
I denounce comrade Powell

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Obviously, this "comrade" has lost his passion for the common good! I certainly hope those retired general hands still fit a shovel!

"I'm concerned at the number of programs that are being presented, the bills associated with these programs and the additional government that will be needed to execute them," Mr. Powell said in an excerpt of an interview with CNN's John King, released by the network Friday morning"

He has the nerve to say this as if additional goverment is a bad thing.

Powell airs doubts on Obama agenda

Colin Powell is confused and delirious for questioning our Dear and Wise Leader! This has the Evil of Bu$hitler written on it! Colin Powell has been drugged and brainwashed by Cheney, Limbaugh, Hannity and Rove!!

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Comrade Powell is a reactionary and deserves public shaming and internment residence on Palau at taxpayers' expense. That will teach him!

Besides, he was a Rethuglican, so he's clearly off his meds. Force feeding as well as non-stop playing of an iPod filled with Krugman opeds read by a shrieking Code Pink computer voice will likely be necessary.

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Komrade Zarkof wrote:Colin Powell is confused and delirious for questioning our Dear and Wise Leader! This has the Evil of Bu$hitler written on it! Colin Powell has been drugged and brainwashed by Cheney, Limbaugh, Hannity and Rove!!
No, I think he's suffering from a weird case of Stockholm syndrome. Remember, he was held hostage by the Bushitler for eight years. He's trying to get back onto his Progressive feet, but suffers a little sympathy for the Bushitler. Nothing a little Jifi-Lobo can't fix.

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Commissar_Elliott wrote:
Komrade Zarkof wrote:Colin Powell is confused and delirious for questioning our Dear and Wise Leader! This has the Evil of Bu$hitler written on it! Colin Powell has been drugged and brainwashed by Cheney, Limbaugh, Hannity and Rove!!
No, I think he's suffering from a weird case of Stockholm syndrome. Remember, he was held hostage by the Bushitler for eight years. He's trying to get back onto his Progressive feet, but suffers a little sympathy for the Bushitler. Nothing a little Jifi-Lobo can't fix.

Or(and?) an extended amount of time spent getting in touch with his inner comrade

Colin Powell is in need of a Jifi-Lobo and reeducation at the KMTC. Only then will he find the peace and harmony that comes from the worship of our Dear and Wise Leader, Barack Hussein Obama.

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Very good points from both of you. He needs to get in touch with his inner comrade, and to do that, a trip to Jifi-Lobo and a free vacation to the KMRC will do it.

Maybe we can play the Obama version of 1984, the movie, where Dear Leader is Big Brother, and O'Brian.

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Congratulations, General Powell! It only took you this long to see what a simple-minded, barefoot housewife with no college education saw more than a year ago . . .


You called him a--what was it?--"transformational figure"? Well, he's transforming, all right, you dunderhead. He's transforming everything.

According to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: "TRANSFORM implies a major change in form, nature, or function."

So what did you expect?


WHACK! WHACK! Pinkie's golden shovel came down upon his head!

WHACK! WHACK! Pinkie's golden shovel made sure he wished he was dead!