
White House blames whitey...

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White House blames white male resentment for Obama failures on guns, race

‘If you are a white man in America, this country is changing dramatically. You have always been in charge,' said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity [to] be candid. ‘So there is something to white men feeling like something has been taken away from them.'

Dear Leader (PBUH) has openly blamed white males for his lack of gun control law hope and change, and of course, racism.

FLATUS Moo has yet to be blamed for world hunger. Details as they happen, films at ten...

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Watch "Better Off Dead white boy 1" on YouTube

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I remember stories about “Little Black Sambo” He fended off the Tiger of oppression and turned it into butter, something soft and delicious! His family then sold it off to make a living.

Little Black Sambo.jpg
Little Black Sambo is a hero in the world of capitalism!

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I was the only white kid in my headstart class when I was young. Its is therefore impossible for me to be racist.

Pamalinksky wrote:Little Black Sambo is a hero in the world of capitalism!

Indeed he is. He founded a restaurant chain that fed many people and made them happy. Unfortunately, due to perceived racist overtones the company was later forced to change its name to Bob's Weight-Challenged Boy.

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Whatever you do... don't get Ivan started on Sambo Axle Grease


huh-huh-huh. He said shaft. Sambo for the shaft. huh-huh-huh.