
Grant American People ObamaCare Exemption

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The best petition ever - short and sweet (started by a friend of ours in California).


Grant American People ObamaCare Exemption

We, the American people, kindly ask the President of The United States to grant us the same exemptions to the Affordable Care Act that were granted to Members of Congress and congressional staff by the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on August 7, 2013.

The Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment grants us all, including Congress, equal protection under the law. We all expect to be treated equally and have the same options and responsibilities as anyone whether they work for a Federal agency or not.


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Ooops! I accidentally signed the WH petition. It was an accident - really! (* to establish a computer record of time and date of my mistake for NSA files)


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In reply to the petition the Obama administration would argue no exemption has been made. Congress and staff and still bound to the same law. However, the Democratic Party would love to start the same kind of massive subsides to everyone to pay for ObamaCare. This petition does not strike fear into the hearts of Statists, it is just the stuff they long to hear. ... 0F20130807

The amendment's author, Republican Senator Charles Grassley, argued that if Obamacare plans were good enough for the American public, they were good enough for Congress. Democrats, eager to pass the reforms, went along with it.

But it soon became apparent the provision contained no language that allowed federal contributions toward their health plans that cover about 75 percent of the premium costs.

This caused fears that staff would suddenly face sharply higher healthcare costs and leave federal service, causing a "brain drain" on Capitol Hill.

But Wednesday's proposed rule from the OPM, the federal government's human resources agency, means that Congress will escape the most onerous impact of law as it was written.

The OPM said the federal contributions will be allowed to continue for exchange-purchased plans for lawmakers and their staffs, ensuring that those working on Capitol Hill will effectively get the same health contributions as millions of other federal workers who keep their current plan.

Tim Jost, a healthcare law expert at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, said it was probably never Congress' intention to take away federal benefit contributions from Capitol Hill employees, just to push them into them into the exchanges.

"This clarifies what they really intended to do all along," Jost said. "Congress had subjected itself to a requirement that applied to nobody else in the country."

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If ObamaCare is a tax then aren't government subsidies to people to pay for it tax loopholes? Congress and their staff get a huge tax loophole in order to pay for ObamaCare.

Tax loopholes are bad, aren't they? Everybody tells me tax loopholes are bad.

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You guys do really need to spread the news around. The people don't know of this petition.

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I am sick and tired of all this lame posturing and hack reporting going on regarding the implementation of Obamacare! OF COURSE the protected political classes are going to get somebody else to pay for their health care...THEY HAVE EARNED THIS PRIVILEGE. Who are these peons, these serfs to question to STATE-GIVEN RIGHT of the political elite to enact caring and compassionate legislation (meant only to better the lives of the foolish and simple, i.e. everyone who is not politically connected) and then immediately either exempt themselves from it or force the serfs to pay for it for them. Dammit, how do you expect someone to make it in this country on a measly $174,000 a year without a generous government subsidy to pay for their health care? You expect these people, who are so talented that life itself would cease to exist on this planet if they were to leave government service, to settle for the same inurance exchanges that they have mandated for each of you ungrateful bastards?

I say it is high time we recongnized their selfless sacrifice of government service with a DOUBLE subsidy of their healthcare costs. This will compensate them for the audacity some people have had in questioning both their decision to implement a national health care plan and then changing the rules of it so that they don't have to really participate in it.

...Fucking ungrateful KULAKS, the lot of you!

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Thanks for quoting Ben Stein, R.O.C.K.


I signed the petition. No problem.

The real problem is, I had to overcome my fear of signing.

This disturbs me greatly.