
Keep Deathcakes out of our Schools

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Glorious news Comrades!

Do you remember how our Dear Leader is looking after our health?

Now the fight is expanding to the bake sales

No longer do we buy cupcakes deathcakes from our school.

Please report violators and bring their cupcakes deathcakes to the nearest community station where we consume destroy the deadly treats. This will make our schools free from capitalist pigs who would brainwash our children.

Make Moochelle Proud!


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Moochelle's right .... once again ! May we forever bask in the light of her wisdom.

It's hard to believe that this society and it's sugar obsessed bake sale mentality
would sell these to kids at a profit ( spit ), and knowingly endanger their very lives..

That's just plain sick.


Perhaps Mrs. Obama can have a talk with her husband Dear Leader and have him
outlaw the sale of muffin tins by executive order.

muffin tin.jpg

Doing so would bring cupcake production to a grinding halt... ridding this country of another " deathcake " scourge.

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Krasno, try briefly staying upwind of FLATUS Moo, you will think more clearly...

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I just inserted an appropriate poster to the lead post:

Smash the deathcake! Fight for carb equality and nutritional justice!

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Red Square wrote:I just inserted an appropriate poster to the lead post:

Smash the deathcake! Fight for carb equality and nutritional justice!

Thank you Comrade Red Square.

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Glorious news comrades, your Diet has been liberated!

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baby-eating-cake (1).jpg
Only unyielding regulation will teach these proto-kapitalist school children that profiting from one's own labor is not only unjust, it is selfish. I predict that a contingent of these deathcake peddlers will soon appear in Washington DC, beanies in hand, to offer tribute in exchange for a Presidential Hardship Waiver. Once authorized by Dear Leader's PEN, this tribute (in the form of a small cash donation to OFA) will offset all previously asserted health equity claims, thus reestablishing the wholesomeness of the "cupcake". This, in turn, will pressure anti-tax Teabagger forces in congress to adopt the recently proposed "Bake Sale Cupcake Tax" now under discussion. It's another win win for The Children™and posterity.