
Leftist cult leader compared to Republicans

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White House advisor foolishly compares leftist cult to evil Republicans.

In 1976, The People's Temple's renowned socialist, social justice advocate, and King of Kool-Aid, the Rev. Jim Jones, moved his communist flock from the racist confines of the Fascist States of America (San Francisco apparently being too far right wing for his liking) to the glorious utopia known as Guyana.

Within two years, The People's Temple (no connection to The People's Cube) had over 900 people's in Guyana living out the socialist dream of shared sacrifice and equal distribution of misery.

But, like what always happens in a "People's" society, a few selfish subversives wanted to escape depart the glorious community and return to their previous life of self-absorption and consumerism.

Rev Jim Jones.jpg

When fascist government forces from America infiltrated the commune, now known as "Jonestown", and threatened to escort a few subversives out of the country, the Rev. Jim Jones had had enough. He ordered the assassination of an American congressman and his colleagues as well as the execution of the subversives.

Lacing kook-aid with cyanide and declaring their actions to be "revolutionary suicide", the peoples of Jonestown were forced to kill themselves and their children willingly sacrificed their lives for the cause of socialism. Rev. Jim said "you can go down in history, saying you chose your own way to go, and it is your commitment to refuse capitalism in support of socialism."

Now, in a recent interview, new Obama advisor John Podesta foolishly compared the Jonestown revolutionaries to members of the fascist Republican Party.

Mr. Podesta said the executive branch should “focus on executive action, given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.”

Of course after making such an absurd comparison Mr, Podesta quickly apologized. Clearly comparing any group of people to the likes of Republicans is most offensive and should not be tolerated.

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And in other news Barbara Walters laments that Obama didn't turn out to be the Jim Jones Messiah everyone on the Left thought he was after all.

He has however served the entire country cups of Obamacide. Er, I mean kool-aid. Er, I mean ObamaCare.

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Caution is advised when dealing with constitutional extremists, creationists and Sunday school teacher knock out cultists. If confronted run to the nearest moderate Muslim for peace and comfort.