
Mayor Lightfoot Reverses Course & Invites Federal Lawmen In

Wait a minute . . . has anyone else had the same thought?

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"Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly,...

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I strongly object, Komrade Dedhedvedev! To racialize Spiders is racialist!

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:I strongly object, Komrade Dedhedvedev! To racialize Spiders is racialist!
Indeed! And furthermore, we must find a different name for the Black Widow spider. This name is not only racist but sexist and transphobic. (Although I am not sure how one can be both sexist, which is in essence heteronormative, and transphobic, which is in essence genderfluid. But I digress.) (In fact, this whole comment is a digression. I denounce myself.)

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... and btw, that Mayor Lightfoot surely appears a Major Lighthead.