
Glorious VICTORY over Austerity is OURS!

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With 2015 budget request, Obama will call for an end to era of austerity

Comrades, Dear Leader (PBUH) has declared an end to "austerity." He may now begin to spend and redistribute the ill-gotten gains of the rich as he needs to at last!

By no longer funding most of the military, money will be freed for shovel-ready green jobs, lobster, golf, and vacations! No more of the cheap stuff, he can now impose only the BEST!

These are glorious times, comrades!

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"the White House projects that annual budget deficits will fall below 2 percent of gross domestic product by the end of the decade. That outlook is much rosier than CBO projections, which show the deficit rising to 4 percent of GDP in 2024." Our Fearless Leader had better improve his communications with that pesky CB office. This is the second time they've called Obama a liar questioned the accuracy of the information this administration has disseminated.You'd think that the CBO is staffed with employees from Fox News who have been terminated because of Obamacare or something.