
Obama to annouce mandatory "volunteerism"

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Q: What do you think of national, a mandatory national service?

OBAMA: You know, I am actually a big supporter. My wife ran a AmeriCorp program –national service program – in Chicago, and I would actually like to see a system in which every young person had to get involved in some capacity whether it was military service, non for profit work, government work for a year or two of their lives.

I think a lot of young people would jump at the chance if it weren't for the fact that their coming out of college with 50,000, 70,000 a 100,000 dollars worth of debt. So if we tied national service – a mandatory national service – to debt relief for young people, then I think you would see a lot of takers.


Obama will be announcing the implementation of the "Civilian Community Service Corps" on 9.11 in LaFayette Park.

Posted by Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs on Friday, August 07, 2009 at 12:27 PM

Note that Obama always uses the word "a" when he should say "an"... perhaps it just sounds like his other favorite word "Uhhh." I also wonder what "non for profit" means. Apparently the rules of English grammer are as meaningless to him as the Constitution.

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I'm happy to read this glorious announcement. Having been a paid volunteer for Obama, I relish the opportunity for our youth to wear snappy uniforms and report their fishy parents to the White House.

Isn't this the lesson of 9/11? Why honor our military fighting terrorism? Instead propose a non-violent solution through the youth corps and insure millions of future Democrat voters. Make Gov, Not War

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Do the Swiss still have the 18-wk. compulsory military service?

Are firearms [that kill people] still issued to them?

Every other child in the public screwl system is basically a paid volunteer for Obama. They'll just put off the indoctrination received at university by over-educated idiots for indoctrination by unwashed guerrilla gardeners or something.


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Mandatory Volunteerism?? I think it's a glorious, glorious idea!! What is volunteerism if it isn't an oxymoron mandatory??? We must shape our youth in the Obious' glorious image.
All hail Hitler Obama!I want my charitable donations to be mandatory too! What is charity if someone doesn't force it?? We will redefine volunteerism and charitable giving; we will Change the definition of everything if it supports our Reich Change!


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Ah, yes. Mandatory Volunteerism. It reminds me of the good old days. Will they be sending one of these volunteers to my house? I could use both an indoor house slave volunteer and an outdoor field volunteer.

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Come and get it! Ooops sorry comrades, I told you I was a Stalinist, now don't get pickery over this, it merely means when Obama or the CCCP AmeriCorps comes to save your children from their home life, you need to give them a gift. A very special gift.

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Oh boy! I'll be in college, then I'll be getting new voters to sign up to vote Obama (I don't know why when we just stuff the ballot anyway).


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Do these red guards volunteers get to make progressive artwork like this?


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Well count me out of it, because my artistic skills are horrible. Of course, I might get a grant from the NEA to make more :).