
Found: Transcript of Meeting of Evil Conservatives

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Sorry I haven't been around much, everyone. I met the most darling NKVD agent, and he promised me to teach me how to spy if I gave him certain, (cough) favors. Of course I obliged. Not that I'm easy, but this piece of beefcake--er, fine young man, is one of the brave few who dare to disregard the 4th Amendment and find all sorts of interesting ways to sneak into peoples' business. Of course he can disregard all the other amendments: the right to free speech, the right to free food, the right to free make-up, the right to free plastic surgery, etc. This guy is so good he even disregards the 50th amendment....and no one knows what that is yet!

My training was complete, starting from the very beginning where I kept spying rhymes with my little eye. Then he showed me how to tap a phone by rapping it with my knuckles. No, REALLY! I know how to do that now.

But while just a journeywoman spy, I made a startling discovery. Only someone with the observational skills would have found was hiding face up on the seat across from me on the Peoples' People Mover on my way in to the Ministry of Looooove. Looking around to make sure everyone was looking at me, I reached over and grabbed it and started to read. It was the transcript of a meeting of a group of evil conservatives (what other kind are there? Hah!), but just the first few lines of it.

Upon doing more research on a stealthy search engine that my honey told me about....of course I'm sworn to secrecy, but only a hundred people or so will see it so who cares? He can't expect me to bottle everything up inside!!!. This search engine is designed to not only find everything on the web, but find out everything about the sinister capitalists who use it. But it's smart enough to know when WE are on it so it just waves and tells us to go right in.

Its code name is "Google."

Anyway, using this effective but highly secret search engine, I was able to find the primary source for this mysterious information. So, only for the dozen or so of you who might read this thread....and/or anyone among your friends, family (although if you are in a family, you should get out of it; they are sooooo 1950s!), Facebook friend list, high school graduating class who you decide to pass it on to, or who finds it accidentally when they open Firefox up to the last page you were is the blog that revealed this priceless piece of evidence:


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Good news! Party has now developed secret, more advanced version of GOOGLE!
