
New Deal New Numbers

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I am confused by recent weak socialist math in Democrat Agitprop.

I thought that $40,000 yearly was the limit for income to avoid Kulak враг народа status--this was from the early part of the primary debates. Now I hear that it is $250,000.

Why did I quit my job? I could have kept the car and the house.

We need the get strong message to David Axelrod for the holy telepromter:

All property is the State's property to hand out to the proles
(so much easier.)
Want simple tax code? Vote Communist! Vote [HIGHLIGHT=#ff0000]O[/HIGHLIGHT]bama!

(I hope you have some spare change for me.)

Comrade “Pul”
Tiglath-Pileser III
Over 2753 Years of Organizing Communities Day of Glorious Unemployment

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Worry not fellow comrade, for when the Glorious World of Next Tuesday comes, we'll all have jobs, and help The Party achieve true power of the world.