
Palin: Prez Lacks Cajones; Bubba: Not if Hillary Won

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Sasquatch Sarah "Momma Grizzly" Palin had the audacity to lament that "we have a President who lacks cajones." But to make things even worse for our Maximum Leader, Hillary's staunchest supporter -- instead of defending our Leader-- raises suspicions about her ambitions in 2012 by saying, "Not if Hillary had won."



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It is a factoid that the lovely Hillary cough cough has conjones that once belong to Bill 'the cigar' Clinton. (I hear they have "issues"). If anyone is man enough to take on dearest Leader, it would be the Hill, not the Bill.

I would suggest a more fabric, were she going to run.


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Much support from the party would be helpful too

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Fraulein Pulloskies,

Is Hill a regular of your "Endowments for All" plan? Or is she just naturally more equal than others?

And Groucho, it would appear that 'Canjone Hill' needs support from more than just the party.

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Comrade Peabody, I'm so thrilled you asked. Yes, I am humbly proud to announce,the new and improved Mrs. C, hither forth to be referred to as Hot Hill, is a prominent member of my Endowments for All agenda. It took a lot of 'installation' to get the desired effect, but "the girls" turned out most nicely and Hot Hill was very happy. (btw, on a side note both Janet Reno and Janet Napolitano were both "pleased with the results". Ihave no idea why.)

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:It is a factoid that the lovely Hillary ... has conjones that once belonged to Bill 'the cigar' Clinton....

Frauline, Your knowledge of history (not to mention your intuitive insights) is as impressive as your endowments. I just stumbled across a still-frame from a soon-to-be-released video by the recently-formed "ReallyNotRunningIn2012Hill-PAC.Org" in which Hillary and Billette make it abundantly clear that she is absolutely, positively NOT considering challenging Obama for the nomination in 2012. But part of the url*of the image casts doubt on that and perhaps suggest this may be a strategy for the Grizzly Mama to go after the Mama Grizzly as step one in a two-step campaign.



This also suggest that the MTE has undergone reductive surgery to become more recognizable as the LWRBC (with "LWRBC" standing for "Leader With Really Big Cajones").