
Obama: Time Warp, Space Travel, or U.S. Jobs in Near Future?

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To me, it looks like the effects of Obama's jobs creation policies sometime in the next decade.

As we can see, the Cap & Trade (Energy Bill) has returned the environment to its pristine form, eliminated polluting industries, and reduced unnecessary consumption to the basic needs. The surviving humans are fully employed under the supervision of a benevolent, whip-wielding government official. Their job is to carry the sacred Obama Logo from one post-industrial hamlet to another, instilling the feelings of Hope and Awe in the illiterate subsistence organic farmers.

But I may be wrong and this is an egg with the shape of the future Ruler of Earth's exoskeleton visible through the leathery shell.

Or this could be a different planet altogether, as such eggs were sent out in different directions of the universe from the Mother Ship. Surely, Earth was not the only planet on which they landed. I am mildly interested in what forms of societies could emerge as a result, and what they all have in common.

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Here are a couple views of peoples who have embraced the principles of sustainable development, recycling and renewable green energy. As you can see they've eschewed the wretched excess of a high tech world and have learned to be happy with what little they need to scratch out a meager existence. As a result their planet is much happier (and so is the wealthy political elite who rule over them).



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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Here are a couple views of peoples who have embraced the principles of sustainable development, recycling and renewable green energy
Glorious photos Comrades. Conveying such a sense of equality for the people, of fairness, of social justice that BOTH legs are tingling in O-spasm anticipation right now! Oh my- Chairman Zero simply cannot direct his czars fast enough for us. Give us Next Tuesday!

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This may explain the new NASA policy. It seems clear to me that Obama plans to use the agency to spread the message among the stars. NASA will seed the universe with eggs containing genetically engineered mullahs who will, upon encountering reactionary civilizations, crawl out and start spreading progressive thought.

Here we can see genetically engineered mullahs emerging from their egg, ready for their progressive work.

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In Washington no one can hear you scream
when you see what
looks like

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As soon as we are all equally living in eco friendly squalor, then the Party will offer to save us, and bring us up to an amazing level of "technology" that includes food refrigeration devices, long distance communications units, video playback machines, and maybe even personal transportation devices. Of course this will require more taxes, and a complete government takeover of all surviving industry. But hey, we'll have super vitamins rationed to us.

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Col. that is a brilliant idea, a 5 year plan to electrify America, then another to develop personal people movers, then another to build roads. Finally a 5 year plan to develop personal gizmos that run on electricity. The future looks bright comrades. I can see a day in the far flung future when we send men to the moon. I wonder what they'll find when they get there?

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Comrade Whoopie wrote: I can see a day in the far flung future when we send men to the moon. I wonder what they'll find when they get there?

They will find nothing comrade. NOTHING! the Party will make sure of that.

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Kommissar Vodka, have been been of forgetfullness that the moon is now to be new Islam territory? One day the backward Amerikkkans will to find prosperous Mooslime colony in large glass dome with most beautiful 13 story mosque. And unlike stoopid Indonesians who for all such years have been praying to the African nation of the Obamugabe by mistake, the Moon Mooslimes will know which is the Mecca.

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I hear that a five year plan to provide indoor plumbing to at least 10 percent of city dwellers is in the works too! Glorious times ahead Comrades!