
Obama: We Have a Righteous Wind at our Back!

Glorious Comrades!

If one can look closely during a speech of Obama's and the lighting is just right, one might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the glorious "Righteous Wind" that is indeed behind "our back!"


Who else have any of you fellow comrades seen behind these mighty winds of righteousness? Visions of these faces among the winds may be different for each viewer depending on his/her level of faith in the One.

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I have done my part by contributing to Comrade Obama my own special wind from my own back.

Comrade_Tovarich wrote:Comrades,

I have done my part by contributing to Comrade Obama my own special wind from my own back.
Did you do your patriotic duty and pay your emissions tax on it?

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With Righteous Wind at my back I got 84 miles to the gallon this morning.

No emmisions tax here. I feel guilty. Where can I send my check?

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Sorry you stupid ignorant knucklehead Commies. You can call your farts a righteous wind at your backs all you want but they still stink like farts.

Damn Commies. "Obama's farts are a righteous wind." Next you're going to tell us Obama's urine is the fountain of youth.

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Obama's urine is the fountain of youth! Obama's urine is the fountain of youth! Obama's urine is the fountain of youth! Obama's urine is the fountain of youth! Obama's urine is the fountain of youth!

And it is also the main ingredient of his healthcare plan!
(Gives a new meaning to "healthcare package," doesn't it?)

AND - if you call within the next 5 minutes we will give you a discount rate at Michelle Obama's Health Spa and Mineral Springs Resort.


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zmdavid wrote:Did you do your patriotic duty and pay your emissions tax on it?

Comrade Zmdavid,

It depends on how one defines "pay." Considering my work for the Obamarama campaign and various environmental groups, I have acquired a number of carbon offset gift cards with which my contribution can be offset. Additionally, much of my wind was inhaled by DNC and ACORN observers at my voting place, and the latter in particular is a sink of all kinds of nasty things, including carbon. Said observers seemed affected my contribution.

As a dedicated revolutionary, I am glad my contribution was noticed and influenced others.

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Citithens!!! Wath isth ffff-that sthmell? Isth ffff-Thime To Goethe.... Back To School With Barack Obama

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Every time my non documented migrant guest worker cook makes dinner, I have a righteous wind at my back too.

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Colonel thuddy caliber, good thing the Mexicans didn't have cabbage and the slavish peoples didn't have beans. That could be a lethal combo.

(Hey you better make yourself scarce, Rooster's remodeling the employee lounge and he's looking for help moving the furniture around. He specifically mentioned your name.)

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But instead I have reported you to the Dept of Unequal User Names. I cannot pronounce it, understand it or spell it!

Quick question: Who do you report More Equaler Red Square to? Surely his agitprop is at a minimum a frogs hair from slanderous!
