
Obama Youth: The Indoctrination Song

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Please take a moment to watch the video. Forward to all your friends and then watch again:) I created a similar video last year that received quite a few hits but I took down to polish up.

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This reminds me of our own video using the same song. We posted it during the elections and so far it has gathered 69,590 views. Way too few if you ask me. We must be more persistent in agitating the masses!

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This reminds me of our own video using the same song. We posted it during the elections and so far it has gathered 69,590 views. Way too few if you ask me. We must be more persistent in agitating the masses!

I had put up a video round the elections as well that had over 100K hits. I took it down to polish it up not even thinking about all the hits I was going to lose. I had some other videos as well but my account got "terminated". Gee, I wonder why!

I agree, we need to to be more persistent. I'll link my video to yours, maybe we can help each other out a bit with the "agitation".

Glorious Comrades!!! Soon the USSA will have little brown shirts singing on every street corner. And at the end of every stirring song, after my leg quits tingling, I'll give my salute to Lord Obama and say "Big Pile!!!". What a fitting salute to Our Savior and Long Legged McDaddy, BHO.