
Now Is The Time!

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Comrades! Now is the time for everyone to report to the Kommissar at the nearest railroad station.

Hope that you correctly fill out your application for Change. Obama needs volunteers in many areas and locations.

For example, the new People's Komissariat for National Security (NKVD) requires tens of thousands of civilian security officers to correctly classify and assign all citizens to their new patriotic duties.

Don't forget warm clothes and a shovel!


Comrade “Pul”
Tiglath-Pileser III
Over 2753 Years of RE-Organizing Communities

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Comrade T-P, I am trapped behind enemy lines in the breakaway republic of Texas, soon to be the former republic of taxes. Send 91/30's in quantity.

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Tiglath-Pileser wrote:Image
Comrades! Now is the time for everyone to report to the Kommissar at the nearest railroad station.

Hope that you correctly fill out your application for Change. Obama needs volunteers in many areas and locations.

For example, [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]the new People's Komissariat for National Security (NKVD[/HIGHLIGHT]) requires tens of thousands of civilian security officers to correctly classify and assign all citizens to their new patriotic duties.

Don't forget warm clothes and a shovel!


Comrade “Pul”
Tiglath-Pileser III
Over 2753 Years of RE-Organizing Communities

Comrade Pul-

Glad to see you in such good spirits. Is that because of a new promotion? I'm getting multiple requests for applications from the kitchen proles. (I don't think they like me??) This may be because they have heard rumors that our Leader-Elect has hinted that his security force will be allowed to carry guns?? From your communique, I am confused about this? Are these positions just paper-pushing jobs? The Annointed One hates guns! It has been said in some restroomscircles that our fearless Leader will use the NEW BLACK PANTER PARTY as his security force. Where would that leave the Secret Service?

Sorry for so many questions, so soon, (yeah, I have a migraine too)

Che' Gourmet

Comrades!! My Agrarian assignment has presented unique opportunity. I have shovel surplus. Are they reading?

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Comrade Tiglath-Pileser! I am so proud to see you in that shirt Comrade, a shirt I might humbly add, was the author of... at least the "We Put the U in Gulag" slogan. Red of course did the great art work. Hmmmm, I wonder when my cut will arrive in the mail?

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You need not fear socialists brothers and sisters. The leaders of the new falsely so called national police are chosen. Many like me have labored deep underground in the so called "free market economy" sampling the dainties of this corrupt and bloated society whose time has now come...of course in abject misery, I should add. Now our loyalty and efforts are rewarded with being entrusted with the opportunity to be the vanguard of the new American Society for the Single Way for Industrious, Proletariat Ethics. At this moment, our acryonym is not clear but I am sure it will become so soon.

Our uniforms are splendid in a dour sort of socialistic way. Picture a smiling, robust citizen in black jumpsuit complete with boots, the usual array of truncheons (or so called "night sticks"- Oh don't worry you sniveling poll watching puke who attempted with cell phone camera to cast aspersions on the Philadelphia polling place security teams our leader had arranged-we will find you!), knuckles, silenced-handguns, and of course, slung decorously over the shoulder the peoples' 7.62 automatic assault wepon of choice-the much beloved AK 47. The uniform patch over the left shoulder pictures just such an individual as described above-smiling, always smiling as they recieve into their ear from a mouth of a small prole child criminal information about a snarling ape like man. The ape like man is cowering, wearing little more than a leer, a "If you can read this in english, thank a Marine" T shirt and holding an Ann Coulter book. The prole child and the kind socialist steward are both pointing at the culprit with a host of the holy socialist icons lined up behind them in solidarity, beaming with affection and pride.

If any readers wish to make something of my use of icon-don't. It was just a test.

Codename: Urbane Calypso

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:Comrade Tiglath-Pileser! I am so proud to see you in that shirt Comrade, a shirt I might humbly add, was the author of... at least the "We Put the U in Gulag" slogan. Red of course did the great art work. Hmmmm, I wonder when my cut will arrive in the mail?

Your "cut" probably went to ACORN via Obama.

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What?? Do you mean that a mere 640 million was not enough for his campaign that he couldn't miss my cut? I am starting to have second thoughts about this Obama!

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Well, I am just a junior partymember, but I do remember the excellent "Green" renovations to the CPUSA HQ, and then there was the funds for HRC, and the Rev's new mansion, and the cool Greek studio set, and the air fare for the 638 policy advisers, and some kind of "Economic Accident Fund" account in the name of a nameless Chairman MSP, and ... I am sure that you will be getting a government check some day, maybe next Tuesday...?

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As if I am going to fall for that "next Tuesday" excuse. Look how long we have waited for the World of Next Tuesday.... I have needs!