
Glorious Communist Party Communication!

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Convention to be held in that bastion of collectivist urbanity, New York!

Party members, we are encouraged to "kick it up a notch!"

So please comrades, grab your shovel and meet your local kommissar on platform 13 so that you too can take that great train ride to Utopia™ with The Party™!

Free Beet Muffins for the first 100 proles who show up to give their support!

I am not one who thinks a deteriorating political climate will open more opportunities to advance a left agenda. If that had been the case, the ascension of the far right to positions of power from the80's on would have resulted in major victories for working people. The reverse was the case.

We began to reverse that deteriorating climate with the election campaign and victory of Barack Obama. It gave hope and set in motion a broad grouping of people's organizations,labor in the first place, that began to challenge the dominance of the Republican far right and its anti-people ideology.

Today we are in a very dangerous period. The President is in the bulls-eye of racist, anti-labor, anti-people forces who wish to maintain the status quo. The attacks on him are growing in their viciousness. If the right succeeds in their efforts to block even the smallest initiatives, it will be a horrible setback with possible severe consequences.

The movement that came together to elect the President needs to kick it up a notch or two.

Double down comrades! Chairman Obama needs our support if we're ever to bask in the glory of communist utopia!

Next? Climate communism legislation!

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Glorious People's Spacebar seems to be on the fritz :(

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Czar Czar wrote:Glorious People's Spacebar seems to be on the fritz :(

I noticed that as well. Maybe copy paste has been deemed not progressive? Laziness surely is...

In protest... corrected.

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I'm in total agreement, the leftist agenda should be kicked.

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Opiate of the People wrote:I'm in total agreement, the leftist agenda should be kicked.

...up a notch?

There ought to be a law....

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Comrades, the spacing problem is a known glitch in the text editing software. Maybe someday it will get fixed but there are bigger issues being addressed at this time.

For example the equal distribution of grain from the farm collectives to the other provinces and the nagging shortages of vodka at my dacha.

So in the meantime consider this problem feature an unintended consequence benefit of the super efficient Soviet order.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Comrades, the spacing problem is a known glitch in the text editing software. Maybe someday it will get fixed but there are bigger issues being addressed at this time.

For example the equal distribution of grain from the farm collectives to the other provinces and the nagging shortages of vodka at my dacha.

So in the meantime consider this problem feature an unintended consequence benefit of the super efficient Soviet order.

Do you know who's in charge here? "yeah..."

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Beet muffins. Oh yummmmm!

"The movement that came together to elect the President needs to kick it up a notch or two. " Comrade Buffoon

The "movement" - yes, that is an apt description and glorious adjective to describe our socialist Democrat comrades. A true movement, they are.

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Apologies Comrades for the incessant video postings. The Peoples Vodka is a harsh mistress.....

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Today we are in a very dangerous period. The President is in the bulls-eye of racist, anti-labor, anti-people forces who wish to maintain the status quo. The attacks on him are growing in their viciousness. If the right succeeds in their efforts to block even the smallest initiatives, it will be a horrible setback with possible severe consequences.

What marvelous talking points. I expect to see them disseminated throughout all of progdom right into the mouths of our most respectable disseminators, especially those who correctly referred to Bush as Bushitler. Dear Leader is certainly being attacked and attacked and attacked. Here he is being viciously and repeated teabagged.


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Comrade Buffoon wrote:Apologies Comrades for the incessant video postings. The Peoples Vodka is a harsh mistress.....

Indeed and so eloquently put.

Poor dear glorious Leader, but I will say, he is taking his "bagging" with a good attitude. I wonder where he got those teeth? They certainly matching his glorious taxi cab ears.

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Yes Fraulein, Dear Leader's teeth are a glorious shade of nicotine yellow. Like I always say, who needs pearly white teeth when they're framed in mocha brown lips.Perhaps before he leaves office he might invest in a nice grill.


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Woe, Whoopie, those are the best look'n teeth I've seen in at least 2 weeks! Great Leader would look most charming in a good set of grills... and they would cover up all that nasty yellow. You're advancing in the Party Elite, with brain storms like that there.

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Danke Frau Pull, your pardon has made me feel pardonable. As for our Comrade Whoopie who by law espouses the state, ... ask him how those spinners are doing on his back teeth.


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Comrade Buffoon wrote:Danke Frau Pull, your pardon has made me feel pardonable. As for our Comrade Whoopie who by law espouses the state, ... ask him how those spinners are doing on his back teeth.

And I feel pardonable that you're pardonable, Comrade Buffoon!
I go believe that Comrade Whoopie, is Comradess Whoopie belonging to the female gender (noting said pig tales).
I would presume the spinners are still stuck on Michelle's rear portions, since great Leader has continue to smoke, and thus yellowing those white fangs teeth?

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Let me assure you Fraulein, I'm all man. At least that's what it says on my driver's license and I'm not one to argue with the State.... Of which pig tails do you speak?


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Humble apologies dear Whoopie, my blooper was not intended to insult your obvious manhood. . . and the piggies belong to dearest Leninka. I shall hobble away in shame for my blunder and hope my buddies in the gulag, don't hear and giggle. sniff

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I'm the only Comrade here with pig tails. Comrade Pulloskies, were you referring to me? I just wondered.

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Yes, dear Leninka, I misspoke and confused your lovely hair tails with another (Comrade Whoopie) who I also called a "female" (he assured meshe he is not, so I must accept her his word on that). My shame is sending myself back to the gulag... I beg forgiveness, will throttle myself and ask for your kind mercy due to my virgin Cube status.


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No problem, Comrade Pulloskies, we all got a surprise package as the result of your mistake. And I myself am guilty of once assuming Comrade Whoopie was a Comradette.

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Don't beat yourself up Fraulein, I recall mistaking Leninka for a man (before she shaved off her beard).

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Groß of thanks, dear comrades and comradettes! You have made my journey back to the glorious gulag, less detestable most desirable, if this is what serves and glorifies great Leader. *spit spit

I'm sure one of my errs was identifying our most masculine and manly Comrade Whoopie, with our glorious bigmouthpatriot Whoopie Goldberg. That and the tripled thick spectacles I must use on occasion, to view some of the the teeny weeny print in the beloved Pravda.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote: I'm sure one of my errs was identifying our most masculine and manly Comrade Whoopie, with our glorious bigmouthpatriot Whoopie Goldberg.

Whoopi Goldberg doesn't have an E in her first name. In fact that's not even her real name (she's not Jewish) unlike me (who's real name is Whoopie).

Perhaps you heard of my grandpa Professor Whoopie from the cartoon Tennesee Tuxedo?

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Goldberg's real name is Caryn Johnson and it is curious why she would change it to something so far off reality, but whatever.

No, sorry, I hadn't heard of him or the tune, but he appears to spell his name (Professor) Whoopee.

So you're the real Whoopie, Goldberg is a whupped Whoopi and the Prof. is Whoopeeeee! Got it.

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Don't sit on Komrade Whoopee (oops) Whoopie
And here I thot it was Whoo-pie, like Pe-can Pie (is good for all Komrades) :P

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:<OFF>

No, sorry, I hadn't heard of him or the tune, but he appears to spell his name (Professor) Whoopee.

Yeah we had to go with the German spelling because of all the cruel "Who pee'd" jokes.

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Ja! Deutsche Rechtschreibung. Whoopee... Whoopie!

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Comrades, I've just returned from the People's Pork Collective where I can assure you that tasty bacon, ham and tender loin will continue to grace the plates of the Party Leadership while gelatinous by-products will certainly bless our toast crust rations with its tastiness far into the future!

With that said, I see Comrade Whoopie's manhood has "mistakenly" come under assault which prompted him to defend himself with a most vulgar and lewd graphic.

On the Peoples Farm we have a saying, "if you have to drive around honking your horn all day, you must not be sure its working."

I have no idea what it means, but I haven't honked a horn since Alinsky died!


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Comrade Buffoon, I'm touched (at least that's what the court appointed psychiatric board declared). But I think that is a pic of Henry Waxman when he was young. I never drink gin (vodka for breakfast, lunch and dinner). I must tip my hat to this young lad, he has a novel way of carrying his ice axe.

Oh and keep them pork products flowing. Soon it will be BBQ season.Your heroic efforts on behalf of the pork collective have not gone un-noticed by the Inner Party.

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Waxman's overlord Barbara Boxer has demanded your soul for such blasphemy. whoopiness..