
Mooshelle: Sacrifice Your Beet Ration for Obama (AP&PBUH)

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

If you KNOW what is good for you the CommonGoodTM you will sacrifce your meager beet ration of last remainig unemployment insurance distribution to re-elect the Dear Reader (AP&PBUH)

From Michelle:

A woman recently told the campaign her family skipped a pizza dinner at their favorite place so that they could make a difference in this election.

That is the commitment that drives this campaign.

If you can support Barack with a donation today, please know it makes a huge difference. If we win, it will be because of what you did at moments like this.



We have nothing to lose but our pepperoni.

Voluntarily sacrifice your beet ration now and you won't be thrown in the Gulag later! (which I believe the Supreme Court would rule is not a penalty.)

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The gulag wanted to send gifts in the mail, but it was difficult to wrap such a fine gift although it was shovel ready.

I shall sell my EBT card and send the proceeds to the dear leaders cause

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Ask not what your food rations can do for you, but what your food rations can do for your Chairman's reelection.

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I will gladly volunteer my beet ration for the Premier but I draw the line at the legs and tail of the rat that Comrade Groucho Marxist just caught. He said he would share and I am hoping for body parts that resemble meat.

Oh, and I understand that this Saturday is the extra cabbage day for this quarter. If it's not too much trouble I would like to keep that, too. Groucho, Lennie, and I use it to entice the rats into the trap. We're running a bit low.