
Norway Follows Obama's Unilateral Disarmament Lead

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Following Obama's unilateral disarmament of the U.S. nuclear arsenal and repenting of its hypocrisy on carbon fuel opposition, Norway has unilaterally stopped selling the fossil fuel, oil and reduced its economy by 20 percent.

"We will be ust fine," said Hans Simpleson, a progressive economic adviser. "We are successful because our economy is managed, not because of oil. We will be expecting liberal reparations from the capitalist nations and their illegal acquisitions globally."

Al Gore has created The Scandinavian Unilateral Credit Corporation to liberate the offending fossil fuels under Norway's control. We can handle the oil properly because we care, said Gore.

Link: I suspect there will never be such an article for reference, hence the hypocrisy. They oppose carbon fuel and extol socialism yet without the export of their carbon fuel, their socialism would be unsustainable. The fertility rate is currently around 1.8 children per woman, up from a low of 1.7 in 1985 but still far below the replacement level of 2.1. Maybe they plan on personally disappearing before the oil does. Maybe with a total population around half of the population of New York City allows for more flexibility in economic policy.

As usual, a "working" socialist model employs enough evil capitalism to enable feasibility.

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If not caring is outlawed, then only outlaws will not care.