
I am guilty of thought crimes

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I have been reading Dr, Tom Dooley's book (from my library) I realize he was a gay and cross dresser who wrote anti communist propaganda. There has never been pus caused by the collective. The people have not killed millions. Help me.

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Comrade Beloved Collectivist!

The problem is, you have not read enough! The more Communist Intelligentsia you read without a fact checker or cross references dammit! The more you will love The Party™.

Try this one on for size: ... 1584350806

To find more please visit our Intelligentsia link in our book section at:

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Please start here and expand your knowledge from this Progressive base.

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Is this Robin person party approved because of his transgender clothing?

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Most assuredly! All good collectivists wear tights!

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And, as Krazy Karl already knows, true collectivists eat Spam ! Just wash that greasy little sucker down with a shot of beet vodka.Sumptuous.

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You need to get your head "correct"- the cube way


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Obamugabe wrote:Is this Robin person party approved because of his transgender clothing?
Good point. I don't know why more politicians do not run under a gay/trans-something-or-other banner. Opposition speak could be considered a hate crime.

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This errant Villager must have assumed he was guilty of a thought crime either 1] without being hauled before a tribunal 2] being notified of your crime by Red Square himself or one of his Commissars 3] being referred to a Commissar by a group of indignant and incontinent members of the Collective.

Until your official notification, thought crimes only exist in your mind.