
Nigerian plagiarises Obama, Dear Leader responds in kind...

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Nigeria's president apologizes for plagiarizing Obama speech

His O'Liness has had one speech from the iPod of his speeches that he presented to the Queen of England plagiarized.

In retaliation, Dear Leader (PBUH) has sent emails to all Nigerian citizens requesting their banking information so that they might help him hold his financial assets in their account until the next election, after which he will reclaim his funds, and provide a significant ransomreward for the efforts of the account holders.

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President Muhammadu Buhari has apologized for plagiarizing President Barack Obama's 2008 victory speech. And just in time to meet Dear Leader and accept a generous donation from the people of the USSA. Buhari says he will punish those responsible. Who could that be? Maybe the guy in the picture is mixed up in this somehow. He's that phony sign language guy from the Mandela memorial! Gosh, international politics sure is complicated. I'm glad the experts are handling things!

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Captain Craptek - excellent reporting, sir!
Ivan the Stakhanovets - I discovered massive infringement of copyright at the center of this plagiarization and we all know the Russians must be involved!
