is their right. The flyers feature the blasphemous phrase “God Made Me Gay.” I complained to the Assistant Dean, since the Dean was unavailable, to no effect. I turned in a flyer to the campus police with a complaint written on the back. This constituted “Disorderly Conduct” and “Destruction of School Property.”

(2) For this, I had to drive down to the Main Campus to speak with the Director of Student Affairs, [NAME WITHELD]. He is a football coach with a “degree in biology.“ We engaged in a tepid debate that lasted for two visits. On day two, he declared, “In this office, no one corrects me!” making it clear he was God of his cubicle. He made masked threats and belittled my religious beliefs, he identified himself as a Catholic. He gave me an Orwellian lecture in Doublespeak so convoluted that I can't remember how he worded it. I can, however, summarize it as this, “We all have the freedom of speech, but you need to shut up because we have to let the minority groups have their speech.”

(3) He had an utter disrespect for my rights and religious views (Matthew 10:33). He told me my grandfather, a Pastor for over 14 years, would not want me to waste my energies in this way. He had no idea who my grandfather was and had no right to speak like he did know him. [NAME WITHELD] looked like a fool when he said my grandfather was probably in the same bush as his father in Korea. I told him my grandfather was working supplies in Germany. Carroll went on to ask me, “Would Jesus rip down those posters?” I mentioned John 2 :14-15 about Christ driving the money changers from the temple. He didn't care. He snidely responded , “Where you there?” I was absolutely hurt and dumbfounded. Can he be that stupid?

(4) After the first visit, he told me, “some administrators were worried that you a were an extremist” but after our meeting, he was no longer worried. On the second visit, he didn't like how smart I was or me standing up for my rights and my God, so he subtly threatened me with, “Should I be worried that there IS an extremist on MY campus?” I told him I could see he was threatening me and I knew what side my bread was buttered on. Then I was no longer an extremist. According to him, I'm full of hate as well.

(5) Now I am powerless to do anything. I will face “sanctions” if I touch another flyer or go near those clubs. I fear expulsion. I'm actually afraid that I am risking my education and future career as a funeral director, but my grandfather didn't fight in three wars so my rights could be trampled on like this. I take heart that others are ripping down the posters now. Regardless, everyday I have to look at them. They are everywhere, sometimes two and three abreast. [Name Witheld] told me, “You don't have to look at them. Turn around. Read a book, or look at the floor when you're walking in the halls.” So I can run into walls? He didn't care. He has no right to treat me like this. He told me if I didn't like it, “private school is an option.” I told him I was too poor for that. “It's still an option,” he chided.

I am a devout Christian, as faulted as any man. I loved my grandfather. He was a good man and his memory guides my actions and is the example, along with God‘s Holy Word, that I try to live my life by everyday. I still hurt from his loss eight years ago. I can't describe the emotional pain [Name Witheld] has caused me. He made fun of my grandfather by saying, “I think the only authority you recognize is God and your Grandfather!” I was very proud to hear that. I'd rather do what God says than a podunk ex-football coach in a community college by a swamp in Mississippi.

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Image No Mosque Por Favor!

The questions surrounding the new mosque being built in New York City has sparked a savage controversy between the Left and Mainstream Americans. A CNN Opinion Poll says 54% of Democrats, 82% of Republicans, and 70% of Independants oppose the mosque's construction. On one side of the argument, the liberals tout “religious tolerance” while the Left attacks all things Christian and Obama refers to Americans as “Bitterly clinging to their Bibles and guns.”On the other side, are the families of the murdered victims, many of them only have a voice on an answering machine to remind them of their loved ones. They see the mosque for what it is: a flag of victory. The decision on this issue is yours alone to make, but if you will allow me, I'd like to shed some light on this issue.

It is Islamic tradition to establish mosques on the site of “great victories.” Constantinople, modern day Istanbul, was founded by the first Christian Roman Emperor, Constantine. It was the largest and wealthiest city in all of Christendom for most of the Middle Ages. It was a center of trade, religious freedom, and art and philosophy. In 1453, May 29, Constantinople fell to Muslims Turks of the Ottoman Empire, led by Sultan Mehmet II, also know as El Fatih, The Conqueror. They murdered men, women, and children until their blood flowed through the streets from the heights of Constantinople to the harbor of the Golden Horn. They pillaged the great cathedral, the Hagia Sofia, a world-wide landmark to this day, which for a thousand years was the grandest cathedral in the Christian world. There they found many of Constantinople's faithful citizens praying for deliverance. They murdered the elderly and weak, and took the rest of the worshipers as slaves. Mehmet ordered one of his scholars to stand at the great pulpit of the Hagia and declare, “There is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is his Prophet.” To celebrate the great military victory, the once mighty Cathedral was converted into a mosque.

At this time, New York City has over one hundred mosques in the metropolitan area. The new mosque is to be built two blocks from the WTC in a building that was not only around during the Civil War, but sustained damage during the attack when landing gear from one of the planes crashed through the roof. Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf already has a mosque twelve blocks from the WTC, so why does he need another? His wife said of the building in question, “So just to meet the needs of the people's, you know, worship needs, we decided to look for a larger building. And actually, the building found us, because it's been abandoned for the last nine years. Just sort of sitting vacant. It was struck by a plane, a piece of the fuselage fell into the building, and it was shut down since then. And it's been vacant for nine years." She also said, “I think the building came to us, which goes to show that there is a symbolism there, and that there's a divine hand in it.” Isn't New York “tolerant” enough without an “Islamic War Memorial” down the street from the site where 3,000 innocent human beings with wives, husbands, children, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers of all races and religions, including Muslims, were killed by Islamic men fighting the “Jihad” for Allah.

What is the true nature of tolerance? Is it allowing a man who preaches Antisemitism and Shariah Law to plant a flag of victory next to the modern Pearl Harbor? Why must we be tolerant of a dogma that preaches women are inferior to men, that if a woman is raped it is because she deserved it and must have four witnesses to convict him. A woman's testimony in court is worth half that of a man's. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to vote, drive, or leave their home without a male family member. A school for girls burned down and the Saudi Sharia police locked them in. They burned to death because they were improperly dressed. In the Middle East, an 18 year old man was executed for homosexuality. A pregnant woman was executed by 200 whip lashes and three bullets in her head. The Taliban hanged a couple of teens for adultery. Islam is taught to be spread by the sword. It teaches that homosexuals must be stoned to death, that all non-believers must submit to the will of Allah, and that all Jews and Christians are wicked. [Koran- 5:51] The Koran says, “Wage war on non-Muslims and kill them until they submit and the only religion is Islam.” [8:39] Muhammad said, “The last hour will not come until Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill the Jews until they hide behind the rocks and trees and the rocks and trees will say: Muslim, Servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him!” [Hadith-41:6985] All the tenants of Shariah Law are not only in direct conflict with our Bill of Rights, but also human rights and decency in general. This brand of Islam is completely intolerant, misogynistic, expansionist and unapologetic.

Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf said, “The Jews are responsible for 9/11 and if Americans woke up, they would do to the Jews what Hitler did.” He went on to say, “America was an accessory to 9/11 and America has more blood on its hands than Al Queda.” What is there to tolerate when this man refuses to recognize Hamas as a terrorist thug organization whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel? Although the Justice Department dropped all charges against the New Black Panther Party, America has always been intolerant of hate, such as the KKK and the Neo-Nazi movement. We have religious freedom, with limits. We do not allow Mormons to practice polygamy. On May 5th of this year, Christian students on a field trip tried to pray on the steps of the Supreme Court. They were quiet and out of people's way and a Supreme Court police officer abruptly halted their prayer and made them leave. What makes Feisel's hate speech so special? He is considered the “founder and visionary” of the Cordoba Initiative, the group founded after 9/11, that is funding the mosque's construction. The name Cordoba is very significant to Muslims. In 929 AD, Muslims invaded the peninsula of Spain and established a Caliphate, a republic ruled by Shariah Law and a Caliph, ruler of the republic. It was called an Ummah, a “Community of the Faithful.” This was considered a towering achievement by Islamic standards.

While Nancy Palosi wants all those who object to the Mosque to be investigated and the US government calls citizens who criticize Obama ignorant, intolerant, hatemongers, homophobes, bigots, and racists, they let a man who is all of these things fly to the Middle East, courtesy of Hillary Clinton's State Department and our tax dollars, to raise money for the mosque. Why haven't they sent someone around the world to raise money so we could build a 9/11 memorial where, for nine years, a scar-like crater has been? It has been nine years and we haven't built anything, but ground breaking for the mosque is planned for September 11, 2011, the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attack. Once built, the mosque will announce the Call to Prayer five times a day, loudspeakers blaring down the street to where the World Trade Center was. It is a hallowed place, a mass grave of the innocent, and the Islamic Center will defile it.

Take to heart what I have said and think for yourself. Is it right to tolerate bigotry and treason disguised as religion? Was there religious tolerance when the Taliban blew up the three-thousand-year-old statues of Buddha in Afghanistan? Must we tolerate draconian theocrats who see us as subhuman, like Hitler did, and wish to enslave and exterminate us as a people? Or should we tolerate the wishes of those who have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the alter of freedom and simply wish for their loved ones to rest in peace with dignity?

To contact the Cordoba Initiative:
475 Riverside Dr. Suite 248
New York City, NY 10115
Phone: 212 870 2552
Fax: 212 870 2540 [hr][/hr] Remember, Islam is the Religion of Peace ™ and they will cut you f*cking head off to prove it.

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Image In speech class, I gave a speech "supporting" the Green Movement. [hr][/hr] Anthony van Jones, former Green jobs advisor for the Obama Whitehouse said, “Green is the new red.” “This movement is deeper than a solar panels! Don't stop there! Don't stop there! We're gonna' change the whole system! We're gonna' change the whole thing!” [hr][/hr]
My comrades, I am Cody Schiele and I stand here today to proudly speak to you about the glorious Green Revolution. The fruition of a century and a half of hard work and careful planning. [hr][/hr]
It was once said, tell a lie, tell it big, and tell it often, and it will become truth. This is fundamental to our cause. Stephen Schneider; lead author of the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report once said, “ To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.” [hr][/hr]
It doesn't concern us what the truth is regarding the environment. We will decide what the truth is. It doesn't matter if man-made global warming is real or not. The truth of the matter is the Green Movement is the most powerful and tangible tool in our arsenal to bring about a total redistribution of wealth worldwide and the absolute dismantling of America. Canada's former environmental minister said, “Climate change provides the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.” [hr][/hr]
Yes my comrades, we stand at the gleaming threshold of a glorious new age of justice, equality, and solidarity. At present, we the Party™ , control the schools, we control the news, we control the government, frankly, we control nearly every aspect of day to day life in America. From the moment the proles wake up, to the moment they go to bed. Even now, we are making promising strides in disarming the American people as a whole, stripping them of their culture, and marginalizing their religion. There are few places the masses can turn to for an alternative view other than the troublesome influences of talk radio and evil Fox news. In time, even they will succumb to the will of the Party™. It is utterly inevitable. But until that time, my comrades, we must endure. We must struggle for the Common Good™ [hr][/hr]
Indeed the final step forward is the Green movement. Mark my words comrades, in no less than ten years, the decadence of the American Bourgeoisie will be a long forgotten memory. It will be as if it never existed, wiped from all record. There will not be a single history book that will remember them. [hr][/hr]
Green will give us the means to absolutely cripple the industrial complexes that the greedy Capitalists use to exploit you, the workers. No more will the proletariat slave and toil away under the crushing yolk of the Bourgeoisie. We will cast off our shackles and chains and stand together, free in a glorious new worker's paradise where all will be given to according to their needs, and all will be asked of according to their ability. [hr][/hr]
Through strenuous regulation and legislation, our faithful Comrades imbedded in the body politic will freeze the machinery of the Bourgeoisie. Cap and Trade will tie the hands of the capitalists and they will be helpless against us. They will be unable to argue against our intentions. How can anyone question the intentions of those who wish simply to save the Earth from ourselves? They are easily labeled as those who want to destroy nature. We will take away their ill-gotten funds and redistribute it to our comrades worldwide. [hr][/hr] Even now, I am proud to say, our comrades in Washington have already illegalized Mr. Edison‘s petty bourgeoisie light bulb. By 2014, they will be contraband and every household in America will be mandated to use only the environmentally friendly bulbs that our comrades in China are hard at work producing. Never mind the fact that they are filled with hazardous amounts of mercury, they will send billions of dollars a year to our faithful comrades in Beijing. Every week, the industrious workers of Red China build two coal fired power plants and every week, America pays them via carbon credits to shut them down. With the passing of a low carbon fuel standard, I am pleased to say, most of the oil in this hemisphere will be made untouchable to the bourgeoisie and will be ready for the taking by our Cuban and Chinese comrades. We are already hard at work redistributing the wealth of the bourgeoisie to it's rightful owners, the people! This is the Will of the Revolution!™ [hr][/hr]
In the end, we do not care about coal, mercury, or the environment for that matter. It is a simple question of the ends justifying the means. Green is a useful vehicle for the glorious revolution that comrades Marx and Lenin predicted would come. Our Bourgeoisie detractors can easily be labeled as polluters and puppets of big oil and coal. It is not hard to pit the people against the fat cats of industry. It is the age-old story of class struggle. As comrade Al Gore did, we can use false statistics and figures, the people that matter will hear our words and believe us. Just as the shepherd herds his flock of sheep to the spring, we will lead the people toward the Common Good™ [hr][/hr]
Probably the greatest attribute of the Green Movement is that it offers the Party™ a variable army of young ideologists willing to further our cause. They have been brainwashed by our comrades in the major universities and are more than willing to tow the Party Line™. They are our future. In past revolutions, masses of willing youths have proven themselves pivotal in bringing about revolutions around the world. Just as they did in Comrade Moa's China and Castro‘s Cuba. Even here this has proven true. In the 1960's the youth of this nation helped bring about an end to JFK's imperialist war against our comrades in Viet Nam. They turned the tide against the bloodthirsty warmongering puppets of the Bourgeoisie. Today, our young comrades will help us win the war against the greed of capitalism and the Bourgeoisie Empire, America. [hr][/hr]
There are many who doubt us. The Tea Party protesters. The Global Warming deniers. The gun toting rednecks of this nation. They are counter-revolutionaries who dwell in the fool's paradise. They are like the ostrich with her head buried in the sand. They stand against the tide, but they cannot hold forever. We are the rock that they will break themselves against. As Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe said, “Global Warming deniers are now on par with Holocaust deniers.“ [hr][/hr]
My comrades, workers, I call upon you to unite! We cannot be stopped if we stand together undaunted and fearless. Rise up my comrades, join the People's Revolution. Do not shrink back from the challenges that progress thrusts upon us. We will be remembered by our children and their children for the deeds we do for the sake of the Common Good! [hr][/hr]
We live in a time when we must draw bold lines in the sand and boldly declare, You are either with us, or you are against us! To those who wish to impede the unwavering march of progress, those who wish to see us fail, who even as we speak lay traps and snares at our feet to slow our glorious advances, I have only the words of glorious Comrade Khrushchev to address them with, “We will bury you!”[/font]

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[justify][hr][/hr][/justify]ImageA Brief History of Racism[justify][hr][/hr][/justify][/font]MYTH #1- Slavery was created by white men. [justify][hr][/hr][/justify][/font]
Fact: Slavery has existed for thousands of years. The Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Mayans, Aztecs, Africans, and even the Jews who escaped Isreal had slaves. All this was made possible by the Africans who sold their fellow countrymen into bondage. Islamic Arabs also practiced slavery. From conquest of Africa in the 9th century to the 19th century, Arabs practiced brutal slavery. Male slaves were castrated and female slaves often wound up in brothels to be raped. (White women, to this day, are still kidnapped for the white slave trade and many end up in Muslim Harems.) [JUSTIFY] [hr][/hr]
[/b]Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal opened the slave trade with Africa. With an already booming slave trade from the Muslims, Africa was the “sensible” choice for such a trade. While slavery is a deplorable part of our past, remember this, a slave on a sugar cane plantation in the Caribbean had a life expectancy of seven years. ... d-americas[justify][hr][/hr][/justify][/font]MYTH #2- The Founding Fathers were slave holders and hypocrites. The Constitution allows slavery and as Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall said, [America] "was defective from the start." [/JUSTIFY][justify][hr][/hr][/justify][/font]
Thuth: Many of the Founding Fathers deplored slavery. During the Revolutionary War, Slaves were allowed to fight in the Continental Army and were given their freedom. George Washington freed his slaves, cared for the sick, and educated the children until they were 25. By the time of the Constitution, all of the colonies, except for Georgia, had taken steps to end slavery. The Constitution never uses the word slavery because when the Founders wrote it, they believed the practice was on it's way out. Frederick Douglas, the famous abolitionist and a born slave, said of the issue, “I hold that the Federal Government was never, in its essence, anything but an anti-slavery government. Abolish slavery tomorrow, and not a sentence or syllable of the Constitution need be altered. It was purposely so framed as to give no claim, no sanction to the claim, of property in a man. If in its origin slavery had any relation to the government, it was only as the scaffolding to the magnificent structure, to be removed as soon as the building was completed.” In the constitution, blacks were counted as 3/5 to ensure Slave States would not be over represented. It was designed to undermine slavery and to help ensure it's abolition. The Founders were far from being racists. Among other founders, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton were all opponents to slavery.
MYTH#3-The Republican Party is a racist party.
Truth: The Democrat Party has been the historically racist party. George Washington, who had no party affiliation, signed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibiting slavery in the new states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Washington and Henry Knox, the Secretary of War, believed in coexistence with the Native Americans. They believed that if they were educated and allowed to keep their culture, they would peacefully integrate into American society.
Ø May 26, 1830- Andrew Jackson, a Democrat, signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Since the War of 1812, we no longer needed to “woo” the Native Americans to help us fight the English and the French, and Jackson saw fit to remove them from their native homeland at gunpoint even though the American people petitioned the government on behalf of the Native Americans.

Ø 1837- 46,000 Native Americans were forcibly marched by Federal Soldiers 2,000 on foot. Over 4,000 men, women, and children died of starvation and exposure during the trek to arid Eastern Oklahoma. The conditions were harsh and many times the Native Americans were unable to bury their dead. Andrew Jackson's actions set the stage for a future of anti-Indian genocide.

Ø October 13, 1858- During Lincoln-Douglas debates, U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas, a Democrat, stated: “I do not regard the Negro as my equal, and positively deny that he is my brother, or any kin to me whatever”; Douglas became Democratic Party's 1860 presidential nominee.

Ø July 17, 1862- Over unanimous Democrat opposition, Republican Congress passes
Confiscation Actstating that slaves of the Confederacy shall be forever free.”

Ø September 22, 1862- Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, issued the first part of the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves in the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis was a Democrat.

Ø January 31, 1865- 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition.

Ø April 8, 1865- 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate with 100% Republican support, 63% Democrat opposition.

Ø November 22, 1865- Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “
black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination.

Ø1865- The KKK was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee by veterans of the Confederate Army. Although it never had an organizational structure above the local level, similar groups across the South adopted the name and methods. Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement after the war. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan reacted against Radical Republican control of Reconstruction by attempting to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans. In 1870 and 1871 the federal government passed the Force Acts, which were used to prosecute Klan crimes. Prosecution of Klan crimes and enforcement of the Force Acts suppressed Klan activity. In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy.

Ø February 5, 1866- U.S. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (R-PA) introduces legislation, successfully opposed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson, to implement “40 acres and a mule” relief by distributing land to former slaves.

Ø April 9, 1866- Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Johnson's veto;
Civil Rights Act of 1866, conferring rights of citizenship on African-Americans, becomes law.

Ø May 10, 1866- U.S. House passes Republicans' 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the laws to all citizens; 100% of Democrats vote no.

Ø June 8, 1866- U.S. Senate passes Republicans' 14th Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the law to all citizens; 94% of Republicans vote yes and 100% of Democrats vote no.

Ø January 8, 1867- Republicans override Democrat President Andrew Johnson's veto of law granting voting rights to African-Americans in D.C.

Ø July 19, 1867- Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson's veto of legislation protecting voting rights of African-Americans.
[table] [tr] [td]Ø March 30, 1868- Republicans begin impeachment trial of Democrat President Andrew Johnson, who declared: “This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government of white men!” [hr][/hr] Ø September 3, 1868- 25 African-Americans in Georgia legislature, all Republicans, expelled by Democrat majority; later reinstated by Republican Congress. [hr][/hr] Ø September 12, 1868- Civil rights activist Tunis Campbell and all other African-Americans in Georgia Senate, everyone a Republican, expelled by Democrat majority; would later be reinstated by Republican Congress. Republicans' Enforcement Act, providing stiff penalties for depriving any American's civil rights. [hr][/hr] Ø June 22, 1870- Republican Congress creates U.S. Department of Justice, to safeguard the civil rights of African-Americans against Democrats in the South. [hr][/hr] Ø September 6, 1870- Women vote in Wyoming, in FIRST election after women's suffrage signed into law by Republican Gov. John Campbell. [hr][/hr][/font]Ø February 28, 1871- Republican Congress passes Enforcement Act providing federal protection for African-American voters. [table] [tr] [td]Civil Rights Act of 1875, guaranteeing access to public accommodations without regard to race, signed by Republican President U.S. Grant; passed with 92% Republican support over 100% Democrat opposition. [hr][/hr] Ø January 10, 1878- U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent, Republican, introduces Susan B. Anthony amendment for women's suffrage; Democrat-controlled Senate defeated it 4 times before election of Republican House and Senate guaranteed its approval in 1919. Republicans foil Democratic efforts to keep women in the kitchen, where they belong. [hr][/hr] Ø February 8, 1894- Democrat Congress and Democrat President Grover Cleveland join to repeal Republicans' Enforcement Act, which had enabled African-Americans to vote. [hr][/hr] Ø January 15, 1901- Republican Booker T. Washington protests Alabama Democratic Party's refusal to permit voting by African-Americans. [hr][/hr] Ø May 29, 1902- Virginia Democrats implement new state constitution, condemned by Republicans as illegal, reducing African-American voter registration by 86%. [hr][/hr] Ø February 12, 1909- On 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, African-American Republicans and women's suffragists Ida Wells and Mary Terrell co-found the NAACP. [hr][/hr] Ø March 14, 1916- Pancho Villa, a Mexican Terrorist, attacked the United States, using the Border as cover much like our situation with Mexico today. In one instance he kidnapped seven Americans, stripped and shot them. At 4:17 am on March 9, 1916, Villa attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico, killing 18 people and burning the town. On March 15, Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, sent 4,800 soldiers into Mexico led by General “Black Jack” Pershing to capture Villa. Also, National Guardsmen and Texas Rangers held the border to repel any further raids. The racism of this is simple. Wilson, a Democratic and progressive idol, was able to deal with Mexican aggression, but Democrats today label anyone who wants a strong southern border as “Racists.”[/font]
[hr][/hr] Ø May 21, 1919Republican House passes constitutional amendment granting women the vote with 85% of Republicans in favor, but only 54% of Democrats; in Senate, 80% of Republicans would vote yes, but almost half of Democrats no. [hr][/hr] Ø August 18, 1920- Republican-authored 19th Amendment, giving women the vote, becomes part of Constitution; 26 of the 36 states to ratify had Republican-controlled legislatures. [hr][/hr] Ø 1921- Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood. She is an idol of the democrat party and people who praise the “freedom of choice.” Margaret Sanger had some things to say about blacks in America. “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” “Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.” "The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value.... We are convinced that racial regeneration, like individual regeneration, must come 'from within.” “Only upon a free, self-determining motherhood can rest any unshakable structure of racial betterment.” "I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered."
[hr][/hr] Ø January 26, 1922- House passes bill authored by U.S. Rep. Leonidas Dyer, Republican, making lynching a federal crime; Senate Democrats block it with filibuster. [hr][/hr] Ø June 2, 1924- Republican President Calvin Coolidge signs bill passed by Republican Congress granting U.S. citizenship to all Native Americans. [hr][/hr] Ø October 3, 1924-Republicans denounce three-time Democrat presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan for defending the Ku Klux Klan at 1924 Democratic National Convention. [hr][/hr] Ø June 12, 1929- First Lady Lou Hoover invites wife of U.S. Rep. Oscar De Priest, Republican, an African-American, to tea at the White House, sparking protests by Democrats across the country. [hr][/hr] Ø 1932- Under Franklin Roosevelt, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted “The tuskeegee Experiment.” It was an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis. These men, for the most part illiterate sharecroppers from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, were never told what disease they were suffering from or of its seriousness. Informed that they were being treated for "bad blood," their doctors had no intention of curing them of syphilis at all. [hr][/hr] Ø The data for the experiment was to be collected from autopsies of the men, and they were thus deliberately left to degenerate under the ravages of tertiary syphilis - which can include tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and death. "As I see it," one of the doctors involved explained, "we have no further interest in these patients until they die." In all, 28 of the men died of syphilis, 100 died from complications, 40 wives were infected, and 19 children were born with the disease.[/font]
[hr][/hr] Ø August 17, 1937-Republicans organize opposition to former Ku Klux Klansman and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black, appointed to U.S. Supreme Court by FDR; his Klan background was hidden until after confirmation [hr][/hr] Ø June 24, 1940-Republican Party platform calls for integration of the armed forces; for the balance of his terms in office, FDR refuses to order it [hr][/hr] Ø 1941- In response to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, interned 110,000 Japanese people, all free citizens of America, in concentration camps known as “War Relocation Camps.” German and Italian Americans were not interned. Many internees lost irreplaceable personal property due to the restrictions on what could be taken into the camps. Many were forced to sell their homes at a financial loss. These losses were compounded by theft and destruction of items placed in governmental storage. A number of persons died or suffered for lack of medical care, and several were killed by sentries. This is an example of one of the most sobering violations of civil rights in the early Twentieth Century in America.
[hr][/hr] Ø August 8, 1945- Republicans condemn Harry Truman's surprise use of the atomic bomb in Japan. The whining and criticism goes on for years. It begins two days after the Hiroshima bombing, when former Republican President Herbert Hoover writes to a friend that “The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul.” [hr][/hr] Ø 1950-1953- America fought in the Korean War to save South Korea from Communist Invasion. The war was a great military success; even as Red China sent millions of soldiers (we killed over 900,000 of them.) Instead of preserving peace and liberty for the innocent people of Korea, Democrat president Harry Truman cut and run like a coward, leaving the people of Korea at the mercy of Communist butchers. Over two million civilians died. [hr][/hr] Ø September 30, 1953- Earl Warren, California's three-term Republican Governor and 1948 Republican vice presidential nominee, nominated to be Chief Justice; wrote landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education. [hr][/hr] Ø November 25, 1955- Eisenhower administration bans racial segregation of interstate bus travel. [hr][/hr] Ø March 12, 1956- Ninety-seven Democrats in Congress condemn Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education, and pledge to continue segregation. [hr][/hr] Ø June 5, 1956-Republican federal judge Frank Johnson rules in favor of Rosa Parks in decision striking down “blacks in the back of the bus” law. [hr][/hr] Ø November 6, 1956- African-American civil rights leaders Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy vote for Republican Dwight Eisenhower for President. [hr][/hr] Ø August 29, 1957- South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond, a Democrat, finished his 24-hour, 18-minute-long tirade meant to stall voting on the Civil Rights Act of 1957. It is the longest one-man filibuster in US history. He resorted to reading the Bill of Rights and several phone books to stall the bill, preparing with cough drops and malted milk tablets. Sen. William Knowland, Republican, stated Thurmond's filibuster was “cruel and unusual punishment to his colleagues.” [hr][/hr] Ø September 9, 1957- President Dwight Eisenhower signs Republican Party's 1957 Civil Rights Act. It was the first Civil Rights legislation in over 80 years. Eisenhower even met with many black leaders at the time. Among them was Martin Luther King Jr, a Republican. Lyndon B. Johnson, future Democrat president, was the Senate Leader at the time. He effectively killed the bill knowing that, it would tear his party in half, and, in his opinion, whichever party passed such legislation would secure the black vote for at least 40 years. Johnson played politics with the rights of American citizens for the sake of power. Thanks to his self-serving tactics, he is credited as a major Civil Rights leader.[/font]
[hr][/hr] Ø September 24, 1957- Sparking criticism from Democrats such as Senators John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, President Dwight Eisenhower deploys the 82nd Airborne Division to Little Rock, AR to force Democrat Governor
Orval Faubus to integrate public schools. [hr][/hr] Ø May 6, 1960- President Dwight Eisenhower signs Republicans' Civil Rights Act of 1960, overcoming 125-hour, around-the-clock filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats. [hr][/hr] Ø May 2, 1963- Republicans condemn Democrat sheriff of Birmingham, AL for arresting over 2,000 African-American schoolchildren marching for their civil rights. [hr][/hr] Ø June 11, 1963- Gov. George Wallace, Democrat, stands in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama in a symbolic attempt to block black students from integrating the all-white school. [hr][/hr] Ø September 29, 1963- George Wallace defies order by U.S. District Judge Frank Johnson, appointed by President Dwight Eisenhower, to integrate Tuskegee High School. [hr][/hr] Ø June 9, 1964- Republicans condemn 14-hour filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act by U.S. Senator and former high-ranking Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd, Democrat. [hr][/hr] Ø June 10, 1964- Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, Republican, criticizes Democrat filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act, calls on Democrats to stop opposing racial equality. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was introduced and approved by a staggering majority of Republicans in the Senate. The Act was opposed by most southern Democrat senators, several of whom were proud segregationists—one of them being Al Gore Sr. Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson relied on Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, the Republican leader from Illinois, to get the Act passed. [hr][/hr] Ø August 4, 1965- Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose. Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor [hr][/hr] Ø February 19, 1976- President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt's notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII. [hr][/hr] Ø September 15, 1981- President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs. [hr][/hr] Ø June 29, 1982- President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act. [hr][/hr] Ø 1984- Louis Farrakhan proudly stated, “The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes.” Louis Farrakhan also preaches that all whites are evil and must be exterminated. [hr][/hr] Ø August 10, 1988- President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR. [hr][/hr] Ø November 21, 1991- President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation. [hr][/hr] Ø August 20, 1996- Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari, Republican, to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans' Contract With America, becomes law.
Kathleen Kennedy Townsendcampaign, Democrat, had handed outOreo cookies to the audience. Michael Steele was pelted with Oreo cookies. Oreos symbolize the racist statement, “Black on the outside, white on the inside.”
[hr][/hr] Ø Director Spike Lee calls conservative Supreme Court nominee Clerence Thomas, “A handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom.” [hr][/hr] [/color][/color]Ø November 4, 2008- New Black Panther Party operatives stood outside a Baltimore polling station brandishing a nightstick and taunting whites with, “Y'all crackers are gonna' be ruled by the black man!” The US Justice Department later drops the charges against them. [hr][/hr] [/color]Ø February 20, 2009- Barack Hussein Obama is sworn in as President of the United States. The benediction during the inauguration Reverend Joseph Lowery stated, Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right. Let all those who do justice and love mercy say amen.” [hr][/hr] [/color]Ø July 13, 2010- The NAACP condemns the Tea party as a racist organization even though the Tea Party includes people of all races and religions and is not race-oriented in any way. [hr][/hr] [/color]Ø September21, 2010- Farrakhan and New Black Panther members met with Iranian president Ahmadinejad. He was in New York to speak at the UN where he blamed America for 9/11. Ahmadinejad also constantly declares his desire to nuke Israel. [hr][/hr] [/color]

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Mr. Obama,

It is with sincere regret that I must inform you, effective January 22nd of 2013, we are terminating your employment as a matter of economic necessity. Due to nation-wide economic conditions and rising debt, and you failure to govern like a leader, we have found it necessary to further reduce employees to cover our losses. Your services are no longer desired or needed.

We appreciate your years of service, both as a politician and community organizer, whatever that is. This is something we have attempted to avoid. Unfortunately, we cannot continue to do so…

We are withholding your severance pay in order to help pay for the exorbitant debt you and your wife have run up over the past years. In lieu of severance pay, we encourage you to write another book as that seems to be more lucrative than your current position.

These decisions are always difficult to make regardless of the circumstances. However, you have made the necessity of this decision increasingly observable. If we can be of any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us…


The American People &

Cody Schiele

Evil Reagan Conservative

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Image This is no surprise to anyone here, nor should it be to you. Liberals have infected and infested our education system for several decades (where do you think all these socialist/democrats came from). Personally, I wouldn't want to give my money to an institution so filled with propaganda and anti-conservative- values/education bigotry. There are schools with an unbiased teaching and conservative teachings.
But if you choose to stay in one of these institutions, you will have to stay strong, speak your mind & know the truth and drive them crazy.

Secondly, the Peoples Cube is a place for writing in satire. It's more fun to mock the fools on the left by pretending to be as ignorant, bigoted and biased as they truly are.

Image I am so filled with gladness to know our superior educational system are continuing to teach Marxism. Obama must be so pleased.

User avatar
Mr. X... obviously despite the corrective actions attempted by your educational bureaucracy and local kommisars you are bent upon your path of destruction. Hopefully they will soon deem you depraved and incorrigible, perhaps some time time (30+ years) in the beet fields in the service of the great Chairman shall if not correct your behavior, may at least incapacitate you from spreading your brand of vitriolic hatespeech propoganda. Gia have mercy on your reiched soul.

I feel your pain... looking back on my college career (having graduated 14 years ago) I can thankfully say I remained blissfully ignorant since I had little political inclination. In hindsight I see the leftist madrasa for what it was... The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Classes were mandated specifically to indoctrinate the mind to the prog agenda, at the time I thought them merely an inconvenience. Only after about five years working in my profession of law enforcement did I begin to see the fields of sociology social welfare as the lies they are... tools perpetuating the welfare state. That coupled with the current state of affairs finally jolted me out of the stupor about four years ago. I sympathize with your plight, all I can say is steel yourself because so long as you remain in an institution of "higher thought" and continue to exhibit your conservative leanings, prepare to be persecuted and there will be little if any protections for your opinions (or rights for that matter). Chose your battles wisely and watch your back!

User avatar
Thank you for your words of incouragement. Currently, other than my activities in the campus Republican club, my main goal (five years plan) is to get the hell out of their. As for what you said, Comrade Pulloskies, I did imagine this post might be a tad in bad form, but it feels good to vent, and since I have depleated my supplies of vitriol, I will not make a habit o this. Now I shall go back to praising the glorious kollektive!

User avatar
Glorious Comrade X wrote:Thank you for your words of incouragement. Currently, other than my activities in the campus Republican club, my main goal (five years plan) is to get the hell out of their. As for what you said, Comrade Pulloskies, I did imagine this post might be a tad in bad form, but it feels good to vent, and since I have depleted my supplies of vitriol, I will not make a habit o this. Now I shall go back to praising the glorious kollektive!

ah yes, comrade, we all must dig into your stash of Lexapro, I'm an idiot spammer, Zoloft and of course my personal favorite, vodka, to aid in relieving our personal vitriol due to reichwinger attacks . . . and their very existence.

User avatar
Comrade X, I realize you are still making your way through Re-Education Camp, I mean, "College", but this posting is really too much for many of us to understand. So many words and so much reading involved! Facts, verifiable proof, logical arguments, dates... ugh. Must keep things short and simple (remember that the truth is relative and entirely optional, so you have a wide range of possibilities when it comes to finding something to write), and using rhyming helps. For example,
  • "Bush Lied / People Died" - very good! Fits easily on a bumper sticker, makes a vague accusation against a prominent conservative (well, Republican, at least), incorporates scare tactics.
  • "Dissenting opinion is usually squelched by those in power, but nowhere in the Constitution does it say, “Freedom of speech stops at the schoolhouse door.” Nowhere does it say, “Speech is only free as long as you don't offend anyone.”" not as good. First of all, you've used the US Constitution, which is usually a no-no. Second, way too long and intelligent sounding. Remember: keep it simple!
Anyhow, a pretty good effort and please keep trying. If you need help, ask any of your professors at school.

User avatar
I believe it was Marx who said "The essence of humor is brevity." Anyone who claims otherwise will be shot.

Well Comrade X, now that you got all of that off your chest (and believe me, I do sympathize) please make an effort to stick to the intent of the People's Blog. That is humorous mockery of Socialism through sarcasm in extremis. Bouts of straight talk should be done under the heading of [out of character] unless of course your chosen character is some narrow minded reactionary Rightwing capitalist pig like that $$ Haliburton guy.

User avatar
Wasn't someone looking for a manifesto author last week? A fill in the blank catharsis tool for angry prog youth? I think we have our man!

User avatar
Comrade X, I do not see what all the fuss is about. After all, did not Voltaire, a well-known dead European white male, once say "I may not agree with what you say so I'll threaten you with death if you say it"? I think you may have missed the point of this education thing. The old, discredited way of doing things is the open exchange of ideas and respect for everyone's opinions. This was found to be wanting as it allowed unpopular ideas to appear valid. The new objective of learning is to learn what everyone else thinks so the student can parrot it. This leads to like-minded good will (i.e. "groupthink") respectful mutual imitation ("monkey see, monkey do") and collective unanimity of action ("herd instinct") all the skills you will require to become a useful cog in the statist machine. Who could ask for anything more?

I'm glad we could have this little talk, Comrade X. Now, for your penance, why don't you go say 3 Hail Gaia's and write out a nice big check to Greenpeace or the Southern Poverty Law Center (make it the first one, we don't want you to get into the habit of having to make choices) and if you do that, I'm sure the state will not press charges.


"It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."
- Thomas Sowell

User avatar
It's not easy being an idealistic conservative in a hotbed of communists.

I discovered it over 30 years ago when I went to college in a little town deep in the Bible Belt of southeast Georgia.

Some things never change, academia is still filled with cretinous lefties that will tell you that Reagan and Begin are our enemies and that Arafat and Gorbachev are our friends.

Or; I'm old.

User avatar
I know what you mean. I'm only 22 and I remember crying that afternoon in June durring his funeral. I wept like a baby. I still, to this day, have to remind myself that he's gone.

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Comrade X,

You must understand that in the Progressive World of Next Tuesdaytm any attempt at ‘free thought' must be quickly ‘corrected' and the thought criminal ‘re-educated' else the proletariat might stop drinking the vast quantities of vodka necessary to accept the leadership of the party, and worse, actually resort to critical thinking.
That would be impermissible. However, as far as the football coach; he should have known that when he took his daily anti-psychotic drug with that double tap of hearty beet-fortified breakfast vodka, he might possibly have re-education duties. That was impermissible and he should report to the gulag for a Shovel-Ready-Jobtm immediately!
Prog Off**** Good going Comrade X - trust me, there are people who agree with you there, but unfortunately (and sadly) are not brave enough to stand with you. That is why the school is coming down so hard on you, as an example to the others. "Look Vasili, here is one with a spine!" Prog On****

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Glorious Comrade X wrote:(1) I attend Northwest Mississippi Community College in Desoto county. There is a student organization at the college known as the Gay-Straight Student Alliance. It is headed by a far-left teacher named [NAME WITHELD], she also heads the campus Green Club. I have been at odd with her for several semesters. The Gay Club has posted flyers all over the school advertising their organization, as is their right. The flyers feature the blasphemous phrase “God Made Me Gay.” [highlight=#ffff00]I complained to the Assistant Dean, since the Dean was unavailable, to no effect. I turned in a flyer to the campus police with a complaint written on the back. This constituted “Disorderly Conduct” and “Destruction of School Property.”[/highlight]

(2) For this, I had to drive down to the Main Campus to speak with the Director of Student Affairs, [NAME WITHELD]. He is a football coach with a “degree in biology.“ We engaged in a tepid debate that lasted for two visits. On day two, he declared, “In this office, no one corrects me!” making it clear he was God of his cubicle. He made masked threats and belittled my religious beliefs, he identified himself as a Catholic. He gave me an Orwellian lecture in Doublespeak so convoluted that I can't remember how he worded it. I can, however, summarize it as this, “We all have the freedom of speech, but you need to shut up because we have to let the minority groups have their speech.”

(3) He had an utter disrespect for my rights and religious views (Matthew 10:33). He told me my grandfather, a Pastor for over 14 years, would not want me to waste my energies in this way. He had no idea who my grandfather was and had no right to speak like he did know him. [NAME WITHELD] looked like a fool when he said my grandfather was probably in the same bush as his father in Korea. I told him my grandfather was working supplies in Germany. Carroll went on to ask me, “Would Jesus rip down those posters?” I mentioned John 2 :14-15 about Christ driving the money changers from the temple. He didn't care. He snidely responded , “Where you there?” I was absolutely hurt and dumbfounded. Can he be that stupid?

I don't believe your complaint constituted disorderly conduct, and it sounds like they gave you the "Gulag insane asylum treatment," at least that is the direction they took, because complaining shouldn't constitute disorderly conduct.

With that said, what the gay group did may have been blasphemy to you, and offended your religious beliefs, however, your intolerance is what is giving those of us on the right a reputation as gay-bashing homophobes.

I am both a native born American citizen and refuge from a communist country, and experienced the upheaval of what happened when my father's business and home were confiscated in a communist revolution where the dictator who took over imprisoned gay people on a regular basis.

We live in a country that strives for freedom, and we are at this very moment hanging by a thread. We don't need people either on the left or the right who wish to take that freedom away, and that includes the freedom to write the words: "God made me gay" on posters on a college campus advertising gay get togethers.

User avatar
Great Stalin's Ghost,

Somebody put a muzzle on this Reactionary Riechwing Hatemonger™!!! I say we start with a psychiatric exam, where's Marshal Pupovich when you need him? Leninka, please get the turkey baster this could get complicated, we may have to send this Comrade to the Rancho for re-education. I just hope Bruno doesn't swoon and wax poetic over Comrade X's sheik black wardrobe. He may want to leave that outfit at home with the high heels if he wants to keep it.

Dear Lenin and Obama on Unicorns this entire thread is disgusting!

(*breath, breath, breath, sigh....)

Very good Comrade Leninka,

However let's take a look at the militancy this prole is encountering in today's glorious cultural climate. This is the Castro and a few Christian's who went their peacefully to sing hymns...

I would never rip down those flyers, I would never make a counter flyer that said something like "So you believe in God, That's a Start..." with a picture of an effeminate male and butchy female at the feet of Jesus. Never would I think of such a thing. Never would I post a thousand of them all over campus.

You know why? Because I know that is a thought crime, and whatever The Party™ tells me isn't a thought crime -- is what I do. That's why I have the bag of OPM in my freezer, that's why I have a fondness for cigars and interns, that's why when I go on a date I drive her into the river in my Olds and go for a midnight swim and hike and sleep it off and then go see my lawyer with a hangover, just to square things away. I KNOW MORAL VALUES DAMMIT!!!

The Party has never been wrong, the party is always right, Marcuse told me so, and he taught me what Eros is -- and how to be good Marxist professor and pick up on hippie chicks.

Now here's the secret, and this is for party elite eyes only, do not tell the prole about The Fire, we would hate for him to get any ideas, the last thing we need is for these Extremists™ to think they have freedom of speech too. So mums the word about the....

(oh hell, I left the flat iron and the coffee pot on again)

Yes it's all my fault Janyt, everything, everywhere, my fault... NOW GET BACK HERE WE'VE GOT PARTY GIFTS TO MAKE FOR THE PARTY!!!


User avatar
Hey Mr. Cocka Doodle Doo... don't get yer feathers in a bunch... The Fire ain't so bad, it just makes commies pee their pants' is all... good video about an Eco-Terrorist™, kid just wanted to park his f$#%ing scooter:

Now I'd wash his mouth out with soap for that language, but the thought nazi's wanted more. You commies never do nothin' easy.... even your soft drinks taste like horse piss. You might try just making the kid drink a Pierre water next time...

Don't mess with Texas! See you communist bastards later...

User avatar
Sooner or later they all talk.



User avatar
My Comrades. I have finally come back. My hands are filthy with the black African American™ soil of the Kollektive beet fields and the mercywise whip lashes and electrical therapies of my teachers have made me a new Comrade.
And those iron bedframes really straightened out my back and I finally learn those pesky hash marks. I realize my crimes against the People™ but only so much as I do not think about what I have done, stopcrime. I am ready to be another faceless cog in the glorious machine of the Revolution™! I have drank deeply of the Chestnut Tree's Victory Gin and am nowwithout critical thought and fully Shovel Ready™!
ImagePraise Stalin, I am saved!

User avatar
Comrade X,

You havent been saved until you've had your Jiffy-Lobo! Neverending happytime awaits! (with a little nasal, crainal discomfort and bruising around the eyes)

User avatar
Comrade X-

Since you are a student and what not, perhaps you might find it interesting to research the grate Comrade John Dewey and the glorious things he did such as the Columbia TEACHERS college.

And of course, later on he was a signer of the grate Humanist Manifesto nummer one of 1933

Do a websearch for "john dewey columbia teachers college" and find ever more reason to be pissed off about your edukashun.

You will come to despise the words "Change Agent"

User avatar

That is all I have been for reading off you Comrade X.

And whinewhineWHINEwhinEWHINewHinewHinE


I have never been for such college indoctrination edukashun and just be for seeing how good I am for turning out! Why are you even for the wasting of money on such silly colleges when all you are for needing in life is a good, solid shovel?

There are much better things that you can be for the getting with so much of the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent at that skool. Why, you can be for making of the purchase of the wonderful powder made at the Country People's Poppy Production. One wiff and you will be for the guarantee of seeing unicorns and rainbows and feeling of such sweetness and light. No need for worry when the CPPP is there for the helping.

And such contributions will be for the benefit of the childrens in the poor mooslamic countries that are for being terrorized by the murderous Juice! Those poor childrens are in need of guns and jihadi training good clean fun to make for such happy childrenhoods.