
Is Ethan Krupp channeling Buster, the original Pajama Boy?

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The original Pajama Boy was Buster Bluth from Arrested Development. Ethan Krupp is only a lame imitation. See how much more manipulative and effective Obama's messaging could be if the actual Buster Bluth were working at Organizing for America.


Mother, when you see this tape, you will know that I've left.
Not out of cowardice, but because you didn't want to talk about getting me covered.

This is the real Ethn Krupp:


And this is Buster




Never heard of that actor nor saw that show Arresting Deviants

Is it surprising that pajama boy is wimpy & dare I saw faggy?

Well, our great leader By-a-rock Insane Obummer wants the gays outed for future cleansing like his brother Putin & brothers Muslim deal with those mis-wired to DC.

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I think he is so hot, hot hot!! I had no idea he was strategic in killing our beloved Osama Obama... bin Laden, though. Most interesting, is it not?? I am thinking the regime made another well thought out decision in featuring such a .... hunk?.

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When I look at Pajama Boy two words come to mind: twink and dipshit.

From the Urban Dictionary:
twink -- n. an attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man.

dipshit -- n. a despised person; a moron; an ineffectual person; one with a habit of being wrong, loudly and often.

Or maybe...Pajama Boy is just an Eloi. From the Wikipedia page for H.G. Wells' The Time Machine:

"...the Eloi, a society of small, elegant, childlike adults. They live in small communities within large and futuristic yet slowly deteriorating buildings [like Detroit, Chicago, and Washington D.C.] doing no work and having a frugivorous diet. His efforts to communicate with them are hampered by their lack of curiosity or discipline, and he speculates that they are a peaceful communist society, the result of humanity conquering nature with technology, and subsequently evolving to adapt to an environment in which strength and intellect are no longer advantageous to survival." [Clarification mine.]

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Dedhedvedev wrote:When I look at Pajama Boy two words come to mind: twink and dipshit.
And Pat. Don't forget Pat.

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Yes, who can forget Paaaaaaat? Some combination of the two words: twipshit or dipwink?